
Luis is cancelled..

Luis taste of fashion is always on point , he loves going monochromatic outfit always , he offered to pick her up but she declined , she does not want to bring every person to her home until she decides on who she will be with.

He took her somewhere quiet with good food and music , a place near a beach .After the meal they moved to the counter and started drinking and dancing

Ash was just going with the flow while evaluating him from a scale of one to ten , starting with the place he took her he got four , places like this are meant for couples or married people not for a first date , they kept drinking and talking , they wear sitting next to each other .

Luis was getting close to that left her dumbfounded ( what is he trying to do ? ) he brought his lips close to her , he wanted to kiss her on the lips , she moved her head back ,And it got awkward for a moment he pretended he was getting something out of her for cover up.

This didn't sit right with her , she thought when they meet on the first date they will talk first and get things straight , and he will be patient on waiting to get her approval to know where they stand before making moves like that .

The bits of connection she felt for him for the time they talked disappeared into thin air . Luis is cancelled on the list .

Miles was not in his right mind , he kept walking around his room , punching the wall , he couldn't sit still even for a minute .

( if the date goes well does that mean I'll lose her again , I pray it doesn't go well , I pray I pray )

He kept chanting on those words . All he needed was courage to exppress his feelings to her and that is what he never had the fear of loosing their friendship is always bigger.

ding he heard a text notification on his phone he jumped right away on his bed to get his phone he felt like he'll be late if he walks


{ miles whr re u come get me please , here is the address }

He didn't even bother to change his clothes he took off his robe and grabbed a coat his wallet and car keys , the distance to his car felt so big he kept walking so fast , he needs to get there asap

Luis asked her to go dance with him ,they danced

but while they are dancing no matter how much space Ash will leave between them he'll get close and attempt to touch her intimately again and again .

It was so uncomfortable for her she decided to go back and sit but what he came and said to her is what blew her off completely..

" Are you shy then let's leave and take this to my place so I can get a taste of you "

She thought she heard him wrong, she had to ask ,!

" What did you say ? "

He got near her ear and repeated ,

" let's leave and go back to my place babe I want to get a taste of you "

he even deepened his voice , this was the last straw for Ashlynn .She got up saying she's going to the washroom then she turned the other way going to the exit , she was planning to call a taxi luckily Miles arrived that same time

" oh thank goodness you are here please take me away from here "

Miles did as she asked before asking questions first

Then when they reached at her place they didn't go down she was silent the entire ride.

" talk to me what happened "

She doesn't even know how to say it the whole time they chat and talked , Luis seemed like a decent guy but why did he treat her like that.

One thing she fears the most is being intimate with a guy , what Tariq said to her still lingers in her head . She wants to be so assured first that he is the right person before going all the way .But questions kept popping in her head .

( what did I do wrong , did I give the cheap girl vibes ? I think I was pretty confident and classy so why did he treat me like that ,)

" can we drink something first before I tell I don't even know where to start ,"

He got up and went in her house and got two bottles of red wine from the rack with two glasses

Ash gulped three glasses in a minute , Miles had to take the bottle away and tell her to take it easy because she gets drunk easily and She was already starting to get drunk.

" miles tell me what is wrong with me huh , what do I do that gives guys signs that I am to be taken for granted or I'm just for kissing and sleeping with "