
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Elementalist academy (2)

The palpable shift in the atmosphere become even more notable when a deep resounding voice was heard.

"I am Brandon Mario your principal".

Introducing his self with a resonant voice that carries an air of authority." He continues.

" Welcome seedlings to the school of elementalist." The imposing figure of Brandon Mario a mythical rank expert said.

Letting the weight of his words hang in the air he continued.

"Congratulations on successfully blooming your elementalist seed. The purpose of the academy is to give everyone youngsters an opportunity to rise to the top and become the best of the best elementalist out there.


He continued letting the weight of his words hang in the air for dramatic effect.

".....as you all know, 'many are called but few are chosen.' The principal said while his gaze swept pass the over Three thousand student. To be able to determined those who are qualified a test will be carried out to separate the ashes from the corner." The principal finished his speech with a condescending tone.while his gaze swept pass all the teenagers with an appraising glance.

The hall was filled with tension. The seedlings face previously filled with smile, laughter and chatter is now morphed into one of determination and challenge.

Vincent, feeling the shift in the atmosphere was not surprised knowing this was to be expected after listening to the principal blood boiling speech.

"Yeah! That's the spirit! Let's see if this year will be more better than the last." The principal thought with a sly smile on his face.

" But before the test commence a token shall be handed to you guys so as to know the numbers of participants; it also has other functions but you don't need to know them, at least for now." The principal finished is explanation with a chuckle.

At the same moment,

An average looking woman appears on the hall she gave the seedlings a deep stare before performing a gesture of flinging her hand as if on quo thousands of tokens landed on each participants hand.

Vincent received his own and immediately it landed on his hand. On the token was the emblem of the academy on it.

it gaves up a light hue and the number one thousand appears on it with is name and background. After giving the token a quick inspection and making sure he is ready for the mysterious assessment. He pocketed it.

His gaze swept pass the crowd of seedlings an he observed everyone token also reacts the same way as is, with visible expression of bewilderment on some seedlings face.

"I trust l'l not repeat myself on the matter about the test again. The melodious voice of a woman sounded garnering everyone's attention.

I just

"You are admonished to kill beast to earn points and you can also earn points by killing your comrade. With every successful kill you will earn the deceased point." Ella the entourage of Brandon Mario said.

After waiting for some seconds for her words to sink she continues.

"Furthermore, of the three thousand participants only half are eligible to succeed the rest are going to be sent home and everything that occurrs here will be like a dream of the night." Ella said while leisurely strolling around in circles.

"May the best seedlings succeed!". The principal says with a large booming voice to raise the seedlings morale.

"Get ready for your test." Ella said with a hint of assertiveness on her tone.

And suddenly there was a bright flash of light.


Vincent woke up in an unknown environment feeling dizzy he was about to gain his bearing when an enraged roar bring him out of his stupor.

Shifting his gaze up Vincent could see the towering figure of a beast with it's claw stretched out.

The first thought that came into his mind was to run but after recalling all those times he has been wishing he had abilities and knowing he does not have a choice but to kill or get killed he was determined to do anything to survive.

With a side step, Vincent avoided the claw by an air breath but his robe was not so lucky it has been torn in the chest with claws like mark that looks like a design.

"Fuck! I would have been impaled by that claw if I'm a seconds late. Vincent cursed while developing cold sweat on his spine.

Steeling his resolve Vincent was more determined to kill the abominable creature.

"Dammit! This bastard just ruined my most luxurious robe! Vincent thought with a murderous glint in his eyes.