
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · Celebrities
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22 Chs

Chapter 8_ Give me the bag or I'll pull the trigger

"You dare mocked me? I'll teach you a lesson you won't in a hurry." She covered her fist tight and hard wanting to hit him when the taxi stopped. Her fist hangs up as she stopped and turned to the driver who was pointing a gun at them and she freeze in her breath.

Min-Jun too freeze seeing gun being pointed at him for the first time in his precious life. The driver then ordered them to put their hand at the back of the head and remain mute. He threatens to pull the trigger if they dare to move a lip.

"Two little rich spoiled brat, fighting in the taxi." He chimed and made satisfied little laugh.

"Sir, I'm not rich neither a spoiled brat. This dumbass sissy is the rich spoiled brat here. You can tell...."

"What?" Min-Jun howled and removed his hand from his head and continue, "Did you just called me dumb sissy?" He went on, "You know what, I bet you don't know your way around here too you little liar."

"Call me that one more time." She said dropping her hand too and turning to Min-Jun

"Little liar, little liar, little liar. So what now huh!"

"Shut up!!!" the driver blurted. He was surprised, as at this moment, they can still fight even when a gun was pointing to their head. What part of the animal world did they eloped from?

"Sir, you can take all you want, even take him but please, spare my life."

"I said shut up. Anymore word from you or you and I will pull the bullet on your fucking skulls."

"What do you want anyway?" Min-Jun asserted putting on a courageous face even when he was shivering at the inside and his heart beating fast as ever but he tried not to show it off.

"Just shut up dumbass, don't get us killed!" she yelled back at him.

"Take off your bag." The driver ordered but Min-Jun refused. He knew the bag contain all his stuff, he possibly can't survive without it for the rest of his staying here. What'll I do if I lost the bag to this thief?

"Give him the bag" She said terrify when she notice the gun pointing at them wasn't in good spirits. Min-Jun shake his head in disapproval. He takes off the bag and hold it around his chest even tighter.

"Give him the bag." She pleased and forcefully drag the bag from him and throw it at the driver.

"Now open the door and get down quietly." They obey and get down from the taxi. Immediately, the taxi accelerates.

They try running after him but they couldn't chase up. "Shit!" She screamed. She turned to look at the confused Min-Jun behind whom hands were on his waist and his head blending to the ground panting heavily. She shakes her head in pity and started walking away.

"Hey little liar, why'd you give my bag to him? Do you have any idea what that backpack contains?"

"Did the backpack worth your life, or you prefer a bag over your life?" She asked and kisses her teeth in disappointment. "It true they says the rich are way too greedy for money over their own fucking life." she added and walked on.

"Is that supposed to be an apologizing?" He went on, "She's so rude. How on earth did I ended up being fool by that little? Now my belongings are gone." He exhaled to calm himself down. "What do I do now, where do I go from here."


Detective Jun got home from work tired. His wife hugged him on seeing him.

"Welcome honey." She said taking off his jacket and his bag.

"How was work today?"

"Stressful" He explained.

"Let me got you water." she left and return with a bottle of water.

"Thank you, honey."

She then went behind him and started a massage.

"Thanks honey."

"You're welcome."

Detective Jun kept making troubled sighs as his wife continues with the message. She noticed her husband was bothered about something.

"Are you okay honey? You seems disturbed, is something bothering you?"

"I just keep wondering how Kim Min -Jun absconded from prison and end up dead at that same night. The accident just doesn't look genuine or like a car accident to me."

"That easy, you just have to look for the CCTV footage of that location, then you know how it happen."

"That the problem. There's no CCTV camera in that location. And the case was closed by the general. He even has to called me to his office and warned me to stop investigating the case which he said has been closed."

"Then I suggest you forget about the case. Isn't it better you take a break from work while we go on a vacation and make babies."

"A break?"

"Mmm-hhh, doesn't is sound nice?" She asked waiting for his agreement but his removed her hand instead and stands up. "I need a shower. I'm really exhausted." He stand up and left his wife.