
Tariq is getting married , Ashlynn is going on her first date .

They drank and had lots of fun and find rides to take them back to their places , for Ash As usual it was Miles who took her home whenever she drinks she black out completely and she rarely remember anything the next day .

The first texts she got Early in the morning was from photographer Luis he sent files of the pictures and videos he shot for her.

They came out so perfect she decided to upload the best three pictures on her Instagram account she hasn't posted for six months , she just deleted stuffs that included Tariq , she also picked two more pictures from their hangout yesterday and one video that captured all the fun they were having ,.And captioned " life is good " amongst the first people who watched were Tariq and other people from University who witnessed her embarrassing break up that day.

Luis didn't just end up sending pictures , he kept sending texts he has been crushing on her from the first time they met it was at a birthday party of their mutual friend he asked for her contacts but she just gave him her Instagram handle ,

He has been following her for a while it was a surprise seeing her text him on his business Instagram account and making arrangements for shooting with him , he didn't want to loose this chance.

" mhh so he has been feeling me since that time we met a party , he is not bad , he got what I need let's see where this takes us "

she kept scrolling the texts he sent explaining his feelings , Luis a brown handsome guy with locs , he is also financially stable and he shows to be obsessed with her . All the things she wants in a guy.

They kept getting in touch , while she kept doing great on herself ,working out , going to their company with her mom , she is working on her cloth line.

Miles kept being there for her , it was a month already , It is the day she will meet Luis , it's their first date from there she'll decide what they will be .Before going she called a group voice call to all the crew

" guys it's official I'm going on my first date I'm so excited "she was in aa cheeper mood

Everyone else was happy for her except for miles and Dina, Miles was feeling so jealous but for Dina , she felt so bad seeing her Happy , while she can't even pull Miles close to her , he is always about Ashlynn .

( she has the guts to be Happy after all of this ,let me ruin her mood )

yesterday she came across a post of Leyla announcing her wedding that happens to be on that same Saturday Ash will go on her first date , she has been following Leyla and Tariq to find stuff like that she was just waiting on a perfect time to break the news to her and she just found it

"Oh my God guys !"

She said in a shocking loud voice the aim was to get their attention .

" What is it Dina ? did something happen are you okay "

Nina said in a worried tone ,all the others was worried it was a voice call they can't see what's going on there.

They can't see her putting all the acts ,

" I was scrolling on my phone and saw this post , today happens to be the wedding if Tariq and Layla , she really did went on and marry a jerk like him they deserve each other Ash don't be sad my friend you dodged a bullet "

She sounded like a very worried friend ,

Ashlynn was quite for a while processing what she heard , it was drop dead silent . Mila decided to speak up and honestly she really doesn't like the way Dina says hurtful things to Ashlynn , she doesn't know how to define her at all .

" why did you have to bring that up right now Dina and who cares about what ever is happening in their life anyway Ashy just go on your date and be happy we are rooting for you girl "

But strangely this news didn't bring any pain to Ashlynn at all , She just feels grateful she is done and learned something important from her past .

"It's alright guys I'm over him , he will get all that he deserves , my worries now are all on what outfit I will wear and not on some irrelevant people "

Whooo they were not really expecting her to react that way , she really did move on , this wasn't great news to Dina whose intention was to hurt her and ruin her day but she masked it up and pretended to be cool and wish her the best of lucks .

" that's the spirit , dress and be so pretty today , blind his eyes with your beauty when he sees you "

Dina's words didn't match her facial expression at all if only they could see her .

She dressed pretty and captured a picture on her mirror captioning « número uno » , meaning number one indicating the starting of her journey to find the one.