
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Elementalist academy (1)

The bandits made a terrible decision for attempting to rob from a supreme elementalist of the 2nd level.

Ari, a very astute and sharp minded person made a mistake that cost him his life, normally he would have investigated and screen out his victim before robbing them but today his arrogance has send him to the underworld. He mistakes one of the most famous student of the elementalist academy for an ordinary merchant daughter.

"You pest ." Rena said, while giving the Shivering comrades of Ari a soul piercing gaze, the once formidable facade the bandits put on his now cracked with their tears and snot that's dripping on the cold ground that's illuminated by the glistening of the moonlight. Sadly the beautiful view of the starry sky and moonlight has been ruined by the continuous pleading of grown ass men.

"Young mistress please spare my life, I will___

The young man did not get to finish his word before his head was servered off from his neck.

The last thing the now dead bandits bore witness to before their vision turned dark was the beautiful face of a demoness who looks like she has come straight out of hell to send them to the underworld.

Glancing out the now dead bodies of the bandits, Rena indifferent gaze swept pass them before spotting Vincent who sat on the cold hard floor watching the ongoing fight... well,more like a massacre.

She flashed him a bright smile, a stark contrast to the cold demoness one he bore witness to.

Which gave him the creeps.

"Sighs... damnation..I got adopted by a maniac." He thought, not knowing he said it out aloud.

Rena gave him a deep stare.

Realising that is words was said aloud,he quickly apologize which saved him from getting muted.


After going through a long and arduous journey Vincent finally got to his destination, the elementalist academy!.

Spanning over a hundred kilometers wide,was a gigantic gate that was made of materials that's more hard than diamond and tall as the gate of heaven.

On getting to the front of the gate, it opens has it as been waiting for them, standing tall was a majestic building that is as big as the whole slums of outer city and engraved on it was a picture of RAINS, rains of different color are pouring down and the picture of humans getting killed by it while some get stronger are painted there.

Vincent does not know what it is but he feels is something that he should pay great attention to.

"That was the turning point of humans." Rena said with a distant expression on her face.

"Huh..what do you mean." Vincent asked but did not get a response

Knowing she is not in a good mood ever since she has arrived at the academy, Vincent know better than to push his luck.

Following the green sign that has automatically appears and pointing him in the direction he should follow, Rena led him to a large hall.

Entering the large hall there he could see thousand of students line up in a row. " What! Are they this much? Vincent asked.

"Yeah, and only few will be admitted. Rena answered calmly.

Seeing how many in number they are Vincent was now more determine than ever to pass the test.

If I did not pass this test, where am I going to start from, what am I going to do. Vincent was a bit dismal thinking about it, he has been avoiding the thought ever since he lost is job knowing he will get drown in it but now that he has the power to change his fate.

I am going to do anything to pass the test!

"I like the spirit! this is where our journey is going to end..I wish you good luck. Rena said while glancing at Vincent.

Knowing she could read his mind Vincent was not faze by that but the part where "this is where our journey ends".

"What! You are also leaving me!." Vincent said not knowing he said it out aloud.

"Are we married"? Rena gave him an incredulous gaze.

At first, Vincent was not willing to follow a strange lady that appears out of know where but after everything he has gone through he has grown fund of her always being by his side now seeing her about to leave pains his heart more than it should. Thinking back Vincent realized he did not have a friend. Maybe that is why it is more painful than it should have been.

"Heh..byeee." Vincent said while waving his hand at her.

"Good luck Vincent I am expecting great things from you." She said while leaving the same way she came.

Then a descending pressure landed on him...no not only him, everyone.

The chatters and murmurs everything stopped at that moment.

Straining his head which had been force down by the pressure which he is feeling, he could see a man standing at the front hall with short brown hair,eyes and brown pants with a long sleeve.