
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Somewhere in the sky, two beings are moving with a speed no mortal can comprehend..."Ahhh",more like a lady taking a young teenage boy on a ride.

Vincent was quite fascinated with the sight_having been the first time he is able to wander around the city like this.

They have been moving for over one hour now, strangely the air from the flight has not rip him to shred.

It would have been more easy if Rena had teleported them but the body of an ordinary elementalist can not withstand the spatial fissure of teleportation, he will be lucky if his body did not turned to ashes.

"Damn it!! This fucker of a ghost is not even compassionate, did she not know I'm hungry?

Vincent was a bit dismal having witness what this ghost could do he did not want to push is luck and of course he did not like being muted. Knowing he could not speak openly to her all he do keep is self busy and the hungry at bay is to curse the ghost in his mind!.

Snapping out of his thought, Vincent notice that he is not more on the air he was about to ask her if they are stopping here when he saw a name tagged on the wall.

"Downtown Restaurant".

"We are going to have our dinner here".Rena said while walking forward.

"Ahh..it seems the God's have answered my prayer or maybe she is bit more compassionate than I thought.

Raising his head up he could see the inside of the restaurant.

There are chairs and table arranged in a vertical roll with customers eating all types of delicacy and chatting. This create quite a beautiful scenery.

Vincent gaze swept pass the customers, out from the corner of the restaurant came a waitress, with a gentle smile on her face she said.

"Good evening, dear customers welcome to the best restaurants of down town city". She said while giving them a short bow.

"What service do you want to purchase".the waitresses asked still with the smile on her face.

Vincent was about to reply when Rena beat him to it.

"Take us to the VIP section.

"At your service ma!".

Taking them to the other section they navigate to the left side of the restaurant climbing the stairs there was another section of customer but this place was not as rowdy as the last one.

Moving closer Vincent could now see it clearer the building was made entirely of glass but it's demarcated akin to the former but the latter one is two chair and a table and it's separated with mirror like substance that after entering you wouldn't be able to see or hear the other person at your side.

After he was served with Grilled chicken hotdogs and rice with a bottle of wine, that he dug into with no elegance at all.

Vincent was very happy, it couldn't be help this is one of the best meal he has ever tasted.He was even starting to like ghost afterall she is very beautiful and rich.

Vincent was going on with his thought when he feels a piercing gaze staring at him. He gaze up only to see ghost giving him a cold stare.

"Wait don't tell me she can hear my thoughts". Vincent thought with his spine developing sweat and sweaty hands.

"Yes". Rena said calmly.

"Gods! I am dead". Vincent thought while looking around nervously if he could get help from a good Samaritan. As if is prayers was answered the waitress walked in saving for getting muted.

Rena shifted her attention from him to answer the waiter.

"Ma! Your total bill is 1000 credit".

Rena stare at the waitress for moment and a black card that's made entirely of steel and trimmed with a golden pattern at the edge and middle manifested in her hand, she passed the 'money card' to the waitress.

Money card is a card that is deposited with credit. After spending, it deduct automatically and can also be transferred from one person to another only the authorized owner can access it, a testament to the wonders of academy.

After the heartfelt meal it is time for Vincent to continue on with is journey!!!.