
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · Urban
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39 Chs


"..." Fu Yuan was the title thunder of the outside jiao inside tender, suddenly did not have the courage to continue to look down, raised her head, on Yan Siyu burning look forward to her eyes, she struggled for two seconds, and then hard head.




Shen Ruotong eyes red, a face stubborn look at the man in front, why! Why? Why?!


Wen Meng Yan is not already back to China, the city knows, he loves Wen Meng Yan love crazy, even almost lost a life! And himself is just a humble double, why he still refused to let go of himself.


"How on earth....."


Tears can not stop to fall, Shen Ruotong cover the heart, pain and kneel on the ground.


The moment she chose to become a substitute, she was not clean, she did not want to finally lose this heart.....


"Want to leave?" Fu Jingshen leaned down coldly, squeezed her chin, and forced her to look at him: "What qualifications do you have to leave?"


"But she came back." Shen Ruotong struggled in panic.


"So what." Fu Jingshen overbearing her to the ground, deceives the body to press up, the strong hormonal breath will cover her, he tore her body eyesore fabric, deep voice opened: "She came back and how, I am tired before, don't want to leave!"


Shen Ruotong muffled sound pain exhale, gnashing teeth difficult sound, "you... When is....."


"Seven days."


He leaned in her ear and said: "Woman, accompany me for seven days and seven nights, I can consider."




"--!" Fu Yuan could not look any longer, and suddenly closed the book and pushed it far away.


Plot, too.... It burst.


The scalp is tingling.


So these are romance novels..... ?


The girl blinked her eyes and looked slightly trance, but she could not return to God for a long time.


"What's the matter, Treasure?" Yan Siyu gave her a strange look and whispered, "Is it so hard to accept...."


After taking the book and flipping through two pages, she had a smile on her face: "Tut, it's still the same taste, I used to love this bite."


Fu Yuan Hui God, dare not compliment: "Your taste is really unique."


Yan Siyu proudly lifted his chin, evil charm smiled: "Girl, you successfully attracted my attention, one billion, be my woman!"


A flicker of panic flashed through Fu Kite's eyes.


"Enough of you, Yan Siyu." Jiang Wan Wan reached out and slapped her, "You are greasy, stay away from the kite."


Yan Siyu laughed loudly and said, "You are the first woman who dares to contradict me, very good, you have also successfully attracted my attention."


Jiang Wan Wan, disgusted, lowered his voice: "Were it not for the wrong occasion, I must, must, would not be able to resist killing you."


Fu Yuan closed her mouth and kept silent, she felt that as long as she opened her mouth, Yan Siyu would definitely help teasing her.


Books are out of the question.


Fu Kite sighed in the bottom of his heart and took out his mobile phone to pass the time.


Two hours passed quickly, the multimedia function area was full of freshmen who needed to choose courses, and as it approached 10 o 'clock, the discussion began to buzz around here.


Ten minutes earlier, Fu Yuan woke up Rong Qian: "Sisi wake up, ready to log in the system."


"Ah? Oh...."


Rongxi sleepily opened her eyes, operated the computer to log in to the website, and after two minutes, her whole person was slightly more awake.


Her head hit the computer, and she held her fist and prayed: "God has eyes, must bless me to successfully grab the elective course with high credits and good teachers!" "


Took another knock.


"God, please bless me 401 dormitory sisters all four to get badminton and film appreciation!" Please!!"


Fu Yuan was amused by her operation, and the little tension in his heart also dissipated.


At ten o 'clock, I logged into the system, and before long the room was filled with a loud voice: "Oh my God, my system crashed!"


"Really stepped on the horse suit, I just clicked in!"


"At least you got in, haha I haven't squeezed in yet."


"It's better not to take the lesson."


"Oh, I already knew I was going to the Internet cafe. My roommate sent me a message saying he had squeezed in."


After Jiang Wan Wan logged in, the first time he turned to ask them about their situation: "I boarded, you?"


Fu Kite anxiously looked at the front of the computer page, just want to say no, the next moment the page suddenly jump, she squeezed in!


I heard the voices of Rong Qian and Yan Siyu at the same time: "I also boarded!"


It's a good start.


Fu Yuan slightly let go of the heart, and then successfully grabbed and they agreed to badminton and film appreciation.


The web page on this side of Rong Qian is very difficult, "Damn, I keep showing how to submit failure."


She frantically clicked the mouse, the result of the web page completely crashed, tossed for most of the day, good guy, the system directly forced her to quit.




"Jesus Christ, I'll never call you grandpa again."


Fu Yin heard a voice, "What's wrong, Sisi?"


"I just need to log in again." Rong Qian quickly reached out and pushed back the small head that Fu Yuan came up to: "Don't worry about me, and quickly rob all your lessons."


Otherwise, the system's gonna break down and it's gonna be a waste of time.


Fu Kite nodded, thinking of taking advantage of their own course selection now, seize the time to choose the computer to vacate.


Rong Qian on this side of the crazy refresh ten minutes before entering the system again, with her fellow sufferers and Yan Siyu.


Yan Siyu was forced out of the system five minutes after Rong Qian was forced out of the system.


When the two entered the system again, Fu Yuan and Jiang Wan Wan had completed the course selection.


Looking at the badminton and film appreciation "full" sign, the four people looked at each other.


Joncy: "Good heavens!!! Aaaah!"


Fu Yuan pointed to the screen: "Don't tangle, swimming basketball and eight sections of Jin still have a position, you two quickly discuss, choose which."


"Eight pieces of brocade eight pieces of brocade."


"Wine appreciation....."


"Tea culture...."


Coming out of the library, it's almost eleven o 'clock.


Rong Qian sighed: "The four of us are going to be separated, heartache, sadness, sadness, no hope."


Fu Yuan squeezed her hand to show comfort: "It doesn't matter, it's better to separate in two than to have someone alone, right?"


"You're right, I'm with Siyu."


Yan Siyu ran two steps forward and turned back to tease Rong Qian: "Woman, follow me, it's your honor!"


Joncie: "?"


She was disgusted, hard to rub the goosebumps on her arms: "What the hell, where did you learn the ancient early bully general sayings!"


Fu Yuan continued: "I know, from the two romance novels that I just returned."


"I am the bully general, what quotations do not quote, but also need to go to..." Yan Siyu did not finish speaking, suddenly saw a tall familiar figure... Heading in their direction? Daaaaaa!


"Building... Lou Yu senior?" Yan Siyu opened his mouth wide and raised his hand to point behind them.


That's right.


The other side is tall and long legs, just three or two seconds from them closer and closer, his eyes fall on a certain person, with a clear purpose, towards them... No, it was toward the Kite.


Fu Kite heard the name, subconscious back, but did not expect the other side so close to their own.


Caught off guard and almost ran into his arms.


Footsteps staggered down, Lou Yu eye disease hand quickly held her shoulder, and after she stood the gentleman back hands.


"Scared?" He gave a short smile.


That spoiled, tender tone.... They consciously distance themselves from two people.


Fu Yuan embarrassed to step back two steps, honest answer: "A little."


After a pause, he asked, "Did you just go back to school?"


Lou Yu nod, hook lips smile, answer: "Well, just ready to go to dinner, did not expect to meet you here, what a coincidence."


Liang Ruibo, who is two meters away from Lou Yu as the invisible man:...


What a coincidence.


At ten o 'clock, he came to stand near the library, and did not say anything, so it was a chance meeting here.




Yes, I can play.