
Abyssal Idiot

Do bear with me I’m no expert at this so if you have any advice please feel free to share. *** Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time and space amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous whine of accursed flutes. *** Don’t feel offended by my use of mythical, fictional and religious beings in this novel Btw not my cover art

TheAbyssalOne · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Second gifted

Ms Lucy who was now seated in the principals office defending the boy she wanted to punish was wondering how it came down to this.


10 minutes earlier

In the classroom,

Ms Lucy was looking at the boy in front of her when she heard a voice in her head, The voice said ,<host, you have a new mission one you can't deny.> The voice in her head came from the system. She had the system for 5 years now, while she was sleeping a ball of light went in her body, the very next morning she woke up and saw the silhouette of man one would describe with nothing other than divine, the man introduce him self as the

Embodiment of chaos.

The man told her about gifting her 2 things one was a surprise and the other was the system but in return she had to serve a person of his choosing,

She asked the man how she'd know who she was to serve but all the man said was the cause of chaos on your planet.

Since then the system had been giving her missions and rewarding her for every complete mission based on how well she did. The first mission was to study the information given out by the system, This information consisted of knowledge about magic, mythical creatures, deities and other incomprehensible things. She till hadn't completed this mission or any other for that matter. But the system still gave her rewards for certain accomplishments such as creating her first skill and understanding a quarter of the information the system gave her. And these rewards came in different forms like an increase in her magic comprehension, increase in her physical strength and increase in charm.

But even with 2 years worth of effort she could barely go any further with her progress so she decided to become a teacher, she taught college students, primary students and high school students. Everything was going smoothly unlit one day she entered a primary class she was supposed to teach and the system failed to recognize a boy this boy was a silent boy who released a dark gloomy vibe as-well as an aura of perfection.

The boy was on the news several times for his multiple genius level talents but his most appreciated ones were his talents for drawing, music, martial arts, academic and his talent in poems.

Imagine her shock when the nigh-omnipotent system failed to recognize I single 3 year old, so she started to research everything about the boy, she even stalked the boy but when it proved futile she gave up. But a few months later she saw the boy get up to beat his classmate when the boy looked at his classmate the world seemed to have come to a standstill, even the cold ,monotone and soulless system warned her with fear in its usually indifferent voice to leave the vicinity IMMEDIATELY!, but due to her sense of justice, confidence in her capabilities and hope that the boy had at least a strand of humanity in him, she went up to stop him. But the boys excited and mirth filled gaze coupled with his wide grin sent tremors down her spine. She felt a sensation she never felt since she got the system not even when she discovered a lesser demon roaming earth. She felt fear, fear towards a boy who shouldn't even be capable of cleaning his own body without help.

The worst part of it all were the screams of her pupils and the way he dismissed everything, his tone when apologizing was similar to what one would use when talking to an orphan, his voice was laced with pity, disdain and amusement. Just when she thought things couldn't get worse the system gave her a new mission the system announced in a voice filled with awe and worship no longer holding the same amount of fear,<main mission: protect the anomaly>.

The boy was non other than Balor Amentis only heir to the Amentis family of earth.

Back to the present


A random child anonymously informed the school administration about the incident and that's how she had to defend the boy infront of the school principal who just happened to call Balor parents.

Despite all this chaos the boys face had a smile but his eyes seemed vacant, but when he heard his parents were coming the boy looked at the principal with a mocking smile.

No one saw the fairy who looked to still be shaken by the previous events.

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