
Academy Of The Elites

Magnus Academy where the best of the best gathers have just enrolled this year's new students. How many great people will emerge from these exceptions and will graduate as Elites? The future holds the answer. The crazy fantasy academy life for our MC has just started!! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/96cJ7CWFAE

Dark_Cross · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The First Event

The first event announcement shocked many students. They didn't expect it to start so early.

It's only been a week since the classes started and the first event will begin next week, anyone would be shocked, so their reactions were normal.

Clap! Clap!

Professor Alphine clapped twice to grab the attention.

"I will now tell the details of the event, so listen carefully."




Pin drop silence.

"The event will take place in the Black Forest. It is the largest forest on the island located behind the academy. You have to survive three days in this forest and by survive it doesn't mean that you will be fighting monsters or something, the black forest has no monsters. You will just be ripped off your daily necessities like shelter, water, food etc.

The academy has spread a thousand glowing stones across the forest, during your survival you have to collect as many of these stones as possible. All the first year classes will be a part of this event and each class section has to form groups of four. That means a total of eighty groups will be formed. You can form groups yourself. The total stones collected by a group will decide the final result. Each group should have a minimum of twelve stones in total to pass the event. On passing, each group member will be given 1 point. If your group is unable to collect twelve stones then every member of that group will get a -1."

"Haa.. It's a relief that we will be participating in groups."

"Yeah, the event doesn't seem that difficult."

"Hey want to form a group with me?"

Everybody started forming their groups. They all were relieved after hearing the details.

"The event doesn't end there." Everyone stopped talking and looked at front.

"Each group member will submit their collected stones separately... The member with the least number of stones in a group will get a -1 added even if their group passes and the member with the most stones will get extra 2 points. The members who are neither last nor first will get no extra points and If every member has the same number of stones, then one extra point will be given to every member of the group.

The distribution of stones between members is allowed during the event period only and also the information about the individual amount of stones will not be revealed, only the collective result as a group will be publicized. So choose your group members wisely.

Also, there are no such conditions for groups failing the event as they are already getting a -1."

The earlier silence returned back. It was even more silent. The sound of wind blowing outside, the ticking of clock, sounds which usually hides in the background could now be heard clearly.

"Now, how will the event process. First of all you all have to form groups by tomorrow and inform me by 5 in the evening. Each group member should be present at that time for confirmation. The rest of the process will be done by me.

The event will start at 7 a.m. on the first day of the next week and end at the 7 a.m. of the fourth day. All the class sections will start from different locations.

Aside from the internal results, the sections result as a whole will also be ranked. The students of section with most number of stones will all get 1 point and the section with least stones will add -1 to each student's lifetime balance.

Lastly, the rules you all have to follow. You cannot attack other groups, exchange of stones between different groups is not allowed and last but no least, bullying your own group members to get stones can result in severe punishment."

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"That's all for the details. I hope everything is clear. Best of luck to you all for the event."

She left the class.

Usually everyone would've started talking by now, but today it was not like that. No one was looking at each other. Frey, sitting next me was also deep in thought. He was not blinking at all.

The rest of the classess were over. The atmosphere of the class was different the whole day. Even the enthusiastic history professor was not able to change the atmosphere.

I was about to leave but Frey called out to me.

"Um....Yu, will you from a group with me?"

"If you are fine with it, I have no problem."



"But what if I betray you?"

"It's a competition, if you win by rules, there is nothing wrong. Even if you have to betray."

He looked at me for a while and then suddenly...


... hugged me.

"I will never betray you."

"Yes I understand, but please get off me first."

After some struggle I was finally released.


"Do you have any other friends Yu, who will be willing to join the group?"

"None, you?"

He moved his head in denial.

"Well, there will obviously be some people who will be in same shoes as ours, so wait till tomorrow."

"I guess you are right." he replied.

"See you tomorrow."

I left the class.

Light snow was falling outside. The surroundings were still covered in white due to yesterday's heavy fall. I started walking towards dormitory.

Every passing team member will get one point and if every member has same amount of stones they will get 1 point extra too. But the human psychology isn't that simple. Why would you settle for good when you can get better easily?

If you have highest stones in group you will get +2. Who wouldn't want that?

If you have least stones in group, you will get -1, resulting in zero. All his hardwork for surviving three days will amount to nothing. Who would want that?

What if the other three betrayed me?

No will know that I was the one, shouldn't I grab the opportunity?

All these different reasons leads to the same path. The path where our eyes could see a better future.