
Achlys: The Lost Daughter

moonsta_r · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Twin Brother

Country C


A handsome young man could be seen sitting at a desk in the room with five other equally handsome young men standing around the room talking quietly, their looks was said to be like that of fallen angels with one of them having a feminine beauty.

"Have you found reports on what i asked you to look for third younger brother?"

"Yes, here is the file"

"First Eldest brother when should the plans be carried out?"Before the young man they referred to as First eldest brother could respond the door burst open and in came a boy looking about the age 15-16, looking all excited saying " i felt her, i felt her" "You guys i felt her, i could hear a little of her thought, she was planning to get her jewelry back from a storage room" he said.

The other men in the room were stunned to silence before the second eldest said"youngest explain what happened"

"i said i felt her dammit, i also read her thoughts,she said somethings about routes and getting jewelry back from a mistress storage room, also the jewelry was from when she was a baby and the key to finding her birth family"

The first eldest was worried because the day before yesterday the youngest was in agonizing pain screaming over and over about how she was dead and yesterday he was saying things like i can't feel her making the whole family go into mourning, he didn't want to get his hopes up and later have them shattered. The youngest had a connection to his twin sister,and sometimes he could hear her thoughts back then when they were babies, they were always in their own little world cutting out the rest as they had their conversations and little jokes, before she was kidnapped the family was the happiest and after she was kidnapped they family became the saddest with the twin brother falling into depression as a kid,he would only feel joy when he was able to have a connection with his twin sister.

Their parents had tried to replace her by adopting another girl when the youngest fell ill at the age 10 but they all firmly refused with the youngest threatening to end his life before their parents dropped it. Yesterday when he couldn't feel her the brothers decided that they were going to increase the search for her even if it took all their family wealth and manpower and here, he was now bouncing and saying he could feel her again.

"Can you talk to her through thoughts like you did when you guys were young?" the fifth youngest asked.

Every one of them looked on eagerly hoping

the reply would be positive.

"Yes, i can i tried on the day she was kidnapped but it stopped in the next hour the reason i don't know" replied the youngest.

"Maybe it's because she has either forgotten your existence or she's denying your existence" replied the third eldest, he was always the smartest when it came to science and psychic things.

"But if she has, how am i able to hear her thoughts now?" asked the youngest

Everyone kept silent after that.

"We'll know the answer to that after we find her" replied the second eldest.

"I think it's time we go back to our homeland, mum and dad are expecting us," said the eldest brother.

Meanwhile the fourth youngest has been silent thinking about the dream he had last night, he decided to talk to the eldest when their alone.

"Eldest can i speak with you, alone?"

They all took a quick glance at each other, each with questions in their mind, but eventually left leaving the eldest and the fourth youngest alone.


"I had a dream last night, I'm not sure if it really is a dream but it felt realistic, bee was in there, she suffered a lot and she died, the Vans family were behind it, there were aware she was our sister, but they made sure to keep quiet about it"

(Bee is the pet name that 4th  brother gave lys).

"There were other stuffs in the dream like economic crises and few events, I'm not sure if this dream is my subconscious making it up or if it really happened, but it doesn't make sense why would i dream about stuff that hasn't happened?"

The eldest brother, the genius of the family put two and two together and came up with a conclusion.

"That is probably your past live and if what you're saying is true then baby sister died by the hands of the Vans family and youngest said he could not feel her , she probably died , then now he's saying he can feel her, i can only come to one conclusion, she did die but she's back and probably with her past life memory too-

The door crashed open and in came tumbling

third, fifth, sixth and the youngest, while the second walked in elegantly like the door didn't expose their eavesdropping.

"Cough cough Eldest brother, hehe don't

mind us, continue talking with fourth brother" the youngest said.

The fourth youngest brother glanced at the

youngest brother and he seemed to remember something, he then glanced at the eldest and said "don't let youngest go to the Empire yet".


"The dream, he died and I'm not sure if it

was murder or an accident".

The room seemed to become colder as everyone fell silent, and the brothers could feel malevolent energy being released from the second eldest.

"Let's take a break, the youngest won't be

going to the empire this year or next, till we find Bee also call our parents and grandparents back, we need a family meeting.


The mistress of the orphanage was sitting in-front of the children, with Adults eligible for adopting children by her side, all the kids tried to look their best but Achlys was dozing off on her sit.

The mistress addressed them before she turned to the parents to talk to them

"These are the kids in the Orphanage, please socialize with them and see which of them you would like to adopt".

All the Kids got nervous, Achlys also had to pretend to act nervous as standing out too much won't do her any good.

The Adults all moved toward the children, speaking softly with both adults and child trying to gain each others favor.

None of the adults had approached Achlys, Lia and Ace but that was expected as they were the oldest among all the children.

Achlys and Ace were about to head back to

their room before they were stopped by the two elderly women, of-course Achlys recognized them , they were from the Vans family, Achlys felt a rush of malice and hatred trying to burst out of her but she forced it back in.

"Hello, we are from the Vans family, my name is Evelyn and this is my sister Ann, what are your names?"

Before Achlys could say anything Lia cut in and introduced herself, in Achlys past life, this was the exact situation thathappened but back then she also tried to make her presence known.

This chapter is extra long, I’ll try making extra long chapters

moonsta_rcreators' thoughts