
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Assessment (7)

The citadel, which was once used as a resting place and for recuperation..no, more like a place where the final test is going to commence is now in ruins; blown off by the gigantic beast overwhelming landing, some unlucky participants who are not lucky or fast enough to escape the building have been turned into meat paste and later dissolve into white spark of light; clear to see they have been evicted just from the aftereffect of the beast alone!

Nonetheless, the remaining thousand participants ready their weapons and take a battle pose. The ones who aren't good at using weapon or don't like it prepare to manifest their ability at moment notice.

"A..A Dragon!" A seedling from the crowd pointed out with terror stricken voice.

" No. Fool that is a wyvern." Another, refuted with a scowl.

"Ahh.. dimwits. That's obviously a tyrex." Pointed out a boy with chubby cheek with his chest raised as if saying 'praise me'.

The others seeing this almost burst into laughter if not for the monstrosity that is staring at them with an expression of savagery. Vincent and some couple others gawked at the boy who said the last line wanting to spank that his chubby cheek for bullshitting.

'Ah.. damn what an imbecile.'

"Shut the fuck bastard! Sto---"


The boy yelling was cut short by the gigantic beast roar that tore through the sky shaking their soul and ear drum making them momentarily disoriented.

The beast leap to the sky kicking up dust and debris in its wake; Causing the seedlings to lose their vision for some moments, spreading its gigantic wings wide it dived straight into the mass of seedlings and crashed into them leaving a spark of light in its wake, it continued with its action for some seconds, before a sharp spike of ice came Impaling it in its wings bringing the massacre to a standstill.

"You bastard lizard! I'm gonna freeze you into an ice statue and use you for aesthetic in my garden." An enraged voice came from the crowd, shortly after, the figure of a lean boy could be seen with a short spiky hair and white skin with a handsome girlish face.

The boy with an ice element whose temper fairly contrasted his element was the one who fired out an attack.

Elementalist are said to be the embodiment of their element. Which means whatever element one is attuned with would be how their demeanor would be. This is not to say the elementalist his purposely molding is character into one their element embodies, is just as they progress in level they are becoming one with the element.

Nonetheless, some elementalist did not fit into this criteria, but those are mostly elementalist with two, three, element and even four. The reason why because they can't embodize just one element; their element will be actively seeking balance.

The attack from the spiky hair boy has garnered the beast attention, it's vermilion eyes now staring at him with a predatory gaze which will make some shiver, but the ice elementalist match its gaze with the same.

Vincent's gaze swept through the crowd and he could see that the beast earlier ruckus has cause a couple of hundreds of people to die.

The dusty air was blown away by the wind pushing the air and robes of the seedlings into disarray. It could be seen that the wind is not a normal one; it was the work of a seedling because it came from the middle of the crowd.

"Sidney, let's work together and maybe we will be able to take out this beast." The melodious voice of a lady sound out from the crowd.

The figure of a lady could be seen with dark hair as night and lithe figure with well endowed asset given in the right proportion. Walking out from the mass of seedling to the one known as Sidney.

The one known as Sidney shrugged.

"Yeah, sure." Came a reply from the ice elementalist.

"And how are we going to do that?" Dave the lightning elementalist questioned.

"You are not the bright one, are you." A flaming red hair boy said with a jeering voice.


The wind elementalist shout out with surprise evident in her voice.

"Did you miss me, Stella?" Lucas said with a smirk.

Dave who was insulted earlier has a vein popping out of his head from anger not wanting to argue with the mad man, he decided to keep his mouth shut.

'i'm going to skin him alive in the academy.' Dave thought knowing how ridiculous his thought was but still decided to entertain it just to appease his anger.

Stella, the wind elementalist was about to refute Lucas earlier question in anger, but was interrupted by Sidney who laid out his plan on how to battle the beast.

'i nevered thought the ice elementalist is this calculating.' Vincent thought remembering the tactic which he laid out.

The plan was to gather all the earth elementalist to harden the earth so as to lock the beast paws in one place for some moments, in that short time which they have, the seedlings who has long range abilities would bombard it with all they got, as at that time it would already have been weaken from the continuous bombardment, then Sidney, Stella, Lucas, Dave, and some couple others would fight it with all they got.

The planning took no more than some seconds, as it was planned using mind transmission by Sidney.

'i guess none of this scion are ordinary, even Lucas.'

The earth elementalist took a favorable position and placed their hands on the hot scorching sand for effective product. The earth started to solidify, the beast sensing the danger was about to take to the sky, but unfortunately for it, it wasn't fast enough. The paw was locked in place from the already solidified earth.

A rain of attacks came crashing unto it, the beast roars of pain and anger was the only sound heard. Abilities like water, metal, wind, and fire.

A seedling came closer to the beast and produce a sword light from it sword, slashing the beast wings, blood spilled out from it and dyed the sand red.

The seedlings continued on with their mode of attacks, but it could be seen that it could not go on forever, some seedlings face is already pale from the excessive usage of essence and some are out of essence.

Nonetheless, the incessant attack of seedlings had caused the beast some gruesome injury and even one of its wings has been severed off from it's spine.

Vincent, stand at the side watching a mass of over one thousand seedlings attacking a gigantic beast. He decided not to participate so as to conserve his essence and he has a bad feeling about the fight that his going on.

Some moments later, the seedlings run out of essence and the phase two of the plan is being carried on.

An erratic bolt of lightning came crashing down on the now weakened beast as if an heavenly punishment is descending.

A bright flash of white light came off from one of the boy burning its scales and wings

A sharp gale of wind was produced from Stella and leave in its wake the sever off tail of the beast.

A sharp spear of ice came crashing into the beast eye and exploded freezing off its neck.

A red flaming young boy exploded out with flames incinerating its neck. The best dropped dead on the ground.

The battle ground went into an eerie silence only the remains of the broken citadel and some seedlings laying flat on the ground due to exhaustion and essence abuse.