
Chapter 102: Wretched Ending

The robed man seemed outright pissed, as he waved his hands around yelling and cursing at him.

"Is this a friend of yours?" Lambert asked Vadne as he ignored the robed man.

"Why the fuck would I know this moron, by the look of him he's some kind of necrophile or something, just look at his posse"

"Oh", Lambert said with a thoughtful expression, " It's just that your and his use of vocabulary is very similar so I had to ask"

"Fuck you"

"See what I mean"


By this time the robed man figured out that the duo was ignoring him causing his already burning rage to become even brighter.

"Curse you and your magical orb, destroy them!" the robed man yelled as his small skeleton legion followed his order and charged at Lambert and Vadne.

Lambert's eyes narrowed as he studied the approaching skeletons, with a few quick calculations, he prepared an effective battle strategy, charge and destroy.

Wielding his newly acquired sword with a single diagonal swing he bisected five skeletons in front of him and with a second swing another five went, not seeing the need to draw out the fight he quickly finished the tiny army of undead, before turning his attention to the robed man, who for some unknown reason had closed his eyes as he laughed towards the sky like a maniac.


Lambert gave a rough caught which drew the robed man's attention, to call his expression shock was an understatement. Lambert couldn't fathom how a human's eyes could pop so much out of its socket, there you had it, any further and it might have popped out.

"So was that it", Lambert asked.

He was greeted by continues mumbled from the robed man who looked at this moment as if his soul was stolen, it was a bit pitiful.

"Oi wake up", Vadne said as she snapped her fingers in front of the robed man, finally getting his attention as he snapped out of his daze.

"Ah!" With a frightened yelp he quickly backtracked to protect himself, his hands glowed blue as he prepared to unleash a quick spell towards Vadne who was a bit surprised at his reaction but not enough to allow him to use magic at such a short distance.

With a few quick steps, she arrived next to the robed man as she unsheathed her knew ebony dagger and brought it towards the man's thought-stopping just a hairs breath away from his throat.

The man froze as the glow around his hands died out, the man looked at Vadne in fear as he stammered.

"P-please... Mercy, I...I surrender"

"Not so tough now are you bitch", Vadne said as she looked at the robed man with a wicked grin.

The man smiled weakly, as he regained his bearing. "I meant no offense, anger merely clouded my judgment, please let me go and I will reward you."

"Oh", Vadne said as her grin spread even further, "..., But can't I just take all your stuff after I kill you"

"Ple...", the man wanted to beg further but was met with a dagger to the heart, he looked down in disbelief as he saw Vadne's other hand pulling out an iron dagger from his chest.

He slowly slumped down, falling to the ground as his mind grew ever more cloudy. His life flashed before his eyes, What about his revenge, what about the riches and good life he dreamt of. What if..., and there was no more what if's as his life had already faded and his soul departed the world to Aetherius, wait no it seems he made a deal with Molag-Bal and the prince of domination, he wished for more power and the friendly rapist was more than willing to give it to him in return for his as... I mean his soul, this caused the robed man's soul to make a one-eighty and fly towards Oblivion or more accurately Coldharbour, where big daddy Molag was waiting for a new and tasty morsel.

"Well this is disappointing", Vadne said as she rummaged through the man's body looking for anything of value and finding absolutely nothing.

"That is to be expected, I could smell his poverty a mile away", Lambert stated as he walked into the tower preparing to turn in for the night, not even bothering to take care of the corpses outside since they will be leaving after a bit of sleep. Vadne followed closely after.

"I don't think it was the poverty you smelled, I mean this fucker definitely forgot to bath for at least a month, that or it was because he shat himself the moment he found out his army was destroyed either way he's dead and not a problem anymore."

Lambert and Vadne quietly settled down to rest until the next morning, where they set off in the direction of the dark brotherhood sanctum.

The assassin is known as Gabriella, told him everything she knew from the sanctum's location to its doors password she even gave information about every single member of the sanctum, even some unnecessary information was shared like Astrid liked doing it while Arnbjorn, her husband, was in werewolf form or Nazir liked knitting and Babette had a thing for old men.

Although Lambert didn't want to know about this some of the stuff he learned made him chuckle a bit while others made him want to dig the information out of his brain with his bare hands.

"Oi, Big guy we're here", Vadne called breaking Lambert's thoughts, he looked in front of him at the very ominous-looking door.

Stepping forward Lambert heard the creepy whispering as if the person was quietly talking through the carton tube you have left after using up all the toilet paper.

"What is the music of life?"

"Sabato... I mean Silence my brother"


Lambert heaved a sigh of relief, he almost messed up.

"What was it you wanted to say", Vadne asked curiously

"I'll tell you another time for now let's go", Lambert answered as he stepped through the entrance


I'm back, Laziness is a curse I tell you a formidable one.

Anyhow, please comment, review and stone.


Bethrezhencreators' thoughts
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