
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Assessment (4)

And this brings us to the current scene,

"Lucas! Do you think I'm afraid of you" Dave said with green vein popping out of his head from anger.

"Hehe..young master Dave I never said you were afraid of me, Did i?." Lucas said with a hint of mockery on his face.

"Then get out of my way!." Dave yelled.

"Young master I advice you keep your voice low or too much yelling might make you lose your voice..young master what way am I at? Please elaborate...ohh, I understand young master can't see he wants me to lead the way for him. " Lucas replied in a sarcastic tone while gesturing towards the front of the cave.

Dave was trying to avoid fighting knowing even in his optimal condition he is not sure if he would be able to beat up the eccentric red hair boy Not to talk of now where his essence is low after wasting it on Vincent.

"This hateful bastard is riling me up to make rash decision and I almost fall for his trick." Dave thought.

"It's not over Lucas!" Dave said with clenched teeth; deciding not to engage in combat.

"Hey you little shit! If I come across you next time I will skin you alive." Dave said while giving Vincent a murderous look.

"Bye petty thief!." Vincent replied with a smug smile on his face.

"Hahahahahaha....Dave I never knew you were a thief." Lucas said admist his laughter.

Dave was infuriated even more but surprisingly he did not retort. He gave Lucas a deep stare then walk out of the cave.

Vincent sighed in relief seeing the young master leaving.

"That bastard will have eliminated me from the test if not for this mysterious boy interference."

Bowing his head, he said:

"Thank you for saving me I'm very grateful; I will repay you back if I can."

"Hmm.. you don't need to be grateful; you were just lucky..I thought it was a beautiful girl that was in need of help and I will be the knight in shining armor that saves her..'sighs'..who would have ever thought it was a boy! Ahh..you just crushed my hope; it such a shame!." Lucas said with his hands placed on his head with an expression akin to a person who just lost his wife.

"Ahh..where are my manners, my name's Lucas and I am..well, a bit disappointed seeing you are not a girl." Lucas said with an outstretched handshake while mumblings words known only to him.

'Damn..I was help by a retard! I guess I'm unfortunate even when I'm fortunate.'

Vincent thought with a pitiful shake of his head.

"God dammit! Dude I wholeheartedly suggest you go take a bath, you reek!." Lucas lips twisted in revulsion.

Maintaining a calm expression, Vincent was sick and tired of this guy yapping and insults.

Vincent was about to say something like 'can you please stop insulting me or just fuck off' when he heard the next question that almost made him vomit blood.

"Do you love ass." Lucas said with an expectant look.

"What! Excuse you." Vincent gave him look of incredulity.

"What! Don't tell me you don't like it or you are just pretending." Lucas said with an expression of disbelief. "Wait..A..Are you a virgin..Ah, it's a pity, I understand, I understand..is such a shame for a handsome young man like you." Lucas said with a look of disbelief plastered across his face and with a continuous shake of his head like a disappointed parent.

Vincent mood was in dismal after continuously hearing this chatterbox spouting all sort of bullshit. At first, he was grateful for being saved but after finding out he was mistaken for a girl it was a bit disconcerting, even more discovering the guy is some bullshit ass-lover.

"You manifested your ability right. What element are you attuned with?" Lucas questioned with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Ah...Thank the gods! This bastard is not all about ass again."

"My element? I haven't checked what it is yet.. but I think it's related to blood." Vincent answered truthfully because he could feel a strong connection with it.

"Hoh..I see, it is quite the rare one; not everyday you get to see a person attuned with the element." Lucas responded with a strange smile on his face.

'why his he smiling like this? It is creeping me out..what a retard.'

"Were you blessed?" Lucas questioned with an intrigued expression.

"Huh..blessed by what?" Vincent asked back with a clueless expression. "And what does the term 'Blessed' refers to."

"Get up and go take a shower...maybe I will explain to to you later if am in a good mood." Lucas said with a contemplative expression.

Vincent tiredly get up from where he was resting,with his most precious robe painted red from blood, torn and burnt. His chest was visible..he was half naked.

Exiting the cave, Vincent's and Lucas traversed the mysterious land which was now scorching with unbearable heat from the sun. Particularly Vincent, he was feeling tired, sleepy and thirsty.

Vincent's was utterly spent from the previous battle. not to mention Lucas continuous yapping about ass and how many girlfriends he has and giving advice on how he should man up and make use of his handsome face. Vincent almost ripped his ear off from frustration.

Luckily for him, he soon found a pristine clear water that was falling of a mountain; standing at the lower course of the river where the flow is minimum he drank from it with his hands clamped together.

He was about to take off his robe and jump into the clear water when he abruptly stopped in his track, that was because he felt a gaze. Someone was watching him and he knows who that is__


"Dammit! Privacy please." Vincent said with frustration evident in his voice.

"Hehe.. virgin boy, are you hiding that little thing of yours from me." Lucas said, making Vincent blushed. "And if you finished bathing are you going to re-wear that dirty, stinky robe."

Vincent realized what the problem was. He was impaired by his excitement from satiating his thirst and him finally being able to bath to wash off all dirt from his body.

"Anyways I have a spare robe here." Lucas said while throwing him a new robe from his space ring.which he caught and thanked him sincerely.