
A Tale After Four Lives

My name is Alex Wolf. After school I joined the military a mistake I will never regret. It got me killed. Now you might, 'How can this idiot not regret this", well the answer is easy, I got a second chance or more like chances. I met with a God, that's right "a" not "the", and made a deal with him. I will go to four different worlds and make four legends and in return, he would grant 3 wishes and a free reincarnation pass into any world of my choosing. The first life I was a human named Lambert. My legacy of being a Grand paladin that slew the seven princes of hell was told even after thousands of years. The second life was the longest I was an immortal Giant or more precisely a Titan. I created a legend of myself just by standing in one spot for a million years. People truly have great imaginations for thinking I was a statue, thou anything turns to stone after so long. In the end, I killed myself for not even the gods of that world dared approach me. The third and I might say weirdest life of them all I was an elf. I help slay a Demon King with a hero, it's also what got me killed. The hero was actually summoned from Japan in my old world so it was kinda strange. The fourth life was the most fun I must say. I was born as a fucking Dragon. During my life, I burned kingdoms to the ground and was a scourge upon the world. I finally died of old age after a hundred thousand years of tormenting that world. Now finally after four lives and millions of years, I can finally live free again. .................................................................................. Ok for reverence sake this is a DXD fanfic. I don't own any of the characters except the MC of course and the Picture isn't mine if the owner wants me to take it down be free to tell me.

Bethrezhen · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Chapter 101: Rest before battle

"Welcome to hell girly, where the best times are the times I ask questions."

The dark elf just stared at him coldly with her violet eyes, not showing a hint of fear or pain.

Not only did this not make Lambert angry but caused him to smile, but this smile was anything but benevolent as it caused the dark elf to shiver.

Lowering the dark elf back to the ground he gently smoothed out her long black hair. "Where is your dark brotherhood sanctuary located", he asked looking straight into her eyes.

The elf did not answer and just kept staring at him with a look of defiance.

"Oh a thought one", Lambert said before starting with his rounds of beatings and questioning. Although Lambert's techniques might have seemed crude in the eyes of professional torturers, there were deep and hidden secrets to each of his blows, they were done in such a way that minimized the physical damage done but maximized the pain conceived.

Some of his blows would rattle her mind, causing her to go into a strange daze where she would speak the first thing that comes to her mind after being asked a question, although this state would only last one or two questions, it caused indescribable fear to hit her after she returned to her senses, furthermore she found that she could not even guard against these blows further wearing away at his physique.

Not all of Lambert's questions were about the dark brotherhood as he also fished out information about the rest of Skyrim, hidden information that only large organizations could attain.

After an entire four hours, Lambert got all the information he wanted out of the elf and finished his interrogation by giving her a quick and painless death.

Looking at the death elf tied to a chair in front of him Lambert could not help but give out a sorrowful sigh, this sigh was not because of killing the elf but because he really hated interrogating people like this, praying upon their pain and mental weaknesses to get what he wanted. He would much rather just cut down his enemy with his sword.

"I'm done", Lambert called to which Vadne walked into the tower, she had gone outside after the first few minutes of Lambert's interrogation not wanting to watch him beat someone tied to a chair.

She might have hated the elf and wanted to kill her, she was also not a fan of torture but knew that sometimes such things had to be done.

"Your one cruel bastard you know that", She said as she looked at the elf's swollen face, shattered teeth, and broken bones.

With another sight, Lambert said, " I found out where the assassins a holed up and how to get inside their sanctuary.

Hearing this Vadne's face immediately lit up in joy, "Hah!, then what are we waiting for let's go kill those sneaky bastards.", she was just about to storm out of the tower when lambert stopped her.

"There is no need to hurry, let's first have a good meal and some rest so that we are in optimal condition when we face our foes.

Vadne was about to object when she heard a growl come from her stomach, to which she could only lower her head with a red face before nodding.

"Alright you cook and ill bury the elf and those bandits, can't have them spoiling our apatites", Lambert said as he pulled the dead elf and walked out of the tower.

Vadne slowly got busy with the cooking all the while mumbling, "Kan you still have an apatite after butchering people and then burying them."

Within an hour Lambert returned and Vadne gave him a wooden bowl filled with some kind of meaty stew.

"Thank you", Lambert said as he took the food and started eating, Vadne filled her own bowl before sitting down and enjoying the food.

"So what's the plan, how are we going to deal with whose sneaky bastards?", Vadne asked, blowing on the wooden spoon to cool of the hot stew.

"We go in and kill everybody", Lambert answered before downing the stew directly from the bowl in a single movement, before standing up to get some more.

Vadne did not think much of this because Lambert was quite a big guy so of course, he had a high apatite, but even she started to feel amazed after he swallowed his twentieth bowl, effectively cleaning the entire cauldron she used to make the stew.

After having a hearty meal the two of them were about to turn in for the night but were stopped by a loud screeching voice from outside the tower.

"Come out here you bastards and die!"

Lambert and Vadne looked at each other before exiting the tower only to see a dark-robed figure within a hoard of undead staring at them with unbridled fury. His hood was down which caused them to see his balding gray hair which was like an army doing a tactile retreat, but even more glaring was a massive bulge that was neatly settled in the center of his head, that even made Vadne flinch from pain just by looking at it.


A few hours earlier

A few hundred meters from an old abandoned watchtower a scrawny-looking old man in a tattered black robe could be seen slowly making his way towards it. The upper part of his face was covered in the shadows created by his hood as he slowly strode forward surrounded by thirty skeletons. These skeletons wielded different kinds of weapons and creaked as they moved forward.

Looking towards the tower this necromancer's dull grey eyes gave off a slight glint. 'This is the place, this is the place where I shall amass my army and finally get my revenge on those bastards at Falcreath'

Just as the necromancer basked in his fantasies of future conquests he fought a white object quickly making its way towards him, his eyes constricted, and before he could even think of dodging his eyes rolled over as the object hit him squarely on the head.

"A new head has touched the beacon, Listen!...", A voice resounded from the object.


I'm back.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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