
addicted to love

In August, freshmen entered the campus, a dance video quickly caught fire throughout the campus forum of Beijing University - the girl's hair is like a waterfall, a white dress standing on the ground, water sleeves dancing, shuffling, dancing light like a butterfly whirling, beautiful not like a real person. Not surprisingly, the title of school flower fell on the head of the Fu kite. But soon someone broke down to post: the school flower is an ice mountain beauty, in the end who can enter her eyes? ! Everyone invariably use the word "building to draw" to build buildings. - Lou Yu, the famous man of Beijing University, he was born dazzling, handsome enough, and the prince of the top family, no matter where is the existence of all eyes. But its character is cold and dispassionate, clear of heart, and because of this, some people argue under the post: How can ice and snow rub sparks? Later, no one knows that the love of two people is destined to go to the end. However, no one expected, love less than a year, Fu Kite broke up. After many years of reunion looked at the woman calmly walked by him, like strangers, Lou Yu tried to suppress violent emotions. Until that -- "You've got the wrong person." .. The voice is piercing straight through the heart. The calm moment that the man has disguised for many years falls apart. He suddenly pushes the woman against the wall and asks in a trembling voice: "Volkite." "Are you kidding me?" - Love with the wind, Kite kite, play with you, come back to me.

Daoist7XsYDz · Urban
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39 Chs

The rain of blood

Fu Yuan retorted: "Because we are friends."


Who gives a cold face to a friend? I don't think people like that make friends.


"And.... Didn't you say before that someone blocked an iceberg for me on the forum.... The title of." Fu Kite ear tip red, embarrassed to say "beauty" these two words, or always feel the suspicion of boasting.


She paused and said, "But I'm not what the forum says, am I?"


Jiang Wan Wan happy, "Indeed, we kite kite is actually a soft sister."


She pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Baby, have you ever had a heterosexual friend or an affair before?"


The Volkite shook his head.


Not to mention heterosexual friends, she didn't even have same-sex friends before she went to college.


"That's it." Jiang Wan wan calculates to see, Fu Kite in the feelings of some slow, estimated has not enlightened it.


It's complicated, it's complicated, it's simple, it's simple.


But dainty is a let nature take its course.


Jiang Wan Wan looked at his ignorant roommate, but sighed and did not intend to continue to ask.


Looks like the big guy's got a long road ahead of him.




The midday affair was far from over.


In the evening, Lou Yu came to the dinner address, near the school, a relatively light taste of Cantonese food restaurant.


Fu Yuan received the information on the downstairs, although the restaurant is near the school, but it will take 20 minutes to walk past, she went straight to the side of the road, ready to sweep a shared bike, to avoid people waiting for her too long.


Probably because of the poor signal, she lowered her head and tried to sweep the two cars with her phone.


"Can I help you?" Suddenly there was a voice behind him.


The Volkite turned back.


Lou Yu do not know when to stand behind her, a few days ago, an autumn rain made the temperature in the north of Beijing plummeted, the night temperature is also lower than before the holiday on a lot, he wore a black thin jacket, zipper pulled to the top.


The young man is tall, and the cool breath is then pressed down, and he looks down at her, with a little idle smile on his lips.


Fu Yuan slightly stunned: "How did you come?"




"I thought we were having dinner together?"


Lou Yu squinted, just looked at her, vaguely with a hint of grumpy meaning, "You won't be forgotten?"


"No." Fu Yan Yan denied, quickly explained: "I thought we would meet in the restaurant, did not expect you will be here waiting for me."


"I texted you to say I was waiting for you downstairs." Lou Yu suddenly smiled, with a slight eyebrow, as if he did not believe what she said, and as if he was condemning her as a small unconscionable renege.


"Huh?" Didn't you just send a location message?


Fu Kite doubt wrinkled a frown, open the mobile phone to see, when the line of sight fell on the small circle that keeps rotating, suddenly suddenly.


She held her mobile phone up to Lou Yu's eyes: "Look, it should be the signal problem, I only received a message from you, and I sent you a message before I left, but I didn't send it."


Lou Yu eyes fall on the mobile phone screen, eyelashes seem to inadvertently lift, want to see her to their own remarks.


... Good. No notes.


feeling distressed. ,


Pulling the corners of his mouth, he was disinterested in the sound, "I know."


Misunderstanding to explain clearly, smell Fu kite relieved, lowered his head to play with his mobile phone, good signal how can be so bad?


Finally did not sweep on the shared bike, under Lou Yu's proposal, two people walked to the restaurant.


There are not many people in the restaurant as students prefer heavy tasting food such as hot pot BBQ dishes to light Cantonese food.


Found a corner position to sit down, after ordering food, Fu Yuan went to the refrigerator at the door to get mineral water.


After taking the water, she did not rush to leave, stared at the freezer for a few seconds, and took out another can of Coke.


It's for Lou Yu.


As she walked past a certain table on her way back, she didn't notice the two girls in the seats looking up at her.


So far away, one of the girls eyes gossip with the arm hit another girl, "Ah, that girl is the Fu kite, really beautiful...."


Follow the Fu kite figure to see the past, eyes a meal, the girl suddenly opened his eyes.


She pointed to the people in the corner, like finding some shocking secret: "God, she talked to Lou Yu?"


Next to the curly girl heard Lou Yu's name, the face changed, looked up.


Their position is just enough to see the boy's face, his side profile is sharp and clear, the nose is high, the brow bone is superior, the coat is casually draped on the chair, outlining the broad shoulders and narrow waist.


As handsome as ever, but not quite the same.


It's the eyes that are different.


Right now, it's full of tenderness.


Curly girl such as falling into the ice cellar, she is Lou Yu's direct school sister, from the first sight to see him like him, the next year, she tried to brush in front of him.


When the school started this year, it was not easy to get up the courage to confess, but was mercilessly rejected.


What's even sadder is that the other person doesn't have the slightest impression of themselves.


Have not yet come out from the haze of failure to confess, and let her see this scene today.


"Did they talk?


Curly girl remembered before in the forum saw, instant red eyes: "At the end of September, no one in the forum sent about Lou Yu and Fu Yu video, so at that time they were already talking?"


Next to the girl saw the wrong, hurriedly find comfort: "should, should not, the onlookers did not say that someone sexually harassed Fu kite, Lou Yu just fight injustice...."


"Besides, think about it, if they talked, the school forum would have been a bloody storm, and it wouldn't be so calm, would it?"


A prophecy has come true.


Two girls including is eating Fu Kite and Lou Yu do not know, at this time the forum is very active and lively.


Just because of a Mosaic of photos --


An anonymous landlord posted that the reason why the school flower F has refused so many suitors' confession since the beginning of the semester is because she is secretly in love with a big man with the surname L. The character of the school flower is actually not so high and cold, just because the big man is too handsome and too rich, she is very smart, in their own fake into a clean person in the feelings, to marry into the rich family.


The background of the photo is the library, although the main character's face has been mosaicked, but Fu Yu and Lou Yu a school flower a school grass, are the people of Beijing University, go everywhere eye-catching, do not have to guess all know the F school flower and L big man refers to them.


Under the post, someone posted a stolen photo of the two people today, and the clothes were also matched.


In the comments section, all kinds of comments --


"No, I said, you send a photo of two people standing together to say that they talked, why don't you say that other people hidden marriage?"


All women in the world are the same, material, see no money love to ignore, see rich people on their own.


[I am a boy, the speech in the post is full of malicious to the school flower, let me guess, you are not a broken man who was rejected by the school flower?


[Upstairs, here we go.]


Beautiful is beautiful, scheming is also really machine.


[No, the big guy will really fall in love with girls, not all say he is a female insulator?!]