
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · Urban
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39 Chs

Smile so sweet

The last one is a twist --


[ Kite kite baby, eat slowly oh, do not worry ~]


Well, the status of the Volv kite group is undoubtedly exposed.


With all the noise, the girls finally got together before sunset.


After getting together, they went to the school three canteen to eat, the canteen is not many people, most of the students have not returned to school, found a seat to sit down, Yan Siyu casually asked the mouth: "Kite kite, do you want to eat with us?"


"Good," said Hermione.


"How much to eat..." Yan Siyu's words of advice were on his lips, and he suddenly froze after realizing what the other side had answered.


Let's wait.


... What do you think? Daaaaaa!


The unexpected answer shocked even Jiang Wan Wan and Rong Qian.


They all know that Fu Kite did not have the habit of eating dinner, although occasionally she will give people face to eat a little, but the military training period of training intensity is so large, each time after training they are like hungry ghosts, but Fu Kite has not eaten a dinner.


The contrast is striking and impressive.


I didn't think it would change after a holiday? Daaaaaa!


'What's the matter?


Fu Kite dont know how to explain to them Lou Yu things, the line of sight dodge, vague should sentence: "no... I suddenly decided to have dinner later."


... There's something fishy going on.


Joncy touched her chin and gave her a suspicious look.


Fu Kite was a few pairs of eyes staring at the scalp numbness, quickly through a few people walk in front, "good hungry, fast go."


"Not a treasure." Yan Siyu followed, "You didn't eat dinner until two or three, and it's not like you to cry hungry now!"


Fu Yan: "..."


With a guilty conscience.


The pace quickens.


"There's something wrong, don't you see?" Yan Siyu followed and whispered to the other two.


"Of course I did. It was obvious she was avoiding our questions." Jiang Wan Wan's eyes are slightly narrowed: "But I admire the person who successfully persuaded the kite to eat dinner."


Rong Qian's eyes lit up. "Oh, do you think the other is a man or a woman?"


Yan Siyu had a flash of inspiration, the neutral horse in the mind showed a cold handsome face, she gasped.


Her sixth sense told her it had something to do with him.




But it was a guess. She dared not say.




Fu Yuan is really not hungry, but promised someone to eat dinner on time, she will always eat a little.


The small fried chicken on the second floor of the three canteen is particularly famous, usually have to queue up a long line, today just fewer people, do not have to queue to buy a share, Fu kite curious whether the taste is really so good, just do not know what to eat, they came forward to buy a share.


"Little fried chicken!"


They had lined up several times before, but they had not succeeded in eating.


It is a great pity.


So a minute later, four girls brought four identical little fried chicken back to their seats.


Rong Qian couldn't wait to put a piece into her mouth, and her eyes rubbed bright: "Seduce me for so long, really delicious!"


"Really! No wonder there's a queue."


Yan Siyu took a big gulp of rice into his mouth, satisfied with narrowing his eyes.


Jiang Wan Wan sitting on the opposite of Fu Yuan, a look up saw her is holding a mobile phone to the front of the small fried chicken photos.


Then he curved his eyes and clicked his fingers on the screen, apparently to send a message to someone.


She could not help but ask, "the kite, who are you sending a message to, smiling so sweetly...."


"Huh?" Fu Yuan looked away from the screen, winked at her and answered: "Just a friend, the relationship is very good."


No sooner had she finished speaking than the friend she had been talking about returned the message.


ly: [Back to school?]


Fu Yuan typing reply: "MMMM, having dinner."


Like she was trying to emphasize that she was eating.


Lou Yu smiled and replied: "I don't know how to say in advance, I'll drive you."


Fu Yuan saw this news, the first idea is good not to say in advance.


Yuehu mansion from Beijing is very close, it is a kilometer or two away, but her home from Beijing can be far away, if Lou Yu really plan to send her, one time too toss people, she really feel sorry.


Besides, the subway is already very convenient.


Fu Yuan thought for a moment, back: "um.... because it is temporary decision, tomorrow is not to choose classes, so our dormitory to discuss early return to school, thinking about what to choose."


ly: How about having dinner tomorrow morning?


Fu Yuan sorry declined, said tomorrow morning will go to the library with roommates to rob the computer, because the Internet speed is faster there.


After the two people have a casual chat without a match, they ended the dialogue.


Fu Kite raised his head and froze for a moment.


Rong Qian was holding her cheek with a bad smile, her eyes fell straight on her, and said in a tone: "Yuyuan Yuyuan, sitting with us three beautiful women, your attention will be attracted by others, talking so deeply, we have finished our dinner."


White face embarrassed red, Fu kite cough gently, obediently raised his hand, "I was wrong."