

Adelina Jones, a twenty year old college student and a strong willed female warrior who has always longed for her mate and when she finally found him, she does not know how she was gonna convince a green-eyed, very handsome greek god with a cold personality that they were mates and they were meant to be together Read to find out more about their journey

Red_Senorita · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Two


I said at the beginning of the story that this book is not like other werewolves and that includes the 'military' part of this story.


I knocked on The General's door "Permission to come in sir". I said from outside

I heard him say "Permission granted". A human might not be able to hear what he said but thanks to my werewolf super hearing, I could hear him perfectly.

The warrior stationed at the door opened the door for me to go in. I went inside and I saw him standing near his table holding a folder in his hands and looking at it intently

"First Lieutenant Adelina Jones reporting for duty sir" I saluted keeping a poker face on and waited for him to reply to me with a salute.

"Addie, can we just drop this, we are alone, I am the General here yet you take your job more seriously than I do, sometimes I can't help but think you are the boss here". He said with a little smile dancing on his lips

After a little bit of staring, I finally burst out laughing, I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around him in a very tight hug, surrounding myself in the comfort of his hug.

"Uncle Sam" I laughed releasing from the hug

"How's my favourite niece doing?" He asked. And Oh my!, you've grown taller" He said looking at me without waiting to hear the reply to his question

"Pfft...Uncle" I whined "I'm your only niece and you've only been gone for a month, besides I'm no more a kid that will grow taller" I said almost pouting

I sat down on the chair in front of his table. He dropped the file on his table and sat on his seat twirling a pen in his hand.

"How was your vacation by the way," I asked

"It was great" He smiled

Uncle Sam is my maternal uncle, my mum's only younger brother, he and my father inspired me to be a warrior. Outside his duty, he is a happy-go-lucky man but when his work is involved he can be the most strict person you will ever meet.

"Aunt Samantha, how's she?" I asked.

"Your dearest aunt said that a month was not enough for her, she decided to stay back in California for two more weeks, by the way, Aurora found her mate," He said happily.

Aurora is my just eighteen-year-old cousin who just graduated from high school.

"Her mate is the Beta's son of the Bright Moon pack in California," He said pride evident in his voice

"Wow... Congratulations" I said genuinely excitedly for her

Suddenly my uncle stopped smiling, he leaned forward and held both my hands that were on the table giving me a sense of comfort.

"Don't worry, you will find your mate sooner than rather later?" He said encouragingly.

"I know, " I said giving him a small smile

He knew what finding my mate meant to me. Don't blame me, seeing everyone around you in love with their mates does that to you.

I released my hands from his hands making me lose the comfort his hands gave me and stood up.

"Uncle, I better go now, Mum and Dad will probably murder me if they knew I came to the pack lands without visiting them".

"Yeah, Miranda will throw a fit, that is for sure" He smiled

"Sounds like mum"

"Permission to leave sir" I straightened my back and saluted

"Adaline" He warned

I laughed and got out of his office. I was on a part-time duty because of college and I'm thankful for that because it helped reduce my workload.

"What's up Addie" Jack greeted as I was rounding a corner that led to the exit of the camp

"The sky" I teased still walking

"Just the right amount of sarcasm I needed today" He replied smiling "I missed you".

"I can't say the same about you" I shrugged.

''Ouch... You hurt me right here Adelina'' He faked hurt holding his chest region

Jack is an intelligent warrior great at his job might I add. With his dark blond hair and piercing dark blue eyes, he had many unmated female wolves running after him. He is such a looker, so I don't blame them

"Make sure you drop by soon, the camp is boring without you" Jack said opening my car door for me.

"Sure thing Jack" I smiled looking up at him. I got into my car, turned the ignition on and drove towards my parent's house, My home.

Mum was the one who opened the door when I knocked "Adelina" She said in surprise. "I told you to visit every weekend, I just don't know why you don't listen to me" She scolded.

"Hello to you too Mama" I kissed her cheeks and entered the house.

''Where is Papa?" I asked looking around the house for my father.

"My little munchkin," Papa said emerging from the room.

''Pa" I exclaimed hugging him so tight

"I did not get a hug like that" Mum complained.

I went up to her and gave her an equally tight hug taking him her floral mixed with the cinnamon scent of hers

"I missed you so much," She said into my shoulder

"I missed you too mama" I replied releasing her from the hug

"I just finished making lasagna, I will set up the table, I have so much to tell you," She said excitedly. Sometimes I think my mum is a teenager in a forty-eight-year-old body.

Papa shook his head and laughed "Take it easy Miranda" He was about to say something more but my mum's glare stopped him. I chuckled at their behaviour, seeing what I was talking about.

"I'll be right back"

She walked into the kitchen while I helped her set the table up.

"Papa, how is the shop doing".

" Everything is going fine, I got a lot of customers recently" He replied

"That's great," I said as Mama entered with a tray of food in her hands

There goes my three-hour nap, but it was worth it though.


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QOTC: Favourite music at the moment



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