
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · Celebrities
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22 Chs

Chapter 18_ The Fight

Ae-cha woke up the next morning. She yawns and stretches tiredly. She crept out from her bed and walked out into the bathroom. Coming out from the bathroom, she saw her Mom already leaving for the shop. Both gaze met at once and they both turned to different direction, ignored her pretending they don't even exist right now. Miss Gwon walked out frowning while Ae-cha went back into the bathroom frowning too. Both Min-Jun and Ari witness the funny attitudes between mother and daughter.

"Are they okay?" Ari asked Min-Jun and he nodded. "I'm very sure they are okay. Just pretend you didn't see anything too okay."

"I don't know how to pretend, you can asked my mom."

min-Jun was out of words. He confusing pick up her backpack and wear it on her. "Get going before you get late." Min-Jun said and Ari pack up her lunch box and left.

Ae-cha later came out from her bathroom. She went into her room and minutes later, she came out completely dress up.

"Aren't you going to the shop?" Min-Jun asked.


"And why?"

She stared at him and said, "I'm very sure you weren't deaf when she stated what she had been hiding in her heart for long."

"I think she didn't mean what she said...."

"Well I don't care." Ae-cha strikes. "I'm even glad she said that. Now I have all the day to run around and be with Seo-yeon. Isn't that nice?" She asked and laughed. "Now if you would excuse me, I'm going out to have fun."

"Wait, hmm, I, do you….have any a spare phone?"

"No, why?"

"I really do need one. You know I lost mine."

"Yeah, that's truth." She went into thoughts in few second and she went into her mom room and then returned with some cash. "Here," she said showing the money before his face.

"Where'd you get this from?" Min-Jun asked. He look back to the direction she brought it out from and then return his gaze to her. "Did you…."

"They're mine. Are you taking or not?" She cut in sharply. "I'm only lending you this money due to some certain reasons but if you don't want it I won't force you on it. So, are you taking or not?"

"If you said they are yours, sure. Let me get dressed so we can go get it together."

At the electronic shop, Min-Jun was having difficulties picking one. The ones he would love to buy were higher than the amount he brought. Ae-cha tried persuading him to just pick one but he refused and went further in screaming. She got tired of him and left him to a couch.

"He doesn't seem right in the head to me." She stated when sitting down and waiting for him. Suddenly, she heard some girls gossiping among themselves and it was obliviously about her. She ignored them leaving them to gossips to their satisfactions but she immediately got angry when said heard them talked about her Nam-gil. and her dad. "And her boyfriend dumped her too and went after another lady just like her Dad did." One of the girls said and they giggled.

Ae-cha couldn't take it anymore, she angrily stand, leap to them and in the next second, the girl who said it was holding her chic from the unhealthy slap she had received from her. The other girl stands up furiously and yelled, "What'd hell did you do that for you lunatic?"

"Called me that one more time?"

"You're a lunatic, so what now?" she boldly repeated.

"I can see you got nerves. I'll sure show you how a lunatic behaved." She stated and in the next seconds, both were already on the floor in a terror. The other girl joins her friend in the fight. They over powered Ae-cha and beat her up to a mess. Min-Jun heard noises; he turned and was shocked to see Ae-cha in a fight with two girls. He quickly run to them and drag her out forcefully. As he did, she shouted, "When next I set my gazed on you both, I'm sure gonna broke your tinny legs and send home crippled." Min-Jun succeeded in dragging her away.