
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Assessment (6)

Obscured by the ongoing chaotic fight in a somewhat secluded area, the distant sound of explosion, and occasional agonizing scream of seedlings serving as a background music. Two distinct figure could be make out from all this cataclysm having a standoff, one with his blonde hair being swayed lightly by the wind while the other a curly hair boy with an expression of contempt plastered across his face.

"Little shit, you think because you manifested your ability you could best me. Don't be delusional, I will still skin you alive." Dave said his voice being carried over by the wind.

"Petty thief, we shall see." Vincent replied. controlling the blood from the injured and coating it in his sword and he manifested his other ability; darkness.

Vincent an Lucas raid the last month was not only killing beast and earning points he had also gone through a deep introspection at his leisure time,and he discovered he is a dual elementalist with his other element being Darkness.

The hardened blood and the now manifested darkness coated the curved sharp-edged of the sword now giving it an enchanting deadly reddish-black color. Vincent disappeared from where he was kicking up dust and debris and propelling himself farther from the momentum he swung his sword aiming to server the young scion head from his neck, but before the sword could connect with Dave's neck; he was nowhere to be found.

He saw a blur flashes pass him and the very next moment he felt a familiar paralysis pain from the side of his torso, swinging is sword in the direction he felt the pain from, there was a clank sound and he felt is sword connect with something.

Dave was looking at his shoulder which Vincent's sword from earlier had slice with and ambiguous expression on his face. He was clearly affected by the wound.

'How was he able to wound me'.

The laceration on his shoulder could be almost non-noticeable if one do not pay close attention to his body but to him it was a stain on his pride been injured by a commoner is clearly not a thing he could take. After all there is a reason why the noble or clans look down on commoners, and he was not any noble he is a scion of the thunderstorm clan and one who Is given so much privilege because of his talent that his clan secret technique is even taught to him at a young age.

Vincent, oblivious to the turmoil he had caused, and seeing Dave lost in his thoughts was going for the offence, that was until he saw Dave dispel his ability a action which he shouldn't do when battling, or so he the thought.

'is he underestimating me'. Vincent thought, but know he should not be possible with the way he was fighting earlier, so he decided to play it safely, waiting to see his next action so he could reciprocate accordingly.

Dave dispelled his lightning ability and summoned his weapon; a gauntlet. Vincent, now realized he was feeling wary for the wrong reason and his conjectures were wrong.

Dave, equipping his gauntlet was about to take the fight more serious. Manifesting his Ability the gauntlet was now sparkling with electricity. The reason he decided to use his weapon in the first place was for long reach and to end the fight more quickly.

Rolling down and dodging a swipe, Vincent moved out of the way of an oncoming thrust. The fight has been going on for hours, and Vincent not wanting to waste his essence decided to be conservative, this action caused the young scion to be even more furious but knowing the dangers of running low on essence in this chaotic fight he also decided to dispel his..and him being a noble, it would be unsatisfying if he win the battle using ability when is opponent is managing his for obvious reasons.

The battle raged on with the clangor of weapon going on and the occasional notifications sound sound of dead seedling serving as a grim reminder of the purpose of the test.

Vincent, bolstered by a new confident of manifesting his Ability fought with utmost precision and a cold, calculating mindset he has developed from various battles that he had gone through. But Dave was even more vicious than him; with his gauntlet cutting through the air In a zigzag manner threatening to stab Vincent's most vulnerable body parts.

The young scion was trained and groom for battle from a young age and had many teachers to guide him, everyone has high expectations of him and he naturally has to work hard to meet his clan standard or he would be discarded has some of his predecessor had. It could be considered a miracle that Vincent is able to go toe to toe with him, afterall the first time he picked up a weapon was some months ago when he almost got killed by a beast, not to talk of Dave who has been practicing how to use a weapon since he was a kid.

A kick was delivered and Vincent was sent skidding across the ground with his knee buckling under his weight from the sheer force of the blow alone. Quickly, picking himself up from where he had landed, he dusted dirt off from his robe and got ready for new round.

'I think I know what to do now'. Vincent thought with his eyes gleaming with new light.

Somewhere in another part of the citadel, a young boy with red flaming hair could be seen engaged in battle with a boy with short burly build..more like beating up the burly boy.

"Hehe..shorty is that all you got? If so then play time is over." Lucas said with a cheeky grin.

Unlike Vincent's and Dave's fight which could be called grandiose, Lucas's own could be describe more as bullying. The fighting has been going on for hours with Lucas insult and sardonic smile plastered across his face while clearly overpowering Dave making it even more worse for Donald who is now feeling indignant and mortification.

The seedlings which are engrossed in all way battle was alarmed when they felt a descending pressure land on them and a heavy aura approaching at fast speed which they could not comprehend.

The citadel which was going off with loud explosion and battle cry moment ago was now deathly silent, that it could even be called creepy.


The silence was broken by a terrifying large booming roar that tore through the ears of many seedlings and make their soul shook in terror, and blood trickling down their ears from the sound waves alone.

Gazing up, they could make out the figure of a gigantic creature with wings that span above two metres coming at them with full speed.

The seedlings which have been fighting their selves moment ago stared at each other with a look of understanding and decided to cooperate knowing no one could take the beast on individually.

The beast came landing down with it's body razing over the ruined citadel and turning it into debris. It's vermilion eyes stared at them for a moment that sent a shiver down their spine. And then it opened it ravenous maw of death and roared a loud one for the second time. Although, the meaning was indecipherable the intent was clear.