
A Wolf in MHA

An American teenager dies and then gets picked for reincarnation getting to pick one character's powers to bring into his next life. With the power of the Primera Espada, how will our Mc fair in the world of heroes and villains

Babylon3159 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Growing up in a world of Heroes and Villains

(5 Years after ch.1)

Coyote P.O.V


A soft gentle voice broke my sleep though I was still too tired to get up so I attempted to shut the voice out and let sleep take me back. I heard a huff before the voice attempted to wake me up again this time it came with a sterner edge.

"Coyote if you don-"

Realizing the voice had gotten louder I huffed before turning towards the other edge of my bed. I finally notice it go quiet so lazily opening one eye I peek my head to see if my intruder had left. Peeking the only thing I saw coming towards me was a recognizable fist getting hit I feel the force carry me out of my bedsheets and all. Pushing myself up I look towards my attacker standing and found a middle-aged woman standing there with a smoking fist.

Her hair was black and curly and had grown just below her shoulders. She had blue eyes that shown with life even for her age and her face had started to show wrinkles most likely from stress. She stood (4'9") but to me who was only five years old she still towered over me.

"Oi, you hag yo-"

Realizing I had said something I shouldn't have I look with pleading eyes only to find another fist meeting me again. The force sending me back into the ground this time with a bump on my the top of my head. Rubbing the bump hoping to ease the throbbing pain I glared at the woman. Only to look back down when I was met with an even fiercer glare one that dared me to say something.

"What did I say about calling women hags you'll never find a wife with such a filthy mouth. Don't think because you have such a good quirk that you can do anything that you wanted."

Her glare had now turned into a softer stern look one that was given by a parent teaching their child a life lesson. She came over towards me and kneeled down and rubbed my head where the bump was now healing.

"Remember that nothing in life will come easy and you can't just lash out at people you'll never make any friends like that."

The woman's kind words eased my anger at my sleep being interrupted and I couldn't help but let out a small smile at Saki's words. The woman was Morikawa Saki and she was the head of the orphanage I was abandoned at and she had taken care of me for my first five years of my new life.

"Now I woke you up cause its yard time and all the other kids are out there. I don't care if you spend it sleeping but you'll spend it outside"

Her voice had regained her stern edge and I knew I wouldn't be able to argue with her on this. Huffing I pushed myself up and got up dusting my self off I put on a look of reluctance.

"Fine, I'll out just give me a second you ha-VERY young woman that beauty tops all."

Nodding at my words with a smug look she got up and began walking and had reached the door before she peeked her head with a smug look of superiority.

"Who knows maybe one day you'll find a cute girl who might reach my beauty and you can bring her here. "

As she said that she walked out of the room leaving me standing there with an expressionless face. Sighing I walked towards the dresser and opened it and it revealed a set of clothes with a small mirror hanging on the door. Looking in it I see my reflection and a face different from my last life.

Blue-gray eyes were reflected in the mirror showing no emotion. Unkempt wavy brown hair reached down to the end of my neck. It was the face of Coyote Starrk just without the goatee and maybe a little more baby fat. I kept being told by Saki I was going to grow up to be a looker but that was just her.

What stuck out the most about my face was the white bone jaw that sat around my neck that had formed when my 'Quirk' had appeared of course I brushed it off as a part of my quirk. I told everyone my quirk was an energy type that allowed me to fire off blasts of energy, of course, to play it off the only thing I had showed was a simple weak Bala. My Zanpakuto had also formed but I had stored it in a safe space.

I had yet to attempt Resurreccion as everyone knew hollows were being of instincts and my kicked in every time I brought my zanpakuto with the intention of releasing my full power. I simply assumed I had to wait for my body to fully mature to access Los Lobos.

Reaching into the dresser I pulled out the only set of clothes I had it was a simple white shirt with the Kanji for wolf on it '狼' and for pants, I wore a pair of simple white jeans to accompany the shirt.

I had to admit I was just sticking to the white theme most Arrancars wore and I was enjoying the little Chuunibyou moment I had. After putting on the clothes I made my way downstairs and arrived at the back door pushing it open I arrived to the backdoor of the orphanage.

Pushing open the door I can't help but let out a groan when the sunlight hits my eyes and I can't help but squint them. When my eyes adjust I open them to view the backyard and step out the door. I take note of the other kids running around but ignore what their doing and instead head towards a specific spot.

'Ahh right under the tree a spot everyone avoids and I can sleep in pea-'

That's when a sob brought me out of my thoughts looking down I found a girl who seemed a year younger than me sat beneath the tree. The girl sat with her knees brought up to her chest. The girl was sobbing and her silver hair hung down covering her face.

I recognized the girl as she was the daughter of a couple of pro heroes who had been murdered in a fight with a villain who had then escaped. She arrived two months ago and had avoided the other kids and her crying had scared most of the kids away from her.

Sighing I walked past her and sat down behind the tree although not my favorite spot to sleep closing my eyes I attempted to fall asleep. I would have fallen asleep if I didn't feel a gaze on my resting form. Opening one eye I peeked to find that the now sobbing girl had taken note of my presence and had stopped sobbing and was now looking at me.

I was then finally able to see all her features she had navy blue eyes that stared at me with curiosity. Letting out a sigh realizing she was not gonna stop looking at me until I dealt with her. opening both my eyes I fully turned my head to her.

"What do you want kid?"

This obviously ticked her off as her eyebrows knitted into a frown and she made a pout.

"Hey I'm not a kid, and who are you?"

"*Sighs* The names Coyote Starrk now I'll make you a deal I'll sit here and nicely doze off and you can go back to whatever you're doing"

With those final words, I went closed my eyes hoping to get some shut-eye before we all get called back in.

"Hey you can't just come in here and act all mighty you owe me one"

Looking back to the girl I notice she had fully stood up and was now glaring at me she reminded me of a shorter cuter version of Saki. Sighing I fully turned from where I was sitting to now face the girl I met her glare with an impassive look.

"Alright how about this I'll do anything you want and then you'll leave me alone?"

The girl's glare had faltered at my emotionless tone and she wavered a bit before she then gave me a triumphant look. The look gave me a weird feeling and I began to regret my choice of words.

"The-then yo-you have to be my friend."

I looked into her eyes and didn't see the same emotions I was showing she seemed scared. I guess this was the only way she could think of to ask me to be her friend. Sighing I got up and dusted my pants off before holding my hand out to her.

"Fine I'll be your friend so let's reintroduce ourselves my name is Coyote Starrk and I don't have any dreams I just want to sleep."

The girl's eyes widen and I saw her stare at my hand for a while I was going to speak up before she grasped it. The problem was her grip was like iron as if she was afraid I would let it go. Her hands were trembling and looking up she now had tears in her eyes.

"My-my names Sak-Sakuma Chiharu"

She now looked at me with a full smile even though she was crying not later.

'What a weird girl'

"I see well then now that's done I'm going to nap."

With that, I was already back down lying against the tree ready to have a blissful nap.

"W-wait you j-just can't become my friends and just go back to sleep"

Before I could retort I was then hit in the side by a force opening my eyes I found my self being side kicked? There was Sakuma with her leg dug into my side with an angry expression.

Hitting the ground I was sprawled out on the floor with dirt all over me. Pushing my self up I sent a glare at the girl who was now laughing at me.

"Are you crazy who kicks someone trying to fall asleep you could have killed me"

"Stop acting like a baby it was just a small kick"

I would later remember this moment for the rest of my life because as soon as she said those words I swore I saw a ghost of Saki appear behind the girl.

What did I get myself into?

So what did you guys think? Just a little bit of character development. The major thing was the introduction of my Oc Sakuma who will play a sibling role to our protagonist. Their relationship will be a lot like Starrks and lillynettes. I now nothing major is happening but there will be one or two more chapters of his early life before we get into the main storyline. Bye!

Babylon3159creators' thoughts