

Adelina Jones, a twenty year old college student and a strong willed female warrior who has always longed for her mate and when she finally found him, she does not know how she was gonna convince a green-eyed, very handsome greek god with a cold personality that they were mates and they were meant to be together Read to find out more about their journey

Red_Senorita · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Four

It's been two weeks of me ignoring my feelings for my mate as if having a mate was no big deal for me. Kiera even barely pops up now, I could tell that she was hurt.

I had been seeing Blaze and Anna walking together on campus. Turned out his name was Blaze, courtesy of Laura, and he lived up to his name. Even if He was cold, his eyes were like burning fire, burning into my skin every time He looks at me or makes eye contact.

Laura wanted to take a break from school today since we had only one class. According to her she was tired of school and couldn't wait for next year for us to graduate.

I didn't know that your mate not acknowledging you makes your wolf weak but I am going to try for it not to affect me. After all, I'm a warrior. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard my phone ring.

"Yes sir" I greeted putting on my warrior tone

"I need you to be at the base at 15:00 hours," Uncle Sam said with so much authority in his voice.

"Ok sir," I said hanging up the phone

Uncle Sam rarely calls me for duty when I am in school, this must be serious.

I sighed, got into my car and headed towards the pack and that was about 4km away from my school.

To humans, the pack was just a big town or rather a city but to us, it is a pack. Our pack is the second largest pack in the world, second to the Alpha King's pack. The Alpha King according to most werewolves has not been seen for almost twenty-two years now. Rumour has it that he had not been seen publicly after the last war twenty-two years ago to protect the race and that he had been protecting the werewolves by the side for the past years.

Most werewolves are high-ranking business owners, the race as a whole had been blessed by the Moon Goddess with riches and wealth. We were relatively small compared to humans and we liked to stay under the radar.

I arrived at the camp and marched to Uncle Sam's office. After asking for permission to come in, I stood at attention in front of him

"First Lieutenant Adelina Jones reporting for duty sir" I saluted

He saluted back and gestured to the chair in front of him for me to sit down. He was not smiling as usual which meant the issue at hand is a pretty serious one.

"There have been rogues sighting around your school for a week now" He started going straight to the point. "We found out when we had our general patrol, did you notice anything?" He questioned

"Nothing sir" I swallowed sitting upright. I was feeling guilty because I was so focused on the hurt feeling I got from my mate and almost forgot about my sworn duty.

He took a deep breath "Well, our sworn duty is to protect the human from rogues and any danger lurking as a result of the supernatural world. So, I will give you this assignment, find out why the rogues were constantly in your school, for any help concerning your mission contact Jack"

I nodded in affirmation making up my mind to complete this mission as soon as possible.

"Permission to leave sir" I stood up and saluted

He nodded signifying that my permission was granted

''Adelina" He called as I was about to go out. I turned around to see him looking at me straight in the eyes "Be careful" He said and I nodded walking out of his office.

The next day, I took note of the signs that were before me that I overlooked all because of a green-eyed boy who always glare at me whenever I made eye contact with him or made a move to talk to him. I don't think he is affected by the mate bond because he is human.

The foul scent is now very prominent on campus that I put my mind to it.

How could I have missed this

That meant they are on campus and they could be anybody, they would probably pose as students to perform their evil work. They had something to accomplish, they wouldn't have lived as humans without having a mission.

I decided to stay all evening in school today for any sight of rogues. I parked my car in front of the school gym, I had been driving around the school after my classes ended.

I could faintly smell a rogue from where I was staying. I got out of my car to trace the smell that was when I saw Blaze come out of the gym wearing a black top that fitted his torso well cleaning off water from his neck with a small towel making his arms bulge and 'lickable'.

He ruffled his wet hair a bit, I guess he just finished taking a shower and that damn tank top and the grey sweatpants he was wearing did nothing to help Kiera's—MY hormone.

"He looks so yummy" Kiera purred

"What! Shut it, Kiera, he does not even know us" I snapped.

"Don't deny it, I know you think he looks so good too"

He does look so good but I was not telling that to Kiera. We made eye contact and he proceeded to walk towards me with a determined face. I looked behind him to see someone following him. He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood covering his face and a faded black pair of jeans.

To humans, he was a normal being but to us his foul smell made us know that he was a rogue. He stopped for a bit and that was when fingers snapped in front of me. I looked annoyingly at the person that distracted me from my target.

"Hey, I was talking to you" His smooth deep voice snapped at me.

"He looks so hot when he is angry too" Kiera hummed

Kiera must be insane to think that with his cold eyes glaring down at me.

"Stop it" I snapped at her

"Will you just stop staring?" Blaze said fire dancing in his eyes "Are you stalking me?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows

"W-what. Why will I stalk you?, don't think so highly of yourself" I managed to let out trying to ignore the warm sensation I was getting from him.

He stared at me like he could not believe his ears, not giving him a chance to reply, I got into my car and drove till I was out of his sight. I parked my car amid cars in the lot where he could not see me but I could see him quite well.

He got into his car and drove off, immediately I saw the rogue that hid himself when I got distracted by Blaze drove after him.

I turned my ignition on and followed them. Different questions swirled in my mind

'Why would a rogue tail a human-like Blaze?.'

Most of all

'Who the hell are you Blaze?'

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