
Dina is jealous.

It was already late in the evening when she reached home , she did everything she wanted to today ,

Now all is left is to surprise her crew.

Everyone picked up knowing it's the same old stories about Tariq . The were tired it's just that ,they couldn't stop picking up her calls , that's the only way they get to see her and know how she's doing , they visited her a couple of times too but they were too busy now .

Miles was the first to pick he was still in his office , he couldn't believe his eyes she looked so gorgeous his heart skipped the beats , Milla couldn't believe her eyes she was so happy she could cry ,She even parked her car she was on her way back from work , she works at a bank now , Nina was happy seeing their friend looking good again , Ronald couldn't find words to say he is Happy seeing her looking good but Dina , her praises and smile to Ashlynn couldn't reach her eyes she was in her office too , no one noticed her indifference though .

She called to tell them that tommorow they should meet for drinks and having fun together.

And the bill is on her , no one declined the offer their friend is back , they can't wait for tommorow , and it will be the weekend non of them will be going to work .

Ashlynn woke up early and drove to the gym to start her work outs , she convinced Miles to register there and stop working out in his mini home gym , so she won't be alone . Miles was Happy he loves seeing her .

While working out miles decided to ask her about her plans now , he would like to know if she's up for relationship again he wants to try telling her how she feels and if everything goes well , they can start dating .

" I'll tell you later when we meet with the crew okay now let me focus on cutting this weight out "

they worked out. for a while and went to bath and change Ashlynn found miles waiting for her outside with a strawberry milkshake , he bought it on his way there , she is always touched with Miles care , he'll always remember and give her what she likes , he went and opened the door of her car for her and bid his goodbyes now all he hopes is when he gets to tell Ash his feelings he won't get to loose her.

and it was evening already everyone requested rides to take them there because they plan to have fun and drink it has been so long since they go out like this

. the girls dressed up and looked so gorgeous , Ashlynn picked ya nude short dress that blended well with her hair and wore high heels ,she was the first to reach there , she booked a VIP section for them to have fun it was a club , the others arrived looking so good , before they start to party and get drunk she wanted to let them know of her plan .

Hearing what her plan was left each one of them speechless , what is wrong with their friend why can't she just find one decent guy and date why go on date with a hundred and pick one from them , miles was disappointed , he won't tell his feelings if this is what she'll be doing he doesn't want to be in competition , he just wants to genuinely love and care for her .

"so you'll be sleeping with each one of them " Dina asked , it wasn't a great question to ask as a friend every one turned to look at her

" I didn't mean it in a bad way , I just wanted to advice you to not do it till you find the one ,"

" guys I won't , I'll just go on dates in public places only , then I'll be evaluating due to how they treat me and make me feel , the connection between us , and I don't have to date a hundred guys if I find the one on the first guy I met I'll go for it "

"But can't you just wait ,you never know what if the one is so close to you just waiting for you to notice him " Mila asked while looking at miles , she already know he has feelings for her and she is sure he will be the best choice to her

Seeing Mila looking at him and saying that to Ash , he got up it felt really awkward and that's not how he wants to tell his feelings to her .

" I'll go dance for a bit I'll be back "

Dina noticed and her face turned sour for a Minute she got up following Miles .

" let's dance together Miles "

they went to dance Dina was trying so hard to get Miles to feel her , she was getting really close but He kept on putting some distance between them , she always do stuff like this when they are close , he really doesn't get her but that wasn't a big issue Right Now when will Ashlynn get to see him as A man and not just a friend when ?

the rest of the crew went down to dance Ronald and Milla are dating so they were dancing together Ashlynn was dancing with Nina , when Miles spotted Her on the dancefloor he let go of Dina and went to dance with her , Dina felt jealous , Why does Miles do this to her , she kept remembering from the time he met him at the University , she actually befriended this crew to get close to Miles and some other hidden agenda of hers but his eyes are always on Ashlynn always , she stood there and threw a killer glance at them and went back to where they were sitted to drink