
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Assessment (3)

The term 'Ability manifester' is used to describe seedlings who already can manifest their Ability or to be more precise activates their ability.

This can take place naturally or can be activated using special pills made by alchemist but the latter method is naturally for the rich and influential ones. Different methods can be used to activate one's ability but the natural one is more encouraged because it makes one deeply attuned with their element from the beginning and you will naturally have it easy in the realm of comprehending laws(supreme).

Vincent's body is marred with scorch marks and laceration with the smell of burnt flesh everywhere but admist all this grievous injury his eyes is crystal clear and shining with Clarity.

Swinging his sword in an arc, Vincent deflected a bolt of lightning but the conductivity of the material makes is arm feel numb.

"Little shit! Just give up and die the way I see fit..you can't even put a scratch on me. How are you suppose to defeat me? Or you are deluding yourself.. Ahh, its a pity." Dave mocking voice rang out in the cave.

"Shut up! Fucker!." Vincent said with visible madness plastered on his face.

"B...O....O....M. "

The sound of explosion was heard and Vincent was blasted Away by a bolt of erratic lightning before he could land he felt a heavy punch in his gut that sent him skidding across the floor.

Dave appears in his front and picks him up with a hand while sending strams of lightning that incinerate his innards.

"Ahhhhhhhhh." Ear piercing scream escapes from his mouth from the pain he was experiencing.

Lifting him up by the neck and placing him on the cave wall with his hands on Vincent's neck, he said: " I think playing time is over. Let's end this charade!" He said while producing a ball of lightning to incinerate him whole.

"Damn it! I will get eliminated if that ball of lightning touch me."

With blood and lacerations covered across his body and sensing the incoming ball of lightning with his back against the cave wall and his neck tightly hold by the arrogant young master. Vincent was going through a myriad of emotions at this moment; anger, frustration, despair. But most especially anger, he was angry at himself for being weak and feeling hopeless.

At this moment, deep within him. His ability seed which have been laying dormant for a while now suddenly jolt and peels like and egg shell.

Drown in his thoughts and emotions running rampant what he did next was completely unexpected even to him.

Opening his mouth wide an ear piercing scream escapes from his mouth and like a chain reaction his ability seed flare producing a blood red color that escape from the scream.

Dave who was holding Vincent's neck tightly heard his scream and thought he was just feeling desperate but when he saw the follow-up red color his expression turns grim.

He moves away from the trajectory of the liquid with his right hand still crackling with lightning. The liquid touchs the other end of the cave and it exploded.

"He manifested his ability..I've to get rid of him." Dave was more sure of his thought when he saw the red liquid blow of the cave wall knowing he could not do it even with his full power.

Vincent was resting his back on the cave wall after being thrown like a rag. He was feeling giddy.. rubbing his eyes and trying hard not to fall unconscious. He saw a Shadow flash past him and Knowing he can't do anything about it he did not bother raising up his head.

Dave, with an outstretched hand that his crackling with lightning was about to finish up Vincent when he heard a voice that he was quite familiar that makes him stop on his track.

"I can't believe this! The young master of THUNDER clan is having a hard time besting a commoner who from my observation just manifested is ability. What ineptitude!!". A jeering voice sounded from the mouth of the cave.

The young man with red hair and well chiseled jawline,tall, and with a muscular build said, while leisurely strolling around with his hands on his pocket and a smirk on his face until he stopped in front of Vincent his intention clear.

'i'm guiding him'.


Taking time back a little,

Lucas was feeling quite bored. He has kill different type of beast with little effort and his point has almost reach the 100 mark.

Furthermore,him coming from a noble family he will have naturally been informed of the nature of the test that Will be holding in the academy so he came prepared.

He sat at the trunk of a tree resting after exploring the land and earning point when he heard the scream of a person.

"Huh.. isn't that a girl voice if i help her maybe I can have a date with her and my count will be 40 now..hehe." Lucas smile mysteriously while jumping down from the tree he sat upon.

Lucas sped past the trees and bush and following the echo of the sound he arrived in a cave.

He was aggravated after found out his conjecture was not correct.

"Dammit! It's just a waste of time!" Lucas almost coughed out blood from anger due to his conjecture not being right.

"What do we have here..just some blonde boy badly beaten and who is this...Ohh,I see the young master of thunder clan." After inspecting the cave and though being disappointed he still decided to help the blonde boy just to rile up Dave and for fun.