

Emma went back home only to cry herself to sleep. This was the worse thing that had happened to he in recent times. 

Why? Why will Alex be so heartless as to give wrong information. Why didn't he want to be found? Could she be the problem? Even if she was the problem wouldn't it have been better if he called her to meet up and then tell her all what he felt. 

Emma suddenly gave her face a light slap to sober her up. Alex would never act cowardly. How could she even think that about him? He wss the most responsible and the bravest guy she knew. He wouldn't dare act that way. 

She decided that the next day, she would go in search of him again. 

There was no way she would give up the search for her husband. Most especially now that she knew he was still alive. If he wouldn't come to her, then she would go to him, it was that simple.  

Emma wiped her tears and slept off. 

The next day, she dressed up to take her son to school, after which she would be visiting the plmbimg company herself.

Maybe he actually worked there but gave out a different name so she wouldn't find him. 

"Boss, are you going out alone today as well?"

"Yes Kyle. Trust me I will be safe, besides it is just close to Jenell's school anyway."

"Uhm, okay. If you say so, but you should call me just in case something happened and you need help."

"You don't have to worry about that. Nothing would go wrong anyway, you should stop thinking about the worse situation will you?"

"I'm sorry ma'am?" Kyle scratched his hair, knowing that he had said what he shouldn't have.  

"See you around Kyle," Emma drove off. 

After successfully dropping off Jenell at school, she took out pice of paper containing the address which was still in her purse and viewed it. 

Now all she had to do was go in search of the company which was stated in the address.

She had no idea how long it would take for to get there and back but she really hoped that it wouldn't affect the time she was to get her son from School 

After driving for like an hour , she finally came in front of a gigantic building. It read "Accurate plumbing services incorporated."

At that moment, relief watched over her to know that indeed such a place existed. At least she belived she had hope of finding him. She quickly came down from the car and marched towards the company in all confidence. She was so sure that she would find him in the company.

Emma walked into the busy looking company with people streaming in and out. At that moment she was confused at the crowd she saw. Some were staffs she guessed but the rest? Could they be customers. 

Where was she supposed to start her search from? Who was she supposed to ask? Emma looked around her, then suddenly, she found a desk up ahead which seemed like a reception area. 

Finally, somewhere to start from.