
Abyss Summoner of The Apocalypse

[Original Synopsis] The Abyss. A name that evokes dread in the hearts of all—a vast, suffocating void, an endless chasm where nightmares are born and fester. In this forsaken realm, fear is not merely experienced; it devours. The very environment is a relentless predator, and existence hangs by a thread, forever on the brink of annihilation. This is the Abyss—a grotesque domain where demons and devils revel in deceit, death and destruction, where hope is nothing more than a cruel illusion. In this desolate world, the Abyss is both a source of ultimate terror and Chen Feng’s only chance for survival. As humanity nears its final days, Chen Feng uncovers a terrifying power—a cursed ability that allows him to commune with the Abyss itself. Through sheer force or blood-soaked sacrifices, he calls forth the horrors that dwell in the depths, bending them to his will. For he is... The Abyss Summoner. [Translator's Synopsis] The Apocalypse has struck. Nature has unleashed a torrent of destruction—floods, droughts, storms—all tearing the world to shreds. The survivors cling to the last threads of hope, unaware of the true nightmare about to unfold. But Chen Feng isn’t fooled. With an energy storm on the brink of plunging the world into darkness, monstrous beings from other realms are poised to tear through reality, turning the planet into a battleground where humans are no longer the apex predator. Once, Chen Feng believed in helping others, driven by a sense of compassion that the world repaid with betrayal and suffering. He learned too late that in a world where humanity is mere prey, kindness is a fatal flaw. Now, reborn with the bitter wisdom of his past and armed with the cursed power he once failed to fully harness—the power to summon the horrors of the Abyss—Chen Feng will command the darkness, seize dominion, and carve out his empire in the shattered remains of the world... For he is... The Abyss Summoner. [Disclaimer] This is a Translated Novel Discord : https://discord.gg/9fgGzj9GgH

AbyssSummoner · Horror
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96 Chs

Epic Fang


This is the collective term used for a specific class of professionals. After their awakening, these individuals gain the power to control elemental forces. While they are formidable in combat, Elementalists are also prized for their powerful support abilities.

The man standing before Chen Feng, for example, could control electricity. The factory's generator ran on oil, a resource that would eventually run out. However, with an Elementalist like him around, electricity would never be an issue.

In the near future, shelters would spring up across the land.

There was a distant, impenetrable fortress said to be defended by a hundred Gold-ranked Earth Elementalists. These professionals tirelessly reinforced the fortress, their elemental mastery ensuring that no ordinary force could breach its walls.

Fire, Water, and Ice Elementalists were equally valuable, highly sought after by various factions for both their destructive power and utility.

As Chen Feng's calm voice broke the silence, the Elementalist grew visibly uneasy. Earlier, Wang Yong had positioned him upstairs for an ambush, due to his unique long-range attack capabilities. A single strike from his electric currents could paralyze or incinerate enemies in an instant, leaving charred remains in his wake.

The plan had been well-coordinated, and many foes had met their end this way.


The battle ended too swiftly. Wang Yong's forces were slaughtered in an instant, leaving no opportunity for the Elementalist to even unleash his power. By then, any attempt at an ambush would have been pointless. That was why he was the last professional standing in the factory.

"Where are the supplies stored?" Chen Feng asked, his tone calm but sharp.

Having witnessed Chen Feng's ruthlessness earlier, the Elementalist trembled under his gaze. Fear crept across his face as he considered his situation.

"The supplies... I know where they are, boss... please follow me."

The Elementalist stuttered, trembling as he led Chen Feng toward an adjacent workshop.

The factory spanned over a thousand square meters, with two floors and several workshops converted into storage warehouses.

He opened the door to one of the rooms.

Inside, the room was filled with sacks of rice. Three more warehouses contained white flour, millet, oil, salt, vinegar, and even some snacks—enough provisions to fill half a warehouse.

"We raided a grain depot and took everything. We also cleared out three convenience stores. This is all we have left." The Elementalist explained, calming down slightly as he spoke, though his voice still held a faint tremor.

"You cleaned out an entire grain depot…" Chen Feng's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the supplies. The stockpile was more than enough to feed the people in the factory.

For now, food shortages wouldn't be an issue.

This was good.

In times of peace, the saying 'food is the most important thing for the people' held true. In the apocalypse, food was even more valuable. Items that once held immense worth—luxury goods, jewelry—couldn't even buy a loaf of bread. With such a substantial food reserve, Chen Feng could easily attract more survivors to the camp.

Satisfied, Chen Feng pressed further. "Did Wang Yong leave anything else behind?"

"Anything else?" The Elementalist's face lit up with recollection. "There are five pistols, but the bullets are used up. Aside from that, we've got a few knives and contraband weapons, some gasoline, and… there's one more thing!"

Now fully assuming the role of a guide, the Elementalist eagerly revealed everything to Chen Feng.

Suddenly remembering something, he hurried into Wang Yong's bedroom. After a few moments, he returned carrying a long, heavy object, struggling to support its weight with both hands.

Approaching Chen Feng, he carefully unwrapped the fabric covering the object.

It was a tooth.

A giant tooth.

"Please look at this," the Elementalist muttered. "The boss—no, Wang Yong—picked this up a while ago. We never figured out exactly what it is. It looks like a tooth, but it's heavier than steel, and the edges are incredibly sharp. Just touching it will cut you."

Chen Feng wasn't listening to his babbling. His focus was entirely on the object before him.

Stepping closer, he reached out and touched the 'tooth'.


That was the first sensation that surged through Chen Feng's hand.

It was unnaturally cold, like frozen steel, radiating an eerie chill. The edges gleamed with a lethal sharpness, curved like the blade of a scythe. Chen Feng raised his sleeve and gently brushed the fabric against the edge.

The cloth tore apart instantly, as if sliced by a razor's edge.

At this moment, a flicker of shock finally broke through Chen Feng's calm facade.

The tooth before him—though hard to believe—belonged to an Epic Realm beast.

Epic Realm.

What did that even mean?

It was a realm beyond Legend, a power so great it stood unrivaled. Anyone who ascended to this level became a force of nature, capable of shifting the balance of entire battlefields. Such a being, if enlisted in an army, wouldn't need to prove themselves through military merit—they'd be granted command, entrusted with an entire war zone.

With the breach of different dimensions, disasters weren't the only things that crossed over into this world. There were also opportunities.

Beasts from distant dimensions left behind more than just destruction; their remains held unimaginable power. Take the tooth before him, for instance—just a tooth, a fang, yet harder than any known steel. Even artillery strikes would fail to leave a mark on it.

Who was Wang Yong, really?

To have such incredible fortune—not only to subdue the Infernal Butterfly but to stumble upon such a treasure. If he had been allowed to rise unchecked, who knew what heights he might have reached?

But now…

Wang Yong was dead, and everything he possessed was now Chen Feng's.

The Inferal Butterfly had been sacrificed to create the Phantasmal Eye. The stores of grain in the warehouse would bolster Chen Feng's growing army. And this fang—this Epic Realm relic—could turn the tide of any battle. Even if Chen Feng couldn't wield it personally, the Harbinger could. Combined with its brutal strength, this tooth could tear through the thickest armor—armor as tough as that of the Earth Dragon.

It was worth it.

This was the stark difference between the strong and the weak. No matter how talented or lucky the weak might be, once they were crushed, they were reduced to mere stepping stones for the strong to ascend.

Chen Feng's thoughts simmered, his eyes cold and calculating. The Elementalist standing before him had likely revealed everything. His fear was palpable, and fear left little room for lies.

"Very good," Chen Feng murmured, his tone softening ever so slightly. "From now on, you'll follow my orders and assist Wei Xun in managing the factory." He didn't need to waste energy on ruling through fear. The Elementalist had proven useful, and Chen Feng needed reliable subordinates. With him overseeing the factory, there was little chance of rebellion.

The Elementalist blinked, surprised by the sudden shift, but relief quickly flooded his face.

"Thank you, Boss! I won't slack off, I swear. You can trust me!" His voice trembled with both relief and lingering fear. After witnessing Chen Feng's brutal methods, the man had been convinced that even a minor slip could see him joining Wang Yong in death.

"Good," Chen Feng replied, his voice like ice. "Work hard, and you'll get everything Wang Yong promised you. Now, tell me—have you come across any powerful monsters in the area?"

"Monsters?" The Elementalist paused, his brow furrowing in thought before he slapped his forehead in realization. "Yes, there's one! We were searching for medicine at a nearby hospital when we found a scorpion—huge, at least three meters long. Its pincers were like blades, and the most terrifying part? Its body crackled with electricity. It was like something out of a nightmare!"

His voice trembled as the memory resurfaced, the fear still raw. "Wang Yong didn't dare to move against it. He said he'd wait until his cockroaches had grown stronger before trying to subdue it."

A scorpion with enormous, razor-sharp pincers, crackling with deadly lightning.

An image formed in Chen Feng's mind, sharp and clear.

Thunder Scorpion.

A rare breed among the Zerg—a creature feared for its physical prowess and its mastery over lightning. It wasn't just powerful in close combat; it could strike from a distance, making it a nightmare to face.

Chen Feng's thoughts churned with a dark realization.

Wang Yong's luck had been extraordinary. If not for Chen Feng's intervention, perhaps Wang Yong truly could have tamed the Thunder Scorpion. But fate had twisted in Chen Feng's favor, and now Wang Yong was nothing more than a forgotten corpse—a headless reminder of the cruel reality of this world.

"A general's victory is paid for in countless lives."

No matter how powerful Wang Yong had been, in the end, he was just another heap of bones.

"Thunder Scorpion..." Chen Feng whispered, his voice low and menacing, his eyes narrowing with cold intent.

This was the perfect sacrifice.

Epic weapon inbound?


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