
Academy Of Useless Abilities?!

Living his life amidst a bush of thickets, Zephyr Lincoln Gonzalez, or Zephyr, a sixteen-year-old boy, ended up being killed and reincarnated to a new life. But after his reincarnation, his fate was tied to an unusual academy he went to for college together with his new friend he met, with a really peculiar event- All students have abilities?! But what's even worse, is that the abilities they have are somehow below the belt- in other words, they're useless. Will Zephyr handle this situation? How would he- a talentless one, be able to cope with this academy's weird situation? Together, let's find it out.

Yhel_Writes · Fantasy
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Chapter 01: Regrets... and Farewell

Zephyr's PoV


I slowly opened my eyes, yet all I see was entirely white. I tried to scan my surroundings and I noticed that my right arm, as well as my legs, were casted and hung to maintain immobility. I can hear the soft beeps of that unknown machine beside me, as well as the faint blow of air from an air-conditioner a few meters away from my bed.

As soon as I thought, I am in a hospital right now...

"Zephyr! How come- where's Lumina?! Where is she?!"

Suddenly, a familiar lady entered my room, whose hair was entirely different than mine along with her worried-looking face- but I'm not the one she was worried about. She quickly ran towards me and roughly shook my shoulder, asking those questions repeatedly like a broken cassette tape. Well, I'm used to this.

"S-Sorry Mom... But, she... couldn't make it..."

A single tear dropped down my cheek. I suddenly remembered Lumina on how she surrendered herself and accepted her fate-


In an instant, I could feel the numbness on my face. As soon as I knew it, a cold, forcible slap landed on my left cheek- along with those tears, curses, and grudges thrown upon me. Looking at my mother's situation, she was enraged when she heard that. She kept on telling me that everything was my fault, as my father quickly dragged her out of my room and slowly closed the door.

To be honest, she was right... It was entirely my fault that Lumina died. If I'd just listened to her not to go with Lumina to the park today, this wouldn't happen- and Lumina was still here hugging me as if it never happened.

All I ever wanted is to hang out with my little sister even just for a day... I mean, even though we're "siblings", we were studying in different schools, and we rarely talk to each other. My mother prevented her from talking with me due to an unknown reason, yet Lumina still insisted since to her, I am her caring and loving brother...

Lumina's always been the center of attention inside the mansion since she was the only child in my family. While me? Well... Let's just say that I'm an orphan. It was fourteen years ago that my father found me in an orphanage and took care of me since they say that I have potential- yet my mother didn't accept me as a part of my family.

Two years after, Lumina was born, making my mother very happy. It was my first time seeing her smile, but it was just only the beginning of my cruel days. She suddenly stopped supporting my studies- since to her, we're not blood-related and Lumina is her only child. She decided to give her time and support to Lumina rather than giving us equal shares and love and care.

Yet, it was my father who still didn't give up on me. When he heard that my mother stopped treating me like her own child, he was the one who bridged those gaps in everything that happened in my life until today. Four years ago, we both tried to apply for a high school scholarship and fortunately, I passed, making him very happy.

On the other hand, Lumina attended a private school my mother bestowed upon her and supported her in everything. She just doesn't care about my life or my future anymore. after I succeeded to get a scholarship for my high school, I tried to maintain my grades as best as I could just to get her attention, but she didn't even care. Hopefully, I could get some college scholarships next year since my high school days will soon come to an end.

"Mr. Gonzalez? How are you feeling right now?" A doctor came into my room to check me out, yet I could see his curious face- maybe he spotted my mother being dragged out of my room. I just changed his curiosity as I replied.

"I'm okay doc- I just need a few rests. So, how was my operation?" I slowly embedded a faint smile on my face while wiping my past tears. I don't want my doctor to see this situation of mine so I tried to hide it away from him.

"Oh yes, we managed to cast your broken legs and your right arm, and good thing you only had a simple fracture before you got here. There are no severe fractures happened so rest assured-"

"Pardon me doctor but I-" I tried to look around and search for them, but they seem to be nowhere. Did they leave already?

"Doc... I have a question. Did you see the ones who'd carry me here? They're couples, I think. I remember that they were the ones who see me lying on the ground and brought me here but it seems that..."

"Oh, about that... They eventually left without saying a word as soon as they arrived here and rushed you inside the emergency room. Do you know those people? I thought that they were your parents..." The doctor asked in his low, deep voice but I just nodded out of disagreement. I didn't even thank them for bringing me here...

"Well, back to your operation... Your bills were paid by your parents so you have nothing to worry about, and you can be discharged after two days of observation. For now, you should rest until our observations of your fractured body are complete."

"Thank you doc. I'm looking forward to that." I smiled at him once again as he slowly went out of my room. I gently shut my eyes for a bit, calm myself down, and slowly pulled myself to sleep.


"We recently found your child's body below a cliff where the accident happened, and I'm sorry to say that she was found dead on the spot."

Suddenly, I heard conversations. I slowly took a peek beside me as I saw a doctor, a policeman, and my parents talking about Lumina's death. I pretend not to wake up since I know that if I did... My mother would slap me to death.

"This is Zephyr's fault! I was right not to let him be with my child! He needs to be arrested! He killed my daughter-"

Those words struck my heart painfully. I tried to control my feelings as I can still see my mother struggling while my father kept on holding her. The policeman tried to calm her down as he spoke.

"Pardon us ma'am, but your child is innocent. We found evidence to tell that he had an accident near a cliff and Mr. Gonzalez here was found unconscious with a broken arm and legs. Your other child was nowhere to be found when they saw him, yet we can say that he tried to hold Ms. Gonzalez's hand to prevent her from falling due to hand markings spotted on Mr. Gonzalez's hand."

"Do you think those evidence of yours could bring back my child?! Why are you so convinced that this child is innocent?! He killed Lumina and I'm sure of it! He might push her off the cliff or anything! Don't be deceived by those innocent eyes, he's guilty-" My mom struggled for more as she hardly finished her statement as my father just apologized and took her out of my room. The policeman just looked at me with and sad face, then left those words:

"Poor kid... Having a situation like this is a pain for him."

I wanted to cry after hearing those words. I didn't mean to hurt anyone but, is it really bad to just hang out with your little sister for an hour or two? My, it seems I started to think if I am still a part of this family...


A few minutes passed, and I slowly opened my eyes... Yet everything was entirely dark. I wanted to speak but there is something stuck in my mouth, making it hard to say anything. I struggled to move but I can't feel my feet, and as soon as I realized, I can hear that I'm inside a car running on a seemingly endless road.

Wait, I thought I am just lying in a hospital, right? Then why am I here? Who's driving the car? Why am I all tied up? Where are my parents? Did they know that I'm here?

I slowly peeked into my blindfold as I saw two men driving the car, but I can't see their faces... Wait, is this a kidnap? Did they secretly take me out and bring me to a secluded place? Welp, what an unlucky day for me...

Seconds passed, and the car stopped. I can hear the doors open, two men came out and opened the car beside me, and slowly lifted me. I was so nervous that time that I wanted to shout for help, but I can't. I felt that I was leaning towards something like a wall behind me as I started to mumble, when-

"Zephyr, my son..."

I suddenly stopped mumbling as I felt pain in my chest... Wait, is this my father's voice I just heard by now? What is he doing here?

"I'm sorry that I did this to you... But I have to, for the sake of your mom. She told me that we'll divorce if I let you stay in the house... You know how much I've treated you like my real son but, I don't want her to leave me behind."

The pain slowly gnawed at my heart... So Mom told my father to kill me?! Why?!

I wanted to speak but all I can do is mumble. I struggled to speak or to just see his face, because I realized, seconds from now... Father will-

"Father... N-No-"


I suddenly felt unconscious... I heard a gunshot and something pierced into my chest and now I'm losing my vision. I slowly fell to the ground, and I started to lose my senses. But most of all, how did my father, whom I trusted the most, ever do this to me?! Am I really that useless? He should've left me here rather than killing me!

Before I closed my eyes and accepted my fate, I saw a glimpse of light. it was faint, though glistening as if I'm not blindfolded. It keeps on coming near, as it said those words:

"Young man, what do you seek?"

"U-Um... Who, a-are you?..." I mumbled like I can speak even with tape on my mouth, as I tried to remain conscious even if I struggled to.

"What is your wish, young man?"

"S-Strength." I gasped. "S-strength, t-to protect, m-myself... A-And the ones, I-I loved the m-most..."

But then, my body gave up, As I completely pass away, I still remember what that light told me:

"Very well. I shall bestow your wish... "
