
A Unexpected Event (Honkai Impact 3 x Male Oc)

Jacob was a Big Die Hard Fan of Honkai Impact 3rd. The reason why He is a Big Die Hard Fan is because of the Good Story, Good Graphics, Good Ost's, and the Waifu's. He also Loved playing Apho (A Post Honkai Odyssey) He loved the character, Adam because He was the First playable Male character and has The Fighting style of a Certain Deadweight and Pizza Wacko Man, On a certain night when He was asleep some Light appeard and He disapeard and was suddenly at a Black Void and Heard a Voice That Told Him Something and Light Appeard Again in His vision and He woke up on Nagazora city on a Bench.

Ryusei_Yakihiro · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 1

For all the Brilliance...

in The World hidden underneath....

the grime and grit of humanity...

Life up Your Sword and Heart....

And Fight for all the Beauty

in this World...

- A Wise Person quoted

Third Person POV:

A Man with Blond Hair suddenly appears Talking to a Woman who was wearing a Maid outfit

"Overseer was is it really wise taking this Stranger here?" The maid questioned The Blond Man who was called the Overseer.

The Blond Man answered "He will be Useful for My plan, thats why I want You to talk to Him about joining Schicksal Rita" The Maid or 'Rita' Answered

"Very well Overseer, ill ask Him when He wakes up" Rita then bowed down Her head and turned back to walk to where the Infirmary.... only to be stopped by the Overseer.

The Overseer then told her "Also ask Him how He got that Sword as well.... I wanna find out how the Sword was able to store Honkai Energy and other Energy as well" The Overseer then turn His back and left.

"Very well Overseer" Rita answered back and Walked to the Infirmary door and Opened it and went Inside the room.

She then Looked at the Young Man that was able to Defeat a Emperor Class Honkai Beast..... And yet He was sleeping peacefully on the Infirmary bed.

"A very Interesting person" Rita then went to ask about Adam's Condition to the Doctors

"What is the current condition of the Guest we have?" Rita asked the Doctors.

"Ah Miss Rita well His condition is Okay and nothing is wrong Its just He absorbed too much Honkai Energy" The Female Doctor answered.

"Is there anything else about His condition?" Rita asked again.

"Ah Well...." The Female Doctor Answered but she then stopped

Rita noticed it " Hmm Well what Is it??" Rita asked again.

The Male Doctor Answered Her instead " Well you see Miss Rita our Guest here has a Natural Stigmata" Rita's face showed a shock expression then went back to her normal expression.

Rita then Answered "I see then I'll report it to the Overseer" Rita then went to the Door and stopped.

She then looked back at The Doctors and said "Inform me when He wakes up alright" The Doctors then answered "Of course Miss Rita we will inform You when the Guest wakes up"

Rita Then left the infirmary and went to the Overseer's Office to report

Rita the opens the door and enters The office

Th Overseer then looked at Rita and asked "Ah Rita is there something You want to ask?" Rita then Answered

"No Overseer.... I have come to report about something the Doctors found on the Guest We have" The Overseer looked Interested and Asked.

"Hmm go on then tell Me what did They find on Him?" Rita then answered Telling that the Guest have a Natural Stigmata on Him.

The Overseer Then Said "I see now.... Then He will be more useful for My plan... Make sure He accepts the Offer Rita"

Rita answered "Very well Overseer I shall do as You wish" Rita then left the Office

The Overseer the told Rita one More thing before She left "Also keep a close eye on K-423 and Miss Raiden I will need them for My plan"

Rita then answered "Of course Overseer" then She left

The Overseer then thought "Having Him join Our ranks will surely help Me revive You Kallen...." The Overseer is finally revealed to be Otto Apocalypse Smiling

Adam's POV:

I groan "Ugh....What the?" I opened my Eyes only to see a Unfamiliar Ceiling "Where the hell am I?" I then looked around the Room only to See a Woman which looked like She was a Doctor checking on Me

The Female Doctor then said "Ah your finally awake" I then asked

"Who.... are you?" The Doctor then Answered "Ah My name is Doctor Sayaka and You are in the Infirmary of a Schicksal Base" I then looked and observe Her appearance

She had Long Light blue Hair and Blue Eyes and Her body looks like she can be a Model

(Image Here)

"Ara~ are can You stop staring at me You naughty~ Boy" She said playfully

I then noticed I was staring at Her for too long....

I then blushed and said "Ah Im so sorry!" I then looked away

Sayaka then Giggles and said "Ara~ your quite cute You know when you get flustered" She then asked

"So whats Your name By the way?" I then open My mouth only to stop

My thoughts "Crap how do I answer this? I guess ill just use the Original name of the owner of this body"

I then answered Her "Ah... My name is Adam Kurogane, Nice to meet you Sayaka" I smiled at Her

Sayaka slightly pink cheeks then said "Nice to meet You as well Adam" She smiles softly at Me

"I feel like I found a new Waifu" I thought with a Blush

Then a Male doctor suddenly appeared "I see the patient is Awake" He said looking at Me

"Ah Doctor Daniel! You should'nt just poped out of nowhere like that" Sayaka said while She still looked spooked

(Daniels Appearance)

(Image Here)

"Im Sorry about that Sayaka, so Your name is Adam right?" Daniel apologize to Sayaka then He looks at Me and asked

"Ah Yes... My name is Adam how did You know?" I asked

He then answered quickly "Well I heard Your conversation and sorry about eavesdropping btw" He apologized for eavesdropping on Me and Sayaka

"You've been Eavesdropping on us Daniel!?" Sayaka shouted angrily with a Scary Sweet Smile

He then Flinches a bit and said "Im sorry okay... well Nice to meet you Adam my names Doctor Daniel's its a pleasure meeting you" He then smiled

I then said "Nice to meet You as well Daniel's" Both Me and Him shaked Hands and Let go

"Daniels can You go call Miss Rita since Adam here is Awake" Sayaka told Daniels

"Ah I almost forgot alright I'll be back" Daniels then left the Room to Inform Miss Rita that the Patient or Guess is awake

Sayaka then looked at Me and asked "So Adam... I was wondering why You have a Weapon that can Absorb Honkai and Other Energies?" I then Lied to Her

"Ah well I dont really know.... I cant remember the Only thing I remember is My name and age" Sayaka's expression then turn sad

"Ah I see.... I hope someday You remember Your memories Adam" She said with a pity and sad expression

I then said to Her with a warm smile "Hey Its okay dont look sad I might One day remember My memories too so Dont make a face like that" She then smiled at Me

"See smile more You look more beautiful that way" Her face then Turn Crimson Red

I noticed Her face was Red "Ah are You okay Sayaka? Your face is really read right now" She then answered so fast

"AhNooimokaydontworrytoomuchaboutit!" Her Face then returns to normal except She still has pink tint cheeks

(Translation: Ah No Im okay dont worry too much about it!)

Ah... I then said "Alright then"

(Author: This dense Mothaf***er)

The Door suddenly Open's and Daniels walks back In with a Maid "Its Rita Rossweisse... She looks More beautiful when You see her For real" I thought looking at Her

Rita then talked "Your finally awake. Can both of You leave for a moment I need to talk privately with Him" Rita gestured for them to leave the Room.

Both Sayaka and Daniels Left the Room

I got nervous and I asked a question "So what is it You want to talk to Me?" I can see Her staring at Me with a poker face

Rita then answered "Well you see the Overseer has given You an offer to Join schicksal.... But will you accept it tho?" She looked at my Blank face

"Well that was Easy...." I thought

I then answered "I'll accept but... I have One condition" Rita then said

"I see then We will have to talk to the Overseer about that Condition You want" She gestured Me to stand up and follow Her

I stood up still feeling a Little numb and my legs are shaking but I can manage.

Rita then walks out of the Room while I follow Her

While walking to the Overseer's Office a Certain Valkyrie He saved went to Him

The Valkyrie then said "Hey Your the one who saved Me!" She ran to Me

I then stopped walking and looked at My side "Ah I see... Are you okay now?" I asked with a concern

She then blushed a bit and answered back "Ah don- dont worry Im O-okay Now" She's kinda cute when stuttering

I chuckled "I see then, Im happy your okay" I said to Her

The Violet Haired Valkyrie then said "Thank you for saving Me! I mean it very much, if it werent for You I would have died"

"Its no biggie... Ah My names Adam Kurogane by the way Whats your Name?" I asked for Her name

She then answered with a joyful tone "Nice to meet You Adam! My name is Aya Suzuki" I got to admit.... She looks cute as Heck

(Aya Suzuki's Appearance)

(Her Image)

Both Me and Aya then Heared a cough

We looked at the Direction where the cough is and We saw Rita looking over Here and I can see Shes annoyed

"Ah Im sorry Miss" I said bowing a bit and looked at Aya "Maybe We can talk later Aya i still need to Follow Miss...?" I then looked at Rita

"I forgot to ask Your name Miss" I said. Rita then answered

"Its Rita Rossweisse and I guess your name is Adam Kurogane since I Heard your conversation" She still looked annoyed

"Ah nice to meet You then Miss Rita. I guess this is goodbye for Now lets talk later okay" I said to Aya and She answered with "Lets talk later then I guess" Damn I want to hug Her so bad

"Bye then Aya" Me and Rita then started to Walk to the Overseer's Office

Me and Rita entered the Room

and I saw One of the best villains ever In my Opinion

"Ah seems like Our guest is awake now" Otto then looked at Me

"Overseer Mr. Kurogane here has Accepted the offer but He said theres 1 Condition" Rita said while looking at Otto

Otto then asked "Hm? So what's the condition You want to add?" I then told Him the condition I wanted to add

"Well the Condition I have to add is....."

After telling Him my Condition to Join Schicksal

Otto then said "I see very well.... I accept this condition You wanted" I sigh in relief He accepted my Condition then I lost my breath for a moment...

"But... once Your done training In Schicksal I will assign You to go to St. Freya where My Granddaughter is Working at" I then looked at Him trying to find out What his Game plan is....

Then He said "So do You accept this Condition?" I then answered

"I accept this Condition then Overseer" He then looked at Rita and said

"Rita can You please train Him with Durandal" I then felt a bit scared cause Durandal was really strong and Rita as well and Shes really scary sometimes.

Rita then replied "Very well Overseer" She looked at Me and I had sweat on My forehead "I'll train Him along with Ms. Durandal" I felt really scared right now Her eyes looked sadistic..... Help me Please God.....

Location: Outside of The Schicksal Base

Aya suzuki's POV:

I sigh looking at the Sky then Adam's Face appeared smiling softly at Me....

"Ah Stop it brain this isnt Funny!" I shouted while My face was Crimson Red

I thought "It actually might be nice to be His Girl-... Ahh! Stop thinking stuff like this.... I just met Him.... I cant fall in love with Him because I dont even know him...." I then got an Idea

"Why dont I just try to get to Know Him then we will see if Hes okay to be Dated" I shouted out loud then I heard someone shouted at me

"Go Gurlll!!! Do your best and Good Luck ahahahahah!" I then blushed and Ran away embarrassed

A shadow then walked away

??? POV:

"Hmm i should report this back at Base.." The shadow figure then left

To Be Continued:

Authoe here I hope You guys Enjoy this chapter and Im really trying to Make a Long Chapter so it wont be Short But I do Hope you Enjoy till next time Peace~!

Preview of the Next Chapter:

Adam replied 'No its okay We can keep Going' Looking at Durandal

(Author: Go to Hornii Jail Boys)

Aya then looked at Adam 'Come on Adam let's hang out Today and have Fun' She smiled brightly at Adam

'But Overseer do I have to really spy on Anti-Entropy?' A voiced Questioned Otto

I then looked at a purple haired Girl 'We dont have to Fight... We can settle this without fighting' As The Girl then Ready her Weapon to attack Me

I then grabbed Her away from the Attack 'You Okay!?' She then replied 'Im alright what about You!?" She shouted back

Until next time on next chapter of....

A Unexpected Event (Honkai Impact 3rd x Male Oc)

To be Continued on the Next Chapter....