

Emma walked over to the reception hallway with a smile on her face. 

She met two young ladies who seemed to be discussing among themselves. 

"Hi, is this the reception area?"

Both ladies turned their gazes towards her direction.

"Yes ma'am. How may we help you please?"

"Well uhm... I was just wondering if you have any idea about..," Emma quickly took out Alex's photos and placed them on the counter so the ladies could see the pictures.

"Do you have any idea if this man still works here? You see, he used to be the one who fixed the broken pipes in my home. His name is Mr Xander. "


Emma hoped that the ladies would give her a positive answer. They ought to have seen him. She just hope they wouldn't find her story suspicious or ask her some questions she wouldn't be able to find answer to. 

"Well ma'am," both ladies glanced at the pictures weirdly. Ot can't be that they have no idea too.

"We are not so sure that we've seen this man before. Even his name isn't familiar. We don't have a worker here named Mr Xander."

Emma's heart sunk. She wished she could burst into tears right there. But that wouldn't make any sense since sve only asked for a worker and not a husband. 

"Are you sure you don't know him? You should look closely,"

In as much as she didn't want to look desperate, she just cannot help it. She needed to see her husband and she didn't mind acting all desperate. They will not understand whst she was going through. She alone understands her plight. 

"We are sorry, ma'am, but we really have no idea about the man you are asking about. If he worked here, we would either have been able to recognize him, or we would have seen his data on our computer."

Emma had to control herself from staggering backwards. All hopes of finding her husband had just gone down the drain. She has no idea where she was supposed to go searching for him anymore. 

"Ma'am, you could try searching another plumbing company. maybe there was a mix up with the name. 

Emma stared at the paper in her hands. She couldn't have been wrong at all.

She knew for a fact that it was the right address. Alex was the problem. He must have hidden himself in such a way that she would never find him no matter how many times she searched for him.

Emma scurried off the building. She had been blinking back tears ever since the ladies told her that he didn't work there. It is official. Her husband hates her. He must hate her to have abandoned her on their wedding day. What crime did she commit? Why was he running away. 

Emma cried bitterly while in her car. She had never expected that he would hate her enough to abandoned her.

She looked at the time and it was almost 3pm. Shit! She had to go to go pick up her son from school by 4pm. She wasn't even sure she would get there by 4pm. Emma quickly start up the car and drove off the company's vicinity to her son's school as quickly as she could.