
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
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20 Chs


A young teenage boy with a blonde hair was outside receiving fresh air.unbeknowst to him space crack and a silver hair lady came out if it while giving him a deep stare that peers into his soul.

"Hmph..fitted and strangely handsome". After Rena finished appraising him she decided to reveal herself to take him to the academy.

Vincent was leaning at his door front when he saw a lady appear out of nowhere. He was terrified and the only thought that came to his mind was ghost.

Yes a ghost!!


He was about to cry out for help when an invisible force lock his mouth in place.

Rena was annoyed, if one look at her face he could see a deep frown there.

"I came here to escort a student to the academy who will have thought that my first encounter will be with a scaredy cat...but maybe I shouldn't have appeared _shooking her head Rena does not want to admit that it was her fault.

Vincent seeing the ghost has lost focus was about to pick up a stick and hit her head when he discovered that he also could not move.

"Ahh...I am going to die today what a shameful death it____

"Hi I'm Rena, I am going to be your escort today for the elementary school.

Vincent was about to continue his thoughts when a soothing voice reach is hear.

"Uh..The..Ghost..can..Talk". Vincent is frighten and shocked.

"Wait..she said her name is Rena". Lifting up his head up Vincent was shocked but not because he was afraid if death but another thing entirely__standing there was a lady dressed in a white long sleeve and a black jeans with silver and long eye lashes even with dirt scattered all around the place are cloth does not have a single speck of dust, strangely it looks as if the wind does not blow where she is. She looks like a goddess.

"She is so beautiful". Vincent thought, not realizing he said it out loud .

"Hehe, you sure are fun. Moment ago you where a scaredy cat, now a pervert .

"I'm not a pervert!. Vincent tried refuting but the blush on his cheek said otherwise.

Rena wanted to tease him more but remembered she came for business, she did not want to witness the principal anger.

"C*ugh..C*ought".Rena cleared her throat to Garner his attention.

"Like I said earlier, I will be escorting you to the elementalist academy, so start preparing we will be leaving an hour later."

Rena said with a more serious tone of voice.

"What!!, But I don't have an ability". Vincent was looking at her like a fool.

"Maybe a donkey hit her head".he thought, while shaking his head thinking that his the reason she his spouting bullshit.but what she said next was totally unexpected.

"Your ability seed just blooms."she said cooly.

Vincent was about to shout at the strange

ghost that call her self Rena when he discovered this familiar feeling that he could not uttered a word.

"Damnit, why did she make me mute now..what if she makes mute forever". Vincent shivers just at the thought of it.

He nodded furiously, while making hand symbols that he is going to go and prepare.

An hour later,

Vincent came out of his almost broken house while cradling a necklace that's mother picture is embedded in.

An hour before he left Rena told him that he did not need to carry any cloth that he would be getting a uniform if he is successful In passing the academy test, and he was very happy of the thought of receiving new cloth even if it is just a uniform that he almost jump on her.

"I'm ready"!. Vincent said while giving his house one last look.

"Good!. I like the spirit".Rena praised while levitating follow suit Vincent.

There medium of transportation is going to be with air!!