
Abyssal Idiot

Do bear with me I’m no expert at this so if you have any advice please feel free to share. *** Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes. *** Don’t feel offended by my use of mythical, fictional and religious beings in this novel Btw not my cover art

TheAbyssalOne · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Time skip



3 years had passed since the spatial tremor incident and numerous rumors of otherworldly beings have been spread among the higher ups of earth.

In a classroom filled with children a certain boy with black eyes and smooth black hair was looking at the paper in his hand with a slight hint of confusion.

Balor was now 4 years old he was currently sitting in a classroom filled with other children his age, while the rest were arguing over something he deemed irrelevant. He was seated in the corner of the classroom drawing doodles, doodles of monsters to be exact. One of these doodles looked almost the same as myosoth.

When the class teacher looked at balor ,who at the age of 4 was already in a class of people almost twice his age she thought 'the Amentis family truly hit the jackpot with this one'.

Balor put down the paper after drawing a picture of a family being slaughtered by a young boy, this boy looked oddly familiar to balor and the family in question looked like his very own, the boy in the drawing was seated on a piano stood made of bones while around him they were countless corpses spread out while the rest of the house had a reddish orange color symbolizing fire. The picture had a certain artistic but dark vibe to it.

A boy looked at Balor and almost grabbed the paper from him but at the very last moment Balor looked at the poor boy who felt the shadow of death on him, he felt this sensation so vividly he started sweating buckets. Charis who realized Balor was going to kill the boy spoke outwardly," Balor calm down!" her voice was loud but no one in the room with the exception of Balor heard it.

Balor who was trying to calm down felt like a demon was whispering into his ears to cause chaos and beat the boy, the whispers were so seductive he grabbed his plastic lunchbox and hit the boy with it, from that point everything slowed down and he felt an inhumane amount of excitement at the feel of the boys blood running down his hands, he then, Continued to beat the boy without noticing it a wide grin had formed on his face.

All the other pupils looked on with horror as balor beat the boy while wearing a smile on his face, the teacher who had now broken out of her trance like state rushed towards balor and was about to pull him up but the boy stood up on his own, looked at the teacher who was now standing in-front of him and said, "apologies for the mess I've made" even as he said this he still had the same psychotic smile on his face ignoring the screaming and crying of his fellow classmates as well as the sheer horror on his teachers face.

The teacher whose name is Ms Lucy looked at the boy who she was inwardly praising less than a second ago now covered in the blood of another, smile at her, while this smile of his was slightly psychotic it seemed to give the boy a certain charm an almost hypnotic one. That very smile would haunt her for years to come.


(Authors note: I'm going to focus on balor for a while, during this period expect a breakdown of his personality and I'm not sure of what else 🤷‍♂️)

But On another note

Should i continue the story going

1)with a planned route


2)go with the flow

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