
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Assessment (5)

One month later,

Two silhouettes of a teenage boys could be seen running on the hot scorching sand while weaving through trees trunks and bushes intricately. A testament to their dexterity and experience in the mysterious land.

Vincent and Lucas have been together for a months now, and over the course of the time they spent together they could be considered friends now, all thanks to Lucas free minded nature and Vincent's fetish nature of being interested in rich people.

Over the course of the month, except from making friends some of Vincent's other aspect also improved, Like:




[Eligible for success:1500]

Vincent slowed down his pace while panting heavily. Using his thumb to rub sweat away from his face, he said:

"Lucas, you have an explanation to do for me."

"Oh..about the 'Blessed'?


"...but you forgot to add when 'I'm in a good mood'. Fortunately for you as the magnanimous and benevolent young master I'm I will help you for free." Lucas finish saying with a wink.

'Ah..what a freak'.

'The Blessed are special type of people who except from their element are also attuned with something else. in other words it's just like having affinity for another element but different because it isn't element you will be attuned to but something of other variable or some special skill that's unique only to you. For example you can blessed in the aspect of weapon; that's is being able to wield any weapon with utmost proficiency and some are blessed in comprehensive ability or able to manipulate essence meticulously than your peers.

furthermore, this set of people mostly hail from the Noble family to the point it has been taken as a norm that only the noble could be blessed even the commoners themselves believed it. rumors has it that the Blessed are blessed for particular reason...more like they are given birth to for a reason, a reason which till today is still unknown. but to me I think that just some useless concoction used to delude the general public into thinking they are being cared for. Lucas finished his explanation with a cold expression that sent shivers down Vincent spine.

Turning around, his face mere inches away from Vincent's and his flaming red hair been blown blown into disarray by the wind, he could have been mistaken for a charming young prince if not for his eccentric personality and his expression that's at the moment, he said:

"just an advice; if you are blessed don't let it leak."

''what family is he from? For a moment i saw a sorrowful expression on his face.

Vincent's nevered thought that the ever playful ass- lover could be sad and a bit downtrodden.

'well, nothing is ever has It seems....now my rich friend has a personal problem how am I supposed ask him for money if he is down.. 'sighs', I guess my misfortune power is at play here. And it is such a shame.' Vincent thought with a shake of his head while trekking on the hot scorching sand.

Glancing furtiively he could see Lucas with his usual expression on his face and his signature pose; hands on his pocket while trekking.

"Stop peeking at me! What, don't tell me you are now interested in boys.. I'm sorry to say but I will have to reject you, I simply don't swing that way." Lucas said with an overtone voice.

Vincent developed a wry smile seeing Lucas returns to his usual Playboy self like what happened was just a dream of the night.

'Ahh.. it's quite disconcerting'

The duo continued on their aimless journey with the scorching heat becoming more and more unbearable. Until they could make out a figure of a large imposing building that stood tall casting out a shadow over the sun.

"It seems the test is about to come to an end." Lucas said with a grim expression.

"What do you mean?" Vincent questioned.

"If my guess is right that citadel on sight, I think it's an epicentre for luring all the seedlings together. He continued." meaning the last version of the assessment is to bring about co-operation and eliminate the weak ones."


Vincent's now realised the assessment was more intricate than he thought, he formerly thought that it was all about killing and earning of points.

"But what of those that already know the nature of the test, and decides to exhibit cowardice?"

Lucas said:

"those that know the nature of the test and think the best way to win is to chicken out will be naturally evicted! Because they haven't attained the hundred point mark. Also, the core of the test may be the same every year but some things always change from time to time that even I don't know."

They got nearer and nearer to the structure until they could even make out the silhouette of other participants entering from different direction.

Vincent and Lucas entered the imposing structure. Vincent's gaze swept pass the structure he could see participants everywhere with a fierce expression, and on guard aura. Vincent naturally unsheathed is sword seeing the palpable tension and rested on the wall of the citadel where it's now filled with thousands of seedlings with the same posture and some standing to retaliate to any attack.

The citadel which was filled with tension was set ablaze by a young teenage boy fiery action.

"Let's end this facade!!"

And as if in tandem he fired out a sharp block of ice Impaling and eliminating a young boy on the spot. All the teenagers rose from their spot, and the room was suddenly filled with killing intent emanating from everyone.

The boy with the ice element, who has a lean build with white skin and short spiky hair action as push the room into cataclysm. Vincent on battle mode, and his sword unsheathed was about to join the fray when he saw a burly boy coming is way with evident killing intent, he produced an earth spike and fire it at him, but before it could get to Vincent it was burned down by Lucas who was strangely silent ever since getting to the citadel.

"Hey, Lucas I can handle him myself."

"I know, just like to kick the ass of short people." Lucas replied.

The burly seedling who is average in height, but being called short was feeling irated, and seeing them casually have conversation as if he doesn't exist was consumed by rage.

"I...I will kill you..swear I will kill you." Donald, the seedling expression contorted in rage.

Vincent was about to reply to the boy declaration when an erratic bolt of lightning came streaming and paralysing him for a moment. Vincent turned around with a cold killing intent email from him.

"Don't worry Lucas take the short one, I have a scores to settle with the young scion." Vincent said already knowing who attacked him.

"Yeah, virgin boy I will make sure I kick his ass in a minute." Lucas replied with a smug smile."