
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · Urban
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39 Chs

waiting for you

Fu Yuan nodded, under her expectant eyes, slowly opened a page

Rong Qian's movements were slightly stopped, her eyes were shining and she could not help but pinch her face, "Baby, are you acting like a spoiled girl? It's so cute!"


Soft soft directly sweet to her heart.


If this is recorded and put on the forum, if the group of pursuers who say that the kite is the beauty of the iceberg, maybe how to break the defense ha ha ha.


"No, no, that's too foul."


Rong Qian touched her little heart and sighed, "You are wrong, so I don't have the heart to tease you anymore, let you go this time, be good, eat at ease."


"My sisters are waiting for you."


The crouching kite, who had escaped a bullet, silently sped up.




The next day, several people got up very early.


Before they went to the library, they went to the canteen. It was still early, but the canteen was obviously more crowded.


At first, they did not worry, did not think much, leisurely sitting in the position to drink porridge, until they heard the voice of the next table, they realized that something was wrong.


Next door sat a small couple, the expression on the girl's face was not very happy, and the tone urged: "You eat a little faster, today's course selection, there must be a lot of people in the library."


"If you don't get it right, you won't talk to me for a week."


The library?


The girls held spoons in unison and looked at each other.


Jiang Wan Wan, frowning, could not sit still: "I thought the elder sister told me an unexpected news, the result is..... ?" Careless.


"That's all right. We'll just eat fast." Fu Kite gentle voice soothes way.


Fortunately, they ordered not many things, after solving the breakfast, Jiang Wan Wan pulled a few people to leave the canteen, walking faster than the small couple.


The library opened at eight o 'clock, and it was not yet time for a small number of people to gather around the library, sitting in twos and threes on the steps.


"Two minutes away."


Jiang Wan Wan took out the frame of running 800 meters to pull the Fu Kite forward, and successfully grabbed the front row at the moment of opening the museum.


Rushing in front of the crowd, Fu Kite holding his waist gasping for breath, too tired to say anything.


After registering at the workbench, the four found a corner and sat down.


Yan Siyu panted and slumped on the chair, giving Jiang Wan Wan a thumbs-up: "It is true that you, really great, running to run like a mad cow rampage, I watched in the back of the heart, are afraid that you will yank the kite's arm dislocated."


"No one else is as dramatic as we are." "Yung Si exclaimed.


Fu Kite deeply agreed, the fierce heartbeat has not been calm down.


Jiang Wan Wan smiled and rubbed his shoulder to Fu Yuan, looked at the few remaining seats around his eyes, and said proudly: "Oh, this just shows my determination to join you in the elective course."


"You see, after a while, this place was taken up."


Rong Qian looked up, and when she saw it, she laughed twice and said, "Sisters should enjoy the Imperial Temple."


Two hours to ten o 'clock, Fuyuan drank water, ready to borrow a book to pass the time, she turned the head, low voice asked if they need to read, she borrowed.


Jiang Wan Wan shook his head, took out a Bluetooth headset, "I play games."


She yawned. "I'm sleepy. I'm going to catch up on my sleep."


Yan Siyu also do not love to read, but she is afraid of Fu Yuan alone, they plan to accompany her to go.


Together they took the elevator to the ninth floor.


In the reading room, the bright light ripples on the glass Windows, sprinkling all over the ground broken gold, wooden shelves filled with all kinds of books, filled with unique ink smell.


Fu Yuan and Yan Siyu shuttle among them, on both sides of the wall filled with tables and chairs, although the time is still early, but this time has a few scattered people sitting there began to learn.


Yan Siyu looked around curiously, glancing casually on the bookshelf, and suddenly stopped when he inadvertently fell somewhere.


She quickly pulled the next kite, and whispered: "The kite, our school library and romance novels!"


Fu Yuan saw the eyes of the fog blue book seal, also felt novel: "Really ah."


"Enlightened." "I love reading novels," Yan murmured. "When I was in high school, I kept dozens of books hidden in the cupboard. Unfortunately, my mother found that they were all sold for scrap."


"She said she couldn't get into college with this stuff."


Fu Yuan saw her mood is a little low, pursed his lips, is racking his brains to say something can comfort her, the next second, he saw Yan Siyu snort a smile, hold up the mobile phone to the bookshelf to take photos.


"You're sweating, mom. The library of the top university has a special collection of romance novels."


After sending photos and voice messages to her old mother, she whispered with suppressed excitement: "I love the library, this is a good place, I will come when I have time."


Fu Yan: "..."


"Kite, have you read the novel?"


The Volkite shook his head.


Yan Siyu smell speech, eyes regretfully looked at her, as if she had missed a great pleasure in life.


After wandering in front of the bookshelf for a while, Yan Siyu pulled out a book and put it into the arms of the Fu Kite, and raised his eyebrows: "This one, I carefully selected, can be sweet and sweet, and guarantee that you will fall in love with him."


Fu Yin lowered his head and hesitated to look at the small print next to the title of the book


Former name: "Sweet wife naughty pet flirt, and the wild big man seven days and seven nights"


... What a shame.


She drew the corners of her mouth, the expression was difficult to say, and put the book back on the shelf like a hot hand, "or forget it."


"Oh kite you believe me, really beautiful." Yan Siyu pulled out the book again, "This book in my junior high school when the old fire, novel people who have not read."


"Try it."


"I won't make you whine if you can't stand it."


Can not bear her crazy Anli, Fu kite helpless finally agreed.




When she went back, Rong Qian had fallen asleep on the table, and Yan Siyu could not help but share with Jiang Wan Wan excitedly: "Sister! Guess what? We still have this good stuff in the school library!"


Jiang Wan Wan looked up and saw the book in her hand and said, "There is nothing strange about this. As long as it is a library in a university, there should be romance novels."


"We have reading classes in high school. As long as we go to the reading classroom, my deskmate and I will look for novels to read in it."


"And it's fair game." She added with a smile.


Fu Yuan surprised to blink, although she does not read novels, but also know that many teachers and parents of this kind of book is forbidden, this thought that the library has this kind of book is unexpected enough, did not expect the high school is completely not involved in this matter.


"Look at someone else's school."


Yan Siyu sat on a chair and joked: "Unlike our high school, puppy love will suspend classes, reading novels will suspend classes, contradicting teachers will suspend classes, even male and female students will suspend classes!" What's even weirder is that if you bring a mobile phone, you will be fired."


"Yes, the management of strange strict, but every time the joint exam our school ranked last."


"After three years, I'm finally out of that shitty school."


This National Day, her broken high school is the seven-day small holiday compressed to one day, but also thought of calling her back to give a speech, a lot of stimulation (washing) encouragement (brain) students to study hard, as long as now can be more bitter, the future top university is not a dream.


Really laughed, Yan Siyu did not give a little face, directly refused.


Fu Kite and Jiang Wan Wan next to wring his eyebrows, echo from time to time, the same enemy.


Ridicule out of the heart more comfortable, put these disgusting memories behind, Yan Siyu quietly reminded Fu Kite: "Don't say, kite kite you read a book."


Reading makes you feel good -- only sweet romance novels.


"HMM." Fu Yuan nodded, under her expectant eyes, slowly opened a page.


Chapter One With Me, Seven days and seven nights!