
A Unexpected Event (Honkai Impact 3 x Male Oc)

Jacob was a Big Die Hard Fan of Honkai Impact 3rd. The reason why He is a Big Die Hard Fan is because of the Good Story, Good Graphics, Good Ost's, and the Waifu's. He also Loved playing Apho (A Post Honkai Odyssey) He loved the character, Adam because He was the First playable Male character and has The Fighting style of a Certain Deadweight and Pizza Wacko Man, On a certain night when He was asleep some Light appeard and He disapeard and was suddenly at a Black Void and Heard a Voice That Told Him Something and Light Appeard Again in His vision and He woke up on Nagazora city on a Bench.

Ryusei_Yakihiro · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

Third Person POV:

1 year Later...

We see Adam training with a Blonde haired Lady

Adam then replied "No Im okay... We can keep going" Adam panting while staring at the blonde Woman Who was Durandal or Bianka Ataegina

"You should take a Break Adam" She said to Him

Adam then tried to Reply only to be Hit by the Head by Aya who was worried about Him

"You should take a break sometimes you know! Im worried about You getting Too injured" She said with a Worried expression

Adam didnt refute and just said "Alright then... I'll take a break 'sigh' " Adam then asked Durandal

"so Bia- I mean Durandal what are You gonna do now?" She replied

"I guess I'll just be with Rita for the moment" Aya then looked at Adam and said

"Come on Adam let's hang out Today and have Fun" She smiled brightly at Adam

Adam Blushed a bit but wasnt noticed

"I see then Lets go" He replied and grabbed Her arm and Ran off

Durandal then said "Those two make Me jealous.... I felt so single even tho They arent dating they act like a Couple" She then sigh and left the Training Room while Her heart felt like its Cracking....

Aya's POV:

Its been 1 year now being with Adam and getting to know Him.... It was really fun hanging out with Him all the time when Me and Him have free time... Adam apparently has a sence of duty on doing a mission I can see the way He speaks and talks about Helping other's and saving them.... At first I thought He was crazy trying to Save everyone cause I know it's impossible but then... He said 'Hey I know saving everyone is impossible but atleast give it a Try if you can.... But im not a Hero that will sacrifice Himself for strangers 'll never will be.... I would rather not Be a Hero so I wont die from doing something stupid and so i can stay with My friends and loved ones'

Hearing those words from Him that He will not sacrifice Himself for strangers made Me happy and what made Me more happy is that He will only sacrifice Himself for his Friends and Loved Ones.... thats where I finally knew I was.... In Love with Him....

Adam's POV:

Its been 1 Year Now and I have to go To St. Freya in the Next Month 'sigh' I wanted to stay in Schicksal to look at the Data they had and Past History that they covered Up.... I still had a Fun year with them Tho except for the part where I train with a Sadistic Maid and A Tuna Disguise as a Duck....

For the past 1 Year Me and Aya really got Closed with eachother at first We were a Bit awkward with speaking with Eachother but we did got Close that were not awkward with Eachother anymore..... I usually got to the Infirmary because of the Injuries I get when Training with Rita and Durandal so yeah when I usually go there Sayaka was there working as well so I got to talk to Her alot of Times since I went to the infirmary many times.....

I then stopped infront of a Restaurant "Do You want to eat first?" I asked Her

Aya replied "Lets eat lat-..." Her stomach grumbles.... She then got embarrassed

I then Chuckle and Said "Are you sure? Your stomach cant lie You know" She then pouted and Replied

"Fine lets eat first" Both of us then Entered the Restaurant and went to a table and sit on the chair's

I then asked "So what are You gonna order to eat?" I then saw Her looking at the Menu.

She then said "I think I will just have some Spicy Curry" Wait this cant be coincidence right? Cause I also gonna Order Spicy Curry....

I then replied "I was also gonna order Spicy Curry" and Chuckled

She then said "Oh well this is a Funny coincidence" She giggled then She called the waiter

The Waiter then Came to our Table and said "So what is Your order's? Sir and Madam"

I then replied "We will both have Spicy Curry please" He then asked

"Then what are Your drinks Sir?" I then Looked at Aya to asked what drinks She wanted

She then said "I'll have Ice tea please" I then replied "Then I'll have a Coke sir" The waiter then left

It was pretty much silent for a whole Minute then She talked

"So next month You will be going to St. Freya" I then replied

"Yes I have to go there since.... Its part of the deal that Me and the Overseer talked about" I then remembered that Aya will Have a Mission

I then said "You have a new mission from the Overseer right?" She then answered "Yes I did have a New mission from the Overseer" I then said "Can You tell Me what mission it is?" She then replied very fast with a...

"No" Then She closed Her mouth

I then said "Why tho?" She then replied "Its classified only The Elite Team of Valkyries know this" I then finally gavs up and replied

"Fine..." She then giggled and smiled at Me

And finally for a few more Minutes Our food arrived and We started eating

but then Aya asked a weird question

"Hey Adam.... You and Ms. Durandal have been getting quite close" I then pause for a moment....

I then snapped out of if and asked

"Why are You asking Me this weird question Aya?" I looked at Her with a questioning expression

She then replied with a sad look "No its just.... Both of Us havent been hanging Out alot You know...." I then said

"You know that Durandal and Me are just Friends" She then replied with a Jealousy tone?

"Its just both of You been so closed and We werent able to Hang out like We used to...." I then answered

"You already knos that Bi-Durandal and I are partners for the time being Until I go to St. Freya" She then huffed annoyed the fact Me and Durandal are Always alone sometimes on a Mission

She just ignored Me.... I the said

"Please dont ignore Me Aya..." She still ignored Me while She kept eating Her curry.....

I Then said something that I will surely regret... "I'll do anything You want just.... Forgive and stop ignoring Me please Aya..." I looked at Her and Noticed a Shine in Her eyes

She then replied "You will do anything I say right...?" I then answered "Yes I'll do anything please" Thats where I knew... I fucked Up

She then went near My face to My ear and said it with a seductive voice "Then Kiss me on the Lips~" I then turned Crimson Red....

"A K-kiss...bu-but... This will be my Fir-first kiss..." She then replied

"Then It's even better cause I will be Your First Kiss~" I then said

"I cant do that request please request something else" She then replied

"I wont forgive You then and lets stop meeting with eachother" My heart then stopped and I froze at what She said

She then stood up and Said "Goodbye then Adam" She then tried to Leave but I grabbed Her arm....

"Fine.... I'll kiss You just dont do that...." She then stopped and Smiled and went to Me

I then placed My hand on Her cheek and went closer to Her face and then....

I kissed Her lips and It felt like Im in heaven. Her lips is soft and has a sweet taste....

I then stopped kissing Her and She said

"There that was easy right~" I then replied

"To Me its hard because It was My first kiss..." Her phone then started to buzz

"Ah looks like I have to Go now. Lets talk to eachother once I finished My mission" I then bid my Farewell to Her as She leaves

Aya's POV:

I cant let Him know what the Overseer said to Me...


"But Overseer do I have to really spy on Anti-Entropy?" I questioned the Overseer

Otto then replied "You have to if You dont want Adam to Be kidnapped by Them"

I froze.... then I replied

"I wont let that happen so I accept this Mission Overseer" Otto then replied


Flashback End's

I then walked to a Near alleyway and disapeared....

Adam's POV:

1 month later

Im finally going to St. Freya phew but I have to go to Nagazora first to Help and stop Mei from awakening the Herrscher of Thunder....

I was currently driving a Car that the Overseer gave Me, Im almost at Nagazora city right now and I then entered the City and finally.... the Honkai Outbreak happend

"Sh*t I have to go there fast" I got out of My car grabbed Labor of Olympus and started Running on Foot

I ran into many Zombies and Honkai beast along the way and I finally saw them Fighting and It seems like Mei hasnt awaken Her yet....

I then saw them Fighting a Emperor Honkai Beast. I then walked there as fast as I can and Used Heroic Slash

(Video of His Ult here)

(He only did the Ult since i couldnt find a video of his Ult only)

I then looked at Them and saw their shocked and awe expression's

I then said "You guys alright?" And then I noticed that another Honkai Beast that is about to Attack Mei I was suppose to Run to stop the beast from attacking Mei but Kiana got to it First and She got Hit instead of Mei....

Mei Shouts in horror "Kiana!" She then went to Kiana and tried to Wake Her Up.... I then went to the Honkai Beast and Killed it... after a few minutes of Her trying to save Kiana I noticed Purple lighting...

"Sh*t The Herrscher of Thunder" I then Noticed Her transform and Healed Kiana....

She then looked at Me And suddenly attacked Me!?!

I evaded but... still I almost got Hit

I then looked at Mei and said "We dont have to Fight... We can settle this without fighting" As The Herrscher of Thunder then Readied her Weapon to attack Me... I hear Kiana shouted

"Mei-Senpai please snap out of it!" I then noticed That Mei was about to Attack Kiana I then ran at Kiana and Grabbed Her to evade the Attack

I then heard a Explosion behind Us

I then asked Kiana "You Okay!?" She then replied "Im alright what about You!?" She shouted back

My heart is Racing really fast cause that slashed almost killed Me and Kiana

We then heard a Voice "The Bronya shall help" She then Tried to attack Mei by attacking Her by the sides

We then noticed a Ship on the Air....

"No way...." I said in disbelief









"Its the Hyperion..." I then finished My Sentence

To Be Continued:

Author's Note: Hello everyone I hope you enjoy this Chapter I will be making a longer chapter next time since Im quite busy with Homework ( ╹▽╹ )

So This is for now I wont be giving a Preview this time maybe I'll make One the next chapter