
A Unexpected Event (Honkai Impact 3 x Male Oc)

Jacob was a Big Die Hard Fan of Honkai Impact 3rd. The reason why He is a Big Die Hard Fan is because of the Good Story, Good Graphics, Good Ost's, and the Waifu's. He also Loved playing Apho (A Post Honkai Odyssey) He loved the character, Adam because He was the First playable Male character and has The Fighting style of a Certain Deadweight and Pizza Wacko Man, On a certain night when He was asleep some Light appeard and He disapeard and was suddenly at a Black Void and Heard a Voice That Told Him Something and Light Appeard Again in His vision and He woke up on Nagazora city on a Bench.

Ryusei_Yakihiro · Video Games
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13 Chs

Side Story: Where are We???

Third Person POV:

We see a Male figure and a Female figure training which is revealed to be Adam and Durandal

Adam then said "Can You please 'pant' go easy on Me for a bit Durandal..." She then replied

"Sorry Adam but I wont since Im the one training You into become a Great knight" Then suddenly a Quantum Portal appeared behind them

Adam noticed it and said "What the heck is that?" He then pointed at the Portal and suddenly it tried to suck Adam in but Bianka grabbed Adam's arm

"I got you Adam" Bianka tried to hold on but She couldnt and Both of them finally got sucked in the Portal...

Adam's POV:

"Ughh.... Huh!? Hey are You okay Bianka!?" I noticed Bianka on beside Me unconscious

"Phew... She's just knocked out" Then I noticed the Place where Me and Bianka are....

"No way!? This is St. Freya!" I then looked at Bianka Who finally woke up

"Hey You alright Biank- I mean Durandal" She then nodded Her head

"Hey! What are You both doing Here!?" A femine voice Shouted

Then I heard a voice That I recognize.... I then looked Behind Me

and saw.....

"Well can You explain why You are trespassing Here?" The figure is Then revealed To be Himeko....

I then snapped out of it "Ah Im so sorry for Trespassing Mam cause You see.... Me and my Friend here dont know how We got here...." Himeko then replied

"Are You lying huh?" I then answered "No of course not what would I even get to trespass here!?" She then said

"Fine but both of You are coming with Me" Both Me and Durandal nodded our Head and Followed Himeko to where Theresa Apocalypse's Office is.

We then enter the Door to only See Theresa Reading Manga....

She then noticed Us "Ah! You didnt see anything Okay!" She shouted in panick

I accidently chuckled outloud...

She then looked at Me while I turn My head to the side.....

Himeko than shouted "Principal Theresa You should be doing paperwork, and stop reading manga and do Your work now!"

Theresa then replied "Hah Fine" She pouted.... Damn even tho She's old.... She's still cute as heck....

Then someone Broke the door and Almost Hit Durandal so I pushed Her and I got hit by it....

Everyone in the Room is Shocked....

Durandal then went to Me and asked in panick "Are You alright Adam!?"

I replied "Yeah Im- alright... Im just dizz-...." I then passed out

Third Person POV:

Theresa then shouted "Kiana why cant You just knock at My door!" The person Who was Kiana then replied

"Im Sorry Aunt Theresa ehehe" Theresa then replied

"Its Principal Theresa Kiana" Two figures then arrived

"Ki-ana... You shouldnt have Run like that" Raiden Mei said

"Yes Subject Idiotka, You shouldnt have Run that fast" Bronya said

Durandal is still staring at Adam and hold His hand

Himeko noticed it and Grin.

Theresa then said with a sigh "Please call Jason here and Tell Him to fix the Door for me..."

A few minutes later....

A male then comes in and asked "What happend here?" Theresa then replied

"Well Kiana here didnt knock on My door and just kicked it and went in Now our guest here got hit" Theresa looked at Adam "Well One of them got hit..." Jason then replied

"Ah I see" Jason places His hand on his forehead rubbing it

Jason then looked at Kiana and said "Kiana can You please stop kicking the door and Knock instead" Kiana replied

"Fine...." Jason then looked at Adam and Noticed that He is Finally waking up

Adam Groans "Ugh... the heck happend..." Adam holds His head feeling dizzy

Durandal then said in relief "Phew Your finally awake" Adam then replied

"Oh sorry about making You worried Dudu" Durandal then noticed the Nickname Adam gave Her.

She then shouted in embarrassment "Didnt I told You to stop calling Me by that Nickname!!!" Her face turned Crimson Red

Adam then said "Im sorry alright hehehe....." Himeko then fake coughs to get Their attention

"Well then looks like Your finally awake can You check on Him Jason" Himeko said to Jason

Jason replied "Alright then Ms. Himeko" Jason then goes to Adam while Durandal backs away

Jason then inspects Adam if theres Something wrong and He noticed a Tattoo on Adam's Back.... His Eyes Widened...

Jason then said "His Body is alright no Damages It seems but..." Jason looks at Theresa and Himeko

"Apparently He has a Stigmata and it also looks like its not a artificial one" Theresa's and Himeko's Eyes widened along with Kiana, Bronya and Mei

Theresa then looked at Durandal and questioned Her "I got a question for You Ms. Durandal" Durandal then asked

"What is the Question then Ms. Theresa?" Theresa then asked

"Why is a S-Class Valkyrie like You with a Guy like Him?" Durandal then said

Durandal then blushed a bit then replied "Well You see I was ordered by Overseer Otto to train Him till He goes to St. Freya in the next 5 months"

Theresa then said "Wait Grandpa did but why didnt He told Me?" Durandal's Eyes widened

She replied "I thought the Overseer... Wait a second..." She then remembers a Quantum Sea rift that Sucked them In

Durandal then said "I see... Ms. Theresa Looks like Im not the Durandal You know..." Theresa then asked

"What do You mean by That" Everyone in the room listened closely

Adam's Eyes widened "I see... I get it now were in another Bubble Universe or should I say alternate universe of were we come from...." Everyone in the room eyes widened except for Durandal and Adam.

Adam then thought "Well this is getting a bit interesting...."

To be Continued:

Author's Note: Hey guys this chapter is apparently a Side story that Did happen before the start of chapter 2, im still not done writing the chapter but I will post it soon so dont worry about it... I will be posting the next part of this side story once I am able to write chapter 2, 3 and 4 so thats it for now peace!