
Academy Of The Elites

Magnus Academy where the best of the best gathers have just enrolled this year's new students. How many great people will emerge from these exceptions and will graduate as Elites? The future holds the answer. The crazy fantasy academy life for our MC has just started!! ___________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/96cJ7CWFAE

Dark_Cross · Fantasy
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12 Chs

First Event [1] - The Black Forest


It was Monday, many students were gathered in the same place for the event. Each pair of twenty groups will start from different directions. We were on the east side as the sun was in the front. Our group number was 16.

After hearing the voice, everybody started entering the forest. The Black Forest. According to the information given, the forest had no monsters, that's why everybody ran without caution, trying to get their hands on as many stones as possible. We moved too.

"We will build a shelter first." Alicia said as she walked ahead.

Our team got two members yesterday evening as expected. These two also weren't able to form a team of four, and so we all ended up in the same team.

Alicia, Frey, Cliff and Me.

"Yes!" Cliff replied while raising his fists excitedly in the air. He had brown hair and green eyes.

Our team was moving in a standard way. Alicia was walking in front followed by Cliff. Frey and I were walking side by side at the back.

"I found a stone!" Frey said as he ran towards a nearby tree and picked up the stone. He held up the stone in the air. It looked like a normal stone except it was glowing a little.

"Wow!" Cliff exclaimed.

"Good job. We will be collecting all the stones as a team and will distribute them equally in the end." Alicia said.

"Yes." After giving his answer, Frey came to my side to show the stone.

"Looks like we are lucky, the event has just started and we already found our first stone." He praised the luck.

"Yes you are right!" Cliff agreed with him, nodding his head repeatedly.

I looked around. All the trees in the forest were very high, blocking almost all the sunlight. Making it appear dark inside. I guess that's how it got its name.

Although no sunlight was entering, we could still see our surroundings clearly as there were many plants around, emitting light with their bodies. They were doing the work of the sun.

We walked for a long time until we found a river. The water in the river looked clean. We all drank water from it as we all were thirsty after a long walk. We couldn't store the water as nobody was allowed to carry anything except their signs. So building a shelter nearby will be the best choice.

As if reading his thoughts Alicia said,

"Okay, we will build our shelter nearby, as we will be free from our water related problems. Let's start collecting other materials for survival. Frey, you will collect sticks for fire. I can use the ember spell, so it will help in warming the nights. Cliff, try to gather some food. Don't eat any unknown fruits until you are confirmed it's not poisonous. Yu and I will try to find a cave nearby or we'll have to build the shelter ourselves." She distributed the work to everyone skillfully without creating any dissatisfactions.

"Let's begin."

"""Yes!""" We three replied.

I followed Alicia while Cliff and Frey were going on the opposite side to us. Cliff glanced at us once before he turned away.

Following Alicia, I looked around again and the same high trees were there and it was unusual.

All the trees we passed through from the start had nothing but leaves.


Other groups were also busy finding food, water and a shelter. Building a shelter from scratch was really hard for the students as none of them had done it before, so they all were looking for caves.

Alexa and her team had already found a cave and were now inspecting it. The cave they found already had a small lake inside it which contained drinkable water. That's why they decided to make it as the shelter.

"Alexa, the cave looks safe." Lux said.

"Okay, everyone let's now search for the food. Each one of us will go in different directions and explore as much area as possible."

"""Yes!""" Everybody replied as they came out of the cave and started going in different directions.

Alexa moved too.

She looked around the trees to find fruits to eat, but was failed. She walked a little more ahead but all the trees were still the same. There was nothing on the trees. Only leaves. She moved a little fast to look more and was shocked with the reality.

There was not even a single tree which had fruits on it. She smiled a little and thought inwardly.

'The Magnus Academy.'


She sighed and walked in the direction from where she came to inform her teammates.


After sometime everybody started noticing the problem. They all panicked.

Most of the students didn't know any magic spell. Even if they hunt for the food, how are they going to cook it?

Many groups started moving deeper inside to look for the fruits. They were hanging on a thin hope.

Some students who knew how to use magic, started finding rivers with their groups to hunt fish. Children from the royal family had an upper hand as they were taught some basic magic in the palace.

In anxiety, they all forgot that they had to find a shelter.