
Academy Of Useless Abilities?!

Living his life amidst a bush of thickets, Zephyr Lincoln Gonzalez, or Zephyr, a sixteen-year-old boy, ended up being killed and reincarnated to a new life. But after his reincarnation, his fate was tied to an unusual academy he went to for college together with his new friend he met, with a really peculiar event- All students have abilities?! But what's even worse, is that the abilities they have are somehow below the belt- in other words, they're useless. Will Zephyr handle this situation? How would he- a talentless one, be able to cope with this academy's weird situation? Together, let's find it out.

Yhel_Writes · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 02: Mixed Up

Zephyr's PoV


My vision slowly became clear as I opened my eyes. I was surprised that my blindfold was gone, along with the tape on my mouth and the pain in my tummy. I was laid down on a white soft comfortable bed in a large bedroom.

I still haven't recognized everything as I tried to scan the surroundings, but everything around me looks unfamiliar. I suddenly remember the light that shone upon me and said those words. Wait, did I really die on that roadside?! Well, that's unfortunate... But I remember that the light told me about bestowing my wish. Wait, did I just reincarnate or something? This is cool, I think. But I still don't know how did I get here-

"My, are you awake now Mr. Gonzalez?"

A sweet voice suddenly caught my attention. I quickly gazed towards the door of the room and out came a woman, with long blonde hair, hazel brown eyes, and an elegant face- she even gave that mommy aura- or wait, is she? And wait, how did she know my name? Am I still alive or am I reincarnated already?

"I'm awake now miss, yet I still don't what happened and why am I here..." I scratched my head as she just giggled, placed the tray on a small cabinet, pulled a wooden chair, and sat beside me.

"My husband and I found you beside the street of La Gónica unconscious, We saw those casters on your leg and your right arm so we decided to bring you to our mansion. Tell me, why are you even there in the first place? Where are your parents?"

Hearing those words made me remember my father's last word he said before he killed me. Although it hurts, I never placed any grudges against him, especially this time. I knew he has a valid reason and I don't want them to be separated because of me.

"It's a long story ma'am, but one thing's for sure, my parents abandoned me- or I should say, my mother. I'm afraid my parents won't look after me from now on." I faked a smile to hide my pain, but I almost forgot that I am in a different world. So this is the so-called La Gónica I was reincarnated in and not my hometown anymore.

"They did that? My, how rude- leaving their child like that. And yes, don't call me ma'am. I am Serene Marie Gonzales, so do call me Mrs. Serene." She smiled once again as I suddenly noticed on she pronounced her surname.

"Wait, we have the same surname? Are you my secret relatives or something?" I asked, but she laughed at my curiosity.

"Although we have the same surname, mine is Gonzales with an S while yours is Gonzalez with a Z. It may sound the same but it's different... I found it on your Identity Card when we found you lying on the roadside-

I suddenly cut off the chase when I remembered her saying he found me on the roadside. How did I forget I was there in the first place?

"Mrs. Serene? If you don't mind, how did you find me there anyway?"

"Oh yes," Mrs. Serene quickly replied. "If you didn't know, We were on our way to an academy for a meeting when we spotted you." She smiled once again, as I suddenly bowed my head in front of her.

"Mrs. Serene, I'm sorry! You were too busy, but you still stopped and helped me. I will never forgive this kindness." I apologized in front of her, but she just smiled again as she spoke.

"No need to apologize now. To be honest, we're a bit late so... We just excuse ourselves from our meeting to take care of you for the moment, I'm sure they'll understand."

"N-No ma'am- I mean Mrs. Serene! It was entirely my fault!" I quickly disrupt her in panic while she just giggled once again. "Yet I'm thankful, and I don't know how could I ever repay-"

"No need to think about it now. Seeing you right now is fine with me, so yeah. And yes, before you eat, I believe this is yours as well." She suddenly pull something out from her pocket- it was Lumina's necklace and my father's credit card. She handed it to me carefully as I realized- why is my father's credit card here? I thought I was reincarnated. I really don't know what era it is now but I'm pretty sure this left me confused.

"Oh, do you have something in your mind cutie?"

"I-It's nothing, Mrs. Serene. And don't worry, after I've recovered, I'll be leaving here. I don't want to be a burden to you and your family since I'm not even-"

"Hush right there, cutie. Please don't say that you're a burden. This is OUR decision to take care of you so there's nothing to worry about. To be honest, we're just newlyweds, so we're happy to have you here. And besides, you said that your parents abandoned you, so that means you have no home to return to."

"Yes, Mrs. Serene... And I'm sorry." I let out a deep sigh as I took my necklace and credit card from her. "It's just that, I always try not to force myself to be a part of the family that I'm not related to. That's what I'm holding on to for the past years."

"So wait, you're an orphan?" Her left eyebrow suddenly raised, filled with curiosity. Instead of speaking, I just nodded slightly- never thought I could bring this topic here into this world.

"I-I'm sorry for asking that happily. I can understand your pain, but rest assured, we're not like that. If they treated you like a total stranger, then you will feel at peace here, I can promise that..." As she spoke those, I let off a burst of tears as she suddenly gave me a warm hug- like a true mother's love that I haven't felt for fourteen years.

I realized- if only I found out that my mom dislike me that much, I should've just stayed still rather than trying to exert efforts in academics and singing just for her to notice me. But I still haven't matured at that time, and I couldn't blame myself for that.

"Let it out Zeph... You'll feel suffocated if you won't cry your burdens out. Don't worry, you are safe here. Feel yourself at home~"

"Honey? You there?"

Suddenly, a tall man stood and knocked at the door, seizing our attention. He has a tall and perfectly-shaped body, with hazel brown eyelids, a manly face, and a straight posture asking in a deep voice. Judging from the way he talked, he must be Mrs. Serene's husband. He slowly entered the room and I saw that he has some documentary files in his hand- all piled up in a green folder.

"How was it? Did you find out about Zephyr's whereabouts?" Mrs. Serene asked, making me surprised- so wait, they were trying to know about it? Yikes! They might find out that I'm lying!

"Zephyr was discharged immediately by his mother even though his two-day observation isn't completed from a medical hall just a few meters from here. The doctors tried to convince her to let Zephyr rest for a day or two but she insisted. I've also heard the news from the doctors that Mrs. Gonzalez was angry at Zephyr and kept on blaming him for his little sister's death." He answered as I sighed in relief- but wait, am I really reincarnated?! Why does that topic of mine even exist here?!

"Wait, you had a little sister Zeph?''

"Yes," I replied as I slowly held Lumina's necklace tightly. "I tried my best to hold her from falling on that cliff. We've been there for hours, waiting for someone since I can't lift her alone until she gave up and lost her grip just to not let me suffer. Seeing her death in front of my eyes made me traumatized..."

"We're sorry to hear that, Zephyr. It seems it caused you too much burden. By the way, my name is Mr. Alfonso Gonzales, but feel free to call me Alfon." Mr. Alfon smiled at me but I can still see that he felt pity about Lumina's death.

"No need to be sorry Mr. Alfon. And I thank you both for saving my life. Although it hurts, I have no choice but to accept my little sister's fate." I faked a smile once again as he suddenly handed me a pen and a document file.

"What is this, Mr. Alfon?"

"We knew that you're adopted. I met your father as well we talked about stuff and about your mother's plan of killing you and your little sister's death. Your father also told me about your mother's threat so your father and I agreed that we'll adopt you and treat you like our own child- I just don't understand why he left you on a roadside like that..." As he spoke those words, I suddenly felt light-headed.

Wait, is this real?! He met my father?! I thought my father killed me! I can still remember the gunshot and the bullet that pierced my chest-

"Zephyr, as much as we want to let you go, but it's unbearable to see you in a state like this. We know your burden and pain- both physically and mentally. We wanted to help you Zeph, even in the smallest way possible." Mrs. Serene quickly said. "If we were the ones destined to take care of you, then we'll do it. Besides, I have birth defects so instead of adopting a child from the orphanage, why not we'll adopt you instead, right?"

"But seriously Mrs. Serene? You'll adopt me? I'm afraid that I might be a burden-"

"How many times do I need to tell you that you aren't a burden to us, sweetie?" Mrs. Serene quickly spoke as I just let out a heavy smile. "I mean, look at you! You're eighteen, you're smart and talented, and you even got a scholarship! So, don't say you're a burden okay? Because to us, you have a lot of potential~"

Man, I couldn't stop my emotions right now...

"Don't worry about your life with us Zephyr. Just continue your studies and we'll support you with everything. We'll transfer you to another academy that I was working for safety, and rest assured that your life will be better if you're with us- I can assure you that." Mrs. Serene smiled once again, as I could feel my heart fluttered.

"I thank you for this Mrs. Serene, Mr. Alfon! No words can explain how much I'm happy right now!" I wiped my tears as Mr. Alfon gently pat my shoulder and spoke.

"Hoping for your fast recovery Zephyr, and welcome to our family."

Those words enlightened my heart. I can tell that they mean it so I accepted their wish as I signed those adoption papers. From that day, I became known as Zephyr Lincoln Gonzales with an S, not with a Z. Before I could realize it, I became a part of a family that once rescued me amidst the burden I felt from my past parents. I can feel the love and care they gave for months, leaving my past problems away, and finally making a new version of me full of their love and care.

Even so, I still don't know if I was really reincarnated or not. It seems that my old life was mixed up with my current one, but one thing's for sure, this is my new life- reincarnated or not.

For now, let's just focus on my first day of school.
