
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · Urban
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39 Chs

Flowers of the High Mountains

The line of sight involuntarily fell on the girl's pale pink lips, stayed for two seconds, and then quietly moved away, looked at the empty water cup in her hands, Lou Yu unwrung mineral water, and passed the action naturally to Fu Kite: "Want to drink water?"


His voice was gentle, with a hint of concern, and the mineral water bottle in his hand shone beautifully in the bright sunlight.


Fu Kite froze and nodded: "Thank you."


Her water had been drunk as early as when she entered the library, but in fact, she was OK, she was not very thirsty, but when the other side handed the water to the moment, her throat was inexplicably dry, and somehow did not say a refusal.


After drinking two mouthfuls, the girl's long eyelashes curled and thick, her lips stained with some water light, delicate and charming, looking unusually soft.


Lou Yu eyes inevitably dull a bit, restraint over, he looked to the side of a few girls, quickly restored to the former that always polite appearance.


A few people slightly nod, lightly open thin lips: "I'm sorry, do you mind wasting a little time?"


"I have a few words to say to Fu Yu, very quickly."


Rong Qian several people quickly waved their hands, "do not mind, do not mind at all, you can say, as long as the kite is willing, we can wait as long as possible."


"Thanks." Lou Yu chuckled.


He raised his eyebrows, turned his head, looked a little puzzled at the kite, and the corners of his mouth drew a nice curve, and he opened his mouth in front of everyone


"I had a high fever the other day, thanks to you coming to my home to take care of me...


Jiang Wan Wan gasped: "? !!"


Yan Siyu: "? !!"


Joncy: "? !!!!!"


Liang Ruibo: "? !!!!!!!!!!"


A short holiday, Lut brother unexpectedly turned people to the home? Daaaaaa!


The progress bar pulled off, making several people present look dull and unable to return to God.


But Liang Ruibo here is clear to know Lou Yu mind, and there in addition to Yan Siyu has long been vaguely aware of the wrong of two people, Rong Qian and Jiang Wan Wan can still stay in the Fu Yuan before the clarification of the sentence "we are not familiar".


Jiang Wan Wan is a wise man, the words heard half, yesterday's confusion will all be solved.


Good guy, no wonder the kite kite a holiday to give people a completely different feeling, is to break their own habits began to eat dinner and coquel is from the heart of the smile significantly increased, these feelings are the credit of the big guy?




Lou Yu flashed a smile at the bottom of his eyes, under the shocked eyes of others, he did not change his face to look at the girl in front of him, and continued to say: "In order to express gratitude, I invite you to dinner tonight, OK?"


Can obviously feel from the roommate piercing strong line of sight on their own, Fu Kite a brain pain, think of what will be faced next, she want to look at the eye Lou Yu.


And this guy looks so innocent.


"Is that OK?"


The boy blinked his eyes, revealing a smile that was good to see, as if to secretly remind her that being helped to please eat this move is a tacit agreement between the two.


"..." Fu Kite pinch the mineral water bottle in hand, helpless nod.


What can you do? He didn't know how much of a stir his words would make with her roommate.


After the separation, Lou Yu stood in place, not a moment staring at the back of the Fu Kite, the fundus across a touch of broken smile.


Liang Ruibo came over, almost did not see.


Before this, he has seen the most is Lou Yu's cold face, cold all day long no expression, which is like now this look of a whole Huaichun.


He could not help but whisper: "Yo brother you scheming oh, just on purpose?"


Lou Yu light glance over.


Liang Ruibo groaned at him: "Want to ask the goddess to eat can say in the mobile phone ah, why have to run to the library here, but also deliberately in front of her roommate said that she vacation to take care of a fever you... TSK, TSK, in case anyone didn't know you two were close."


"But does my goddess know you're after her?"


Lou Yu: "...."


Liang Ruibo see him silent, happy comfort, "Brother, the forum said my goddess refused to suitors can be clean, you see she did not refuse your dinner invitation, although I do not know how you cheat her to your home to take care of you, but I still think you are very hopeful."


"Come on, Lut brother, I see you!"


"..." Lou Yu lips, face faintly ugly, she will promise his premise, just because he is a friend.


He intervened in her world as a friend, allowing her to relax her guard and allow him to approach.




This was what he longed for, but he could not do it now, and he could only approach it quietly as a friend.


One side of Liang Ruibo mouth horn non-stop, a my goddess, Lou Yu frown, fundus infected with a touch of irritability, a kick in the past.


"Your goddess?"


The sound is as cold as a personal ice machine.


Liang Ruibo grass, this vinegar also want to eat? !


His face helpless pain patted the gray on his pants leg, and changed his words: "Wrong, wrong, not my goddess, your goddess, your goddess...."


"I swear, I don't have any confused thoughts about your goddess right now, my brother is firmly on your side, and I wish you success in pursuing your sweetheart."




On the other side, the girls' dormitory.


Fu Yin like a little poor surrounded in the middle of the interrogation.


Jiang Wan Wan narrowed his eyes, stretched out a hand on her shoulder, tut: "I clearly remember someone said before, and the big guy is not familiar?"


Fu Yuan raised her small face, raised a hand to cover her small voice: "Before was before, now is now, different, right?"


"We didn't know each other before, but now we're friends."


"..." Jiang Wan Wan looked at her soft and sincere eyes, his heart softened immediately and nodded: "You are right."


Fu Yin smiled with pursed lips.


Not waiting to relax, I heard Yan Siyu's curious voice again: "Yiyuan Yiyuan, you used to not eat dinner, suddenly change your habits, is also related to the big man?"


Fu Yuan seriously thought about this problem, this want to say yes is not, if it is other friends to patiently persuade her to eat, she will also promise it.


Before the words were said, she suddenly remembered that they had advised themselves more than once before the military training.


Slightly guilty, she coughed lightly, nodded and admitted, "Well, it was him."


"Yes, Kite! Yan Siyu's eyes lit up, "the big guy is really able to convince you to break your own habit of not eating dinner, ah sure enough to match it, I have long felt that there is a kind of magnetic field between you, is inexplicable haha haha....."


Fu Yuan was choked for a moment, and quickly reached out to cover her mouth: "Don't talk nonsense."


"TSK, TSK, I think what Siyu said is quite right." Jonsie came close with a smile. "The Kite didn't you notice?"


The Volkite paused for a moment, turned his head, and asked hesitantly: ".... Find out what?"


Rong Qian did not answer, but Youyou put forward a question: "Let me ask you, ah, the school forum on the evaluation of senior Lou Yu?"


Fu Kite does not visit the forum, some dumb.


Jiang Wan, Wan: "Indifference."


Yan Siyu: "Inhuman."


Jiang Wan Wan: "Not close to women."


Yan Siyu: "Very handsome and very rich."


Jiang Wan Wan: "In short, it is a very excellent and brilliant existence."


Rong Qian nodded with satisfaction and asked, "But when Lou Yu senior faces the kite kite, he will become... ?"


Jiang Wan Wan answered by raising his hand: "Become extremely gentle!!"


"Look softly and speak softly."


Yan Siyu: "It is not the same person as described in the forum!"


"That's right, do you know what it's called?" Rong Qian squinted to touch the chin, the eyes mean unknown fell on the Fu kite, dragging the tail ambiguous said: "This is called..... The flower of the high mountain under the altar."