
Abilities Rains

1000 years ago,a strange event occured. Rains of different colors are falling, humans discovered that the rains results to them being able to wield Ability. Vincent a poor and homeless boy who did not expect anything good from life never anticipated being blessed by the rain. from there on Vincent's got exposed to the secret that lays beyonds the sky.....

Tmax · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Assessment (2)

Somewhere deep within the mysterious lands.

At this moment inside a cave.

"You worthless piece of shit! You dare attack a noble." A young teenage boy with curly hair yelled.

"OH I am genuinely sorry young master for attacking you..it was never my intention.. just that when i saw a petty thief almost stole my kill I was aggravated. If I knew it was you I will have happily handed it over to you." The young teenage boy with blonde hair said with mockery laced words clearly unaffected by the fuming noble.

Of course that's Vincent. he has being traversinge the mysterious land for over a month and he has been tampered with by the vicious environment his kills count is now in the forties

The Vincent of now is incomparible to the one of month ago. In the mysterious lands where unknown danger lurks everywhere and filled with abominable creatures he has no other choice but to adapt and get stronger if he did not want to serve as a stepping stone for other participants or perish in the unknown environment.

Today was like any other day; to fight, kill and earn points.. he can't count the numbers of times he almost got eaten by beast but nevertheless he pushed on.

That was until some arrogant young master almost stole his kill. He was infuriated and even attacked the young noble but after realising he is exhausted and not in his optimal condition he wanted to apologize but instead insulted the noble out of frustration for being berated by him after even wanting to steal his kill.

Dave the young scion of THUNDER clan a vassal of one of the big clan was observing Vincent and seeing his mockery laced words with notable tattered clothing has come to a conjecture that Vincent his a commoner.

"Hmph..a lowly commoner dare insult me! After am done dealing with you i will see how you remain this calm."

With a cocky expression on his face he said. "Come lick my Boot and I might consider giving you a swift death; that's one without torture."

"Young master it his an honor for this lowly commoner to lick your boot, you can consider it done." Vincent said while hiding his malicious intention from him.

"This is my chance." Vincent thought while putting on a grateful smile on his face.

Now at the front of Dave and assuming a squatting position.. lowering is face down a little he used is hands to neatly arrange is long hair that falls down his face, taking a peek at the young scion whose face was plastered with a grin and a satisfied expression on his face as if he won a lotto. He unsheathed is sword from its scabbard that was strapped around his waist and thrust it straight at the scion stomach but unfortunately before it could impale him Dave moved with a lightning fast step from the trajectory of the sword.

"You LiTTLE SHIT!!!."

"You dare sneak attack me, today I will show you the stark difference between a commoner and a noble." Dave said with ashen face and green vein popping out of his head. He was infuriated he knows if his friends heard of it he will become a laughing stock and his image of reverence which he has build over the years will get shattered like glass.

Moving with a speed Vincent could not comprehend. Dave appears at his front with an outstretched palm that's crackling with lightning and slammed his chest that sent him bouncing and rolling on the cave wall.

"I will make you wish you were never born!!." Dave said while performing a hand gesture that produce a sparks of crackling electricity for obvious reasons.

"Cough.."Vincent coughed out a mouthful of blood.

"Dammit! this bastard is just too strong and fast..he is not my match and he can already manifest his ability. No amount of cunning or deception implemented will be enough to even scratch him."

Vincent now understand the meaning of the phrase 'tactics and schemes are useless in the face of true power'. He was feeling despair at this moment but sadly all he can do his suck it up and curse his bad luck.

"Fighting beast sure his hundred percent more better than fighting a seedling who has manifested his ability." Vincent muttered while using his weapon to support himself.

He knew he would have been eliminated if the young master wanted but he did not want to give a swift death; he wants to torture him mentally and physically until he breaks down and wish for death. But unfortunately for him Vincent his very prideful, sometimes he wondered where it even comes from.

"What a wicked being." Vincent spat with disdain.

Pointing his sword forward Vincent was ready for round two!