
A Wolf in MHA

An American teenager dies and then gets picked for reincarnation getting to pick one character's powers to bring into his next life. With the power of the Primera Espada, how will our Mc fair in the world of heroes and villains

Babylon3159 · Anime & Comics
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Death and a chance at a another life

How long had he sat in this dark void it was warm but yet so lonely. It reminded him of his life before his untimely death. He never felt like he connected with people around him even his own family get like strangers. He was scared to talk to anyone he felt like he would be simply written off as having depression. He just wanted someone to tell him that his thoughts were normal and that he was normal as well.

But no one came along people would say they would listen but how do you know you can even trust that person? That cycle of loneliness and distrustfulness lead him to feel isolated and alone. He felt like a wolf that had been outcasted from his pack, was he not human as well so why were his smiles fake? why did he feel so lonely surrounded by so many people? (You guys ever feel like this like you just can't connect with people)

Lost in his thoughts he never felt a tug at his body. the tug came multiple times yet he didn't notice it until it became a full-on pull he was then blinded by a rush of light. When his eyes adjusted he found his black void was now replaced by a white one?

Feeling as if he was on solid ground he pushed himself off the ground and that his body was replaced by a dark outline he was now a dark being in a white void.

'What an improvement I'm so happy'

With that thought, he decided to do the next best thing and picked a random direction and began walking off. He thought that maybe he was in hell that this was his punishment.

"How ironic the Loners punishment is eternal loneliness "

His monotone sarcastic tone echoed throughout the void, unfortunately, no one responded realizing that he sounded insane talking to nothing he resolved himself to keep walking. That was when he first saw it at the edge of his eyesight a black outline appeared. Like an oasis in the desert, it appeared as the only thing as far as he could see.

He began walking towards the outline he saw it slowly became clearer until he could finally get close enough to see the true identity of the outline and he could say that it was the last thing to find in hell. In front of him sat a chair table with an open laptop resting on top of the table.

Taking a seat on the chair I settle in before looking towards the laptop to find what looks like a chat is open with only one message.

[Congratulaions Lucky Soul! You have been one of the countless souls chosen to be reincarnated into another life. Don't worry though you'll be sent off with the powers of a random character from a piece of fiction to help you. ]

As if knowing I head just finished reading the paragraph another one quickly popped up checking around to see if anyone was watching me I looked back to read the next message.

[Below you'll find a pinwheel emoticon please click on it to begin spinning to decide what world you go to. You'll see many worlds some unknown and some from fiction from the host's world.]

As it said there below the message was a pinwheel emoticon. I quickly moved my cursor over the pinwheel and clicked on it. The pinwheel then enlargened to the point where it covered everything except what its corners didn't reach. The wheel was spinning to fast that I couldn't make out anything on it and when it began to slow down everything on the wheel was still blurred.

When the wheel finally stopped on a slot the words started to shimmer before revealing the chosen world.

[My Hero Academia]

I let out a sigh at this because I was glad I was going to a simple world and it was modern technology-wise. As long as I had a good power I would be fine I wasn't an ambitious person and would simply try to have a better life than my last one, maybe less lonely. I perk up at the sound of another message I look to find another message appearing.

[I hope that whatever world you got is to your liking! Well now after this message a similar wheel will appear to decide what powers you go into your next life. Good Luck!]

Looking below a second wheel appeared and repeating the same process I clicked on the wheel except for this time I crossed my fingers for this spin. The wheel was again blurry as it pinned making me even more anxious at the slot it would land own. When the wheel had stopped and had revealed the name even I was stunned at my luck and the irony.

[Coyote Starrk]

The Primera Espada Coyote Starrk the Espada that held the aspect of death that was loneliness. The strongest Espada that hated his strength because it had killed everyone around him. This led him to become so lonely he had separated his soul into two forming his partner Lilynette Gingerbuck.

I was happy though as he also would be the most powerful person in the My hero world. Meaning that I could worry less about my life being threatened and maybe try to enjoy life. He was worried that he would encounter the same problem as the original Starrk and his power would kill others around him but that would be a problem for another time.

The chime of another message brought me back into reality as I looked down I found another message waiting for me.

[Wow what a draw due to the special nature of the character a few adjustments have been made that can be found below

1. You will be able to use your resurreccion without someone else like Lilynette and can just go straight into your released form

2. Do not worry you will not be an Arrancar and will be reborn as a human so you don't need to worry about a hollow hole.

3. To ease any worries any powers gained are not capable of being stolen or cloned so the soul does not need to be worried whats yours will stay yours and only be yours. ]

I was glad about the changes the first one made sure I would always be able to always access my full power. The second one also eased my worries about people possibly seeing a hollow hole, and the third one made sure people like All for one would not be able to steal my quirk in my younger days.

Realizing there was more to the message I looked down to read the last bits of the message.

[With that all cleared you are ready to go to your next life we hope you enjoy it to the fullest! ]

After reading that the screen went black before the darkness began flowing out of the screen and then began to swallow the world darkening everything. The darkness began to consume me as well but when it touched me it was more of a warm relief that I felt. As the darkness consumed me fully I lost consciousness.

Unknown P.O.V

A woman ran through the streets and arrived at her destination a two-story building with a large orphanage sign in front. The woman looked at the bundle that rested in her arms and showed a remorseful smile. In her hands lied a baby boy who looked at the woman curiously. Seeing the curious gaze only made the woman so much guiltier. Smiling at the baby in hopes of hiding her tears the woman spoke in a light soft tone.

"You probably won't understand this but know this mommy loves you always have, and always will. You can hate mommy as much as you wish but I will still say I love you."

The woman was now fully in tears and couldn't hold back her tears she spoke up again but this time she could barely get out her words in between sobs.

"Mom*Sobs*mommy is doing thi*Sobs*this for your health I*Sobs*I hope you can live a great life*Sobs *Please don't com*Sobs*come looking for mommy just know*Sobs*I will always be watching you."

With that, she had brought the child to the footsteps of the orphanage and gently with care sat the child down. The woman leaned over the child and gently kissed his forehead as if the child recognized what was happening it began wailing its cries breaking the silent night.

The women seeing this broke into more tears and pushed herself up and rang the doorbell she looked at her child one more time and with a whisper spoke.

"Know that mommy will always love you Starrk"

With those final words, the women's legs glowed with a blue hue before she disappeared in a blur the only thing heard was a static sound. The door to the orphanage opened and a middle-aged woman with waist-length black hair stepped out and looked down onto the wailing child. With a gaze of pity, the woman kneeled to the child and picked him up. (His mom will be a story point later on so expect her to pop up. I won't just throw her out like some story might anyway back to the story.)

"Poor thing what are you doing out here all alone?"

As if responding to the women's question the child only cried harder. Seeing this the woman brought the child inside and sat down at one of the chairs in the front area. Smiling at the baby the women began rocking the crying child and spoke in a soothing tone.

"Well aren't you a loud one won't you quiet down a little wouldn't wanna wake everyone up now do we."

As she talked soothing words to the child she watched as the child slowly began to quiet down before going into a deep sleep. Noticing this the woman gave a kind smile to the child but gave a curious look when she saw a slip of paper peeking out of the bundles of blankets. Picking it out she unfolded the paper to reveal a message that she presumed to be from the child's parent/guardian.

'As a failure of a mother I know I have no right to request anything but please know his name his Coyote Starrk and please tell him that his mother loves him.'

The woman sighed at the note as this wasn't the first time she had seen the scenario. Sometimes a mother was not in a position to take care of her child and gave it up in hopes they would have a better life. Looking down on the sleeping child the woman gave a kind smile and spoke.

"Coyote Starrk what a beautiful name I hope you can grow up to be a great man someday."

So I want to first say I drew a lot of inspiration from Madara in MHA so check that out but don't worry this won't be a copy of anything. Also, there will be Romance I just have no idea who it will be with there will be a Oc character that is close to him but it will be in a familial type of way so any girl is on the table. Im leaning towards Momo but that could change so that's still up in the air anyway goodbye.

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