
Achlys: The Lost Daughter

moonsta_r · Fantasy
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9 Chs


The only person who didn't get adopted was Ace until an old lady came to take him from the orphanage later on.

This time around Achlys didn't say anything, she just glanced at both women and walked away.

"I'm sorry please don't pay attention to her, she's always like this, she might just be shy".

And thanks to Lia, both women favorable impression of Achlys depleted, Ace glanced at Lia before also walking away.

Lia and both women from the Vans family

soon became close, the meeting between adults and children soon came to end, the orphanage gave the adults some time to confirm if the kids they took a liking to would be adopted. A week had passed and the adults came back to adopt the kids they took a liking to, Lia got adopted by the Vans family, soon she was taken away to the Vans family and announced as the youngest daughter.

Achlys (pov)

"Why does the Vans family need another

daughter when they already have one?". Ace asked over the past few days she and Ace had gotten closer and had become friends, the kids in the orphanage reduced and they were only about twenty-five of them left.

"I don't know, must be the way rich aristocrats acts"

In her past life, when she got adopted, she

didn't know the reason  why she got adopted, but she soon later found out that the adopted daughter would be a stand in for the Eldest daughter and also take her place in the engagement meant for the Eldest daughter, Ahma's Fiancé had gotten into an accident and was in a vegetative state also the family of the Fiancé had also fallen into ruins as the pillar of support for the family was in a Vegetative state, the other children in the family were not fit for Business so they got cheated, if the timeline was correct then the Fiancé's family had already fallen into ruins.

But the fiancé's family never came looking for them to settle the engagement so the plan of adopting a daughter made them feel regret and they soon started to resent her.

The two chatted for a while before they

were called by the Mistress assistant. Achlys had an inkling as to what was going to happen next, so she was not flustered, as they got close to the door of the Mistress office they could hear the voices of an old lady and the mistress talking, the assistant knocked on the door.

"Come in"

They both shuffled in after the assistant,

immediately Achlys spotted the old lady she was stunned, Ace and the old  lady bore about 75% resemblance although the

birthmark covered most of his features she could still tell, she glanced at Ace and as expected he was frozen in shock, when the old lady spotted them, she burst into tears crying  and talking about how her old man could finally rest in peace, Achlys left the room to give them space.

Ace got adopted but before he left he

promised to keep in touch, but Achlys knew that would not be possible because she was planning on leaving the orphanage soon, the old lady who adopted Ace had been looking at her weirdly and before she left she said "You look like alot daughter of mine , that girl its been long since i last saw her"

"Ah that Delphine girl, i wonder how her old man is doing, come come Ace we have to visit their family and show off, Hehe"

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