
A terrible night of Woodsow

The story is about spending a horrifying night in a city. woodsow is an imaginary city of horror. In this novel u witness romance with horror fantasy. SYNOPSIS: She slept. After sometime the sound of footsteps coming inside from the door of room disturbed her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes to see her knight looking at her with affection in his eyes as he was admiring her sleepiness. She returned the same gesture unknowingly as she was again became a captive of his mysterious yet charming eyes. Both looked at each other with a sense of longing as if they met after decades, as they knew each other from thousands of years, like two bodies one soul. He took some steps forward and her breath stops with each and every step. He caresses her hair and she got lost somewhere deep in him. The man started studying her and when she lost all the senses, paralyzed to feel, to listen anything he quickly descend his fangs, his eyes turned red and he said in harsh tone; "I want your blood, Elena."

Harman_Kaur_ · Horror
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7 Chs



As the woman were chased by feral and rescued by a vampire woman who needs her blood, she got scared enough to hide behind pile of wood.

Hidden behind woods the girl got lost in her thoughts about her circumstances of how she lied between a devil and a deep sea. There was no any other way than the claw of both beasts. As any other human she was also the prey for both the creatures i.e. feral and vampires. The sounds of chaos and destruction broke her revelry. She tried to sneak into war but it affects her badly. She saw a vampire man clutched his prey from hairs and fangs pricked onto his neck. He sucked all the blood making his body pale yellowish dead. Unable to continue her sight she quickly turned and shaking with fear she hold her legs folded to her body. She put one palm to her mouth to avoid any sound of breath. Suddenly she felt a touch on her shoulder, she went still. After a moment she looks upwards only to saw that same vampire woman but now weaker than before. She was in urgent need of human blood. Somehow the girl stood by her shaking legs and she takes some steps away from the woman. The vampire woman was unable to walk properly. She slowly tried to move forward to the girl. The girl started to ran only to find that woman in front of her. She was hurt but can walk through shadows like any other vampire. Terrified and shocked her mouth opens wide. Without any delay the vampire woman clawed her neck around. As she was about to put her fangs there she got hit in her head. Her grip loosed and she collapsed to the earth turned into ash. After her the girl saw many feral in front of her shouting in their voice. The feral killed the woman. She resumed running but this time with no hope of life. She was tired enough to take big steps but feral were not that fast. This miserable condition of hers made her morally weak. She was stumbling while taking steps. Her mind went blank. She was exhausted and completely in a collapsing state. Even in this condition she walked as fast as she can. In this chase, she passed through many scary trees, feral killing humans, vampires killing feral, feral killing vampires, and vampires killing humans. She shrieked for help but in this havoc who could even dare to help her instead of demanding help. They all need a savior who could protect them from being dead. The flares of her splendid silky red gown which was all sandy and dirty got entangled with a short branch of a tree putting her to a stop. She in haste pulled it so hard that a large piece of it got torn apart making her white skinned legs visible. She moved fast on her foot dashing straight with no sign of any place to hide. Another feral came towards her from front and in an instinct she dodged high on heels. She became unable to catch her breath so she took a look back and saw that distance between feral and her increased. Relieved for some time she climbed a tree to take breath. She went up to the top branch of that tree and sat there. Her fatigue took over and eyelashes dropped down. She slept for some time. As she tried to get awake and ran, she was so tiresome that she hardly moves. Her sleep got disturbed by the haunting sounds of feral gathered all around the tree. She saw beneath. Horrified with the gaze at feral and vampires fighting each other all around the tree, she worried;

"What if I fell down from here?" "How do I escape from here?"

"How long I had to be on this tree?" "What if I got caught?"

She was not able to seek answers of her questions. And the most fearsome thought was

"Will I be able to survive this night alive?"

She knows it quite impossible. She cursed her decision of climbing this tree. If she was on earth she will be able to run at least. But on this tree there was no chance of escape. Death was dancing over her head well! Actually under her...

She knows very well that she doesn't have much time left. She started sobbing, crying as there was not any ray of hope. Her grip on the branch where she sat tightened. She tried not to fall as she knew that if it happened in a second it costs her life. After examining the whole situation she accepts it and became ready to die but not too fast. She decided to tightly hold the tree and stay there until death reached her. She was waiting for her death by remembering all the important moments or persons in her life. Whenever her sight catches the feral or vampires trying to reach her she got tensed and shivers. But she knows that now only god can save her so she started to pray. She said in her prayers;

Jesus, every human is your child and it means the citizens of Woodsow too. Please do something to save it from this terrible night. Save your children and if you are too busy solving other matters please do send the best angel or savior of yours for us. Show mercy my lord and forgive all our sins. I don't want to die at this young age save me god please save me. I want to live god….. I want to live....

She started crying loudly. She sighs. She took a glance under and saw a vampire trying to climb the tree. She was shocked as for some time she totally forgot that vampire were mostly humans alike and they can also climb trees unlike feral. She shivered at the thought and pulled up her legs. The vampire man was about to reach her but before that a feral pulled him down with all effort and he fell with his back on land. She took a sigh of relief for now. This incident caused her a lot of trouble and unable to cope up with it she felt dizzy. Also the drops of water poured from the sky above. At first slowly but soon it starts raining heavily. Her grip loosened but she tried to overcome her dizziness and hold the tree. She wants to remain in her senses so that she can hold for some more time as she cannot accept death meekly.

As she struggles to remain awake she realized that more vampires were craving for her blood. And they started climbing tree. But as time passes she was losing more of her senses. She was now unable to listen their sounds and her vision blurred. She hardly pushes her eyelids up and down. By this time a magic happened.

She couldn't understand much. But she felt someone jumped hard from behind flying over her and landed in front of the tree on earth. Because of her blurred vision she only can saw a blurry back which was covered with a silky white cloth but looks hard and muscular. From his back she assumed that he is a man. Yes, he was a man for which handsome is just an understatement. He was like in late twenties. He was looking towards his prey with rage and anger in his grey, long mysterious and captivating eyes with perfectly brushed eyebrows. His anger was clearly shown on his broad forehead. Due to fair skin his cheeks were glowing in the moonlight. He had a straight nose and perfectly pink lips. He was wearing a silky white shirt with three buttons open on neck which was showing his upper body which was really hard and black pants under. His light brown hair touched his broad shoulders with pride. Sometimes chilled wind made them swing back and forth. With her slowly losing senses she hardly can open her eyes and missed the sight. She sensed that there was silence prevailed there after his arrival for a couple of minutes. And then started a fight as a group of feral approached him. He easily grabs one's neck from his arm and pushed others hardly with other hand. His push was so hard it turned them to ash where they stopped. The girl lost her most senses and was not able to understand anything after that.

While he was fighting with feral, vampires had got an opportunity to finish feral or to get the girl to gain power sucking her blood. Some of them smashed the remaining feral or some tried to climb the tree. As he turned and saw vampires climbing he shifted towards them with anger and crushed them under the muddy soil. While He was busy in attacking and defending she loosened her grip of tree because of unconsciousness and started falling slowly. She was in a deep slumber, wind caresses her hair that swung down, her face bathed in white light of moon and rain, her eyes closed that makes her dark eyelashes touch her cheek, her lips soft but wet. Her skin below the knees was glowing and wet with raindrops. In this state she was coming nearer and nearer to earth. The man killed a vampire in his front and suddenly a sound made him turn his back. When he turned his back she softly fell on his strong arms. Her beauty in that rain shower was glittering like a pearl in its shell. He got caught in a trap of her mesmerizing beauty. He silently stares at her for a long time as neither any enemy was awake there to disturb him, nor was she to stop him. His eyes travelled down from her forehead and slowly to her perfectly shaped pink lips. It's strange for him as many women got attracted towards him but he even can't tolerate their presence. But now this woman was making him feel different. He loved his grip on her back and behind knees. He admired her face and mostly her eyes. He wants to take a look at her eye's color but failed as she was not conscious. Her red dress surely made her more attractive. He stand there lost in the depths of the red sea which he collected in his arms.

This terrible night had a new blissful impact on the couple. They were going to start a new life. But who was this man? And what were his secrets? And most importantly what he was going to do with the women in his hands? To know the answers you have to read other chapters. Think about possibilities good luck.