
Chapter 14

Kobie's POV

I remembered Blades' vague description of his house, but trust me, even the landmarks are failing me.

So I had no choice but to call Blades to help me out.

Blades: Somore residence...

Kobie: It's Kobie.

Blades: Coming to my house, I see?

Kobie: How did you know?

Blades: Uhm well.....

Kobie: Tell me!

Blades: You're standing behind my house.

I turned slowly(shame pouring all over my body) and raised my head up to look at the massive gate in front of me.

Kobie: Nice gate.

Blades: Foolish boy. It's a mansion. Of course the gate would be big.

I had to cut the call before I felt more disgraced. Hurt much? Yeah, very much. Blades' house is the usual lavish buildings, curtsy to a great artist(like myself). The security men let me in without asking questions. I guess he figured out that I might be around. Blades welcomed me in with a bear hug. "Buddy!", he exclaimed, "Glad you could make it". "So you knew I'd come?", I asked. "I anticipated. Not fully expected it though".

He's a liar. Don't ask me why.

After all, I've lied before.


Due to Blades indirectly infuriating Kobie, his stay didn't last long there. But he did promise to come back. And Kobie decided that it was high time he visited Ray's workplace, for a change of air.

Or something like that.

Ray got up in shock as a pleased Kobie walked past him and gave Sydney a kiss on the cheek. "You knew he would come?", Ray angrily asked. "He told me to book an appointment for him. I didn't know he would come today", said an annoyed Sydney. "I came to meet Amsterdam, not Sydney. Ray if you ever did trust me, you would know that I can change", Kobie said.

Ray glared at him. Change was never in Kobie's dictionary.

"Kobie. I didn't think that you'd make it today", Amsterdam said, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh well, my many perks", he said and sat down on the nearest spot he could find.

Amsterdam: What do you want?

Kobie: I'm a jerk. Has Ray ever told you that?

Amsterdam: No. Why?

Kobie: Well, I like you. Simple. And I want to take you out on the 10th day.

Amsterdam: The holiday?

Kobie: And the ones after. I believe Ray has told you that it's a double date.

Amsterdam: What more are you boys hiding?

So Kobie gave her his version of what he called 'the prodigal son'.


Kobie stayed at Amsterdam's side till evening. Sydney on the other hand had to leave for home early, so Ray placed a note by his desk for Amsterdam and leave. Kobie, very aware of Ray's gesture, decided to let her pass by his desk and made her ignore his desk.

Ray had actually expected a call from Amsterdam; but since no call came, he had to continue training with Nass.