
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
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20 Chs


It was night time already the grey sky had turned dark and the glistening of the moon light illuminate the surrounding making one able to make out where they are going but not able to see clearly as in the day time but not for elementalist.

At this moment, deep within the city of downtown just a little distance away from the restaurant.

"Boss they are out!". A young man pointed to the silhouette of a lady with silver hair and a young teenage boy with blonde hair.

"Good, I almost lost my patient after having waiting for the bitch for over one hour". The one who was called boss comment.

"Guys let's move! after we successfully rob this one, we wil become rich. Which I'm quite sure we will". What can the child of a merchant who is not even guarded do? I'm sure she will be shaking in her boot. Ari thought with a wild grin plastered across his face. Unbeknownst to him that will be his last mistake.


Vincent was quite happy after having a hearty meal he was about to thank Rena for the meal when he heard a yell that he almost jump in fright but after remembering the strange lady that he was with is mind was at rest.

Raising his head up he could see ten hefty armed men in the dim moon light in black robed clothing surround them.

The leader of the bandit group Ari saw them stopping at their track.He smiled while saying "give me your money card and I might consider sparing your life".Ari said while giving Rena a leacherous gaze and not even trying to hide it.

Vincent was shivering rembering the last time he was robbed of all his money and almost getting killed,if not for the bandit boss sparing his life and not wanting to waste his time on a little boy that would have been the end of his story.

"Ohhh..how about a counter offer,stay and let me give you a painless death". Rena was quite disgusted by the bandit's character, the reason why she even bothered waiting after the bandit yelled was that she was kinda intrigued by their audacity and was planning to spare their lives for putting up a good show that was until they start giving her a leacherous gaze that reminds her of one noble that she detest but always put up front with because of his background.

"Hahahahahaha". The bandits burst into a boisterous laughter thinking she was just putting on a tough front.

"You are quite the feisty type, I am beginning to like you more and more. Now hand over the money card and make the transfer, I don't want to spoil your pretty face. The bandit said with a cocky expression on his face.

Vincent was at the side just standing as a spectator, no one was paying attention to him, perhaps because of his lean build or shabby clothing the bandits label him as insignificant.

"Hmm..maybe you guys are just too dumb to understand or you did not understand English..ohh, wait, should I bark like a dog? You will be able to comprehend that, isn't?

Everyone's face change after being Insulted. "You are courting death". One of the black robed men said.

Ari, the leaders of the bunch the most observant of them all, notice the lady is not acting the normal way their victims should. He wants to kill her and take her storage ring before any mishap.


The loud yell silent every from of bickering going on among the bandit. Unsheathing is sword from its scabbard he swung it in a horizontal line wanting to sever her head from shoulder but before it could connect with her skin is sword broke into pieces and there was a...

....BOOM!!! Just like that he burst like a balloon with is blood and gut splattering everywhere.

Everyone was terrified even Vincent.

Having witness a person die for the first time in his life, and in such a horrifying way he was scared shitless.

The bandit came back to there senses and was about to run, when they noticed there feet are planted to the ground.

"It seems your feet is planted to the ground, why don't I pull it out for you".Rena said while giving them a knowing smile.

"P.. please spare my life". everyone of them get on their knees while repeating the Same line of words.