
A Star In Love

"You can't love me Min-Jun, we're both from different World." Up coming K-pop singer Kim Min-Jun was accused of murdering his ex girlfriend, the popular star actress, park A-yeong. While everyone thinks he was dead, he run away and found himself in a small uncivilized village where he worked as a cleaner and ended up being in love with his employer daughter.

Cloud_Alexis · Celebrities
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22 Chs

Chapter 16_ Back again

Min-Jun wake up and saw Ae-cha standing before him with a stare and hands crossed around her chest. He startled and open his eyes widen at once.

"You? What are you doing there standing like that?" he asked.

"Finally waking up, the sleeping beauty. Let me see what the time is saying," She look at the wrist watch in her wrist and said, "Eight am, and the sleeping beauty is just waking up."

"Just go, I'm still sleepy." He murmured and she repeated his word teasingly. "Get up and get ready for work!"

"Work? What work?"

"Ms Gwon employed you as her cleaner,"


"Yes, you'll be her cleaner for the time being. Once you are able to rise up some money, you can get yourself an apartment and live your life otherwise you can leave."

"I obliviously have nowhere to go and there is no possible way I can be alive without a penny on me." He thought and exhaled. "I'll just accept for the time being, I'm sure Manager Ma will get thing solve quickly so I can go back to my life." He thought again and sits up. "I accept."

Ms Gown has once again resumed her kitchen. She has refused to open since the day Ae-cha left. Her customers were excited seeing their favorite Tteokbokki cook back again. Both Seo-yeon and Ae-cha we're present at the kitchen including Min-jun. While Ms Gwon and Ae-cha prepare the Tteokbokki, Seo-yeon serve and Min-Jun cleans.

As he clean, it seems humorous to him. He had never thought of working as a mere cleaning ever in his entire life and here he is, left with no other option but to clean up a Tteokbokki restaurant just to survive.

Ae-cha and Miss Gwon watch Min-Jun doubt founded as he was struggling with the mop like it was is first time holding a mop.

"Where did you said you picked him from?" Miss Gwon was force to asked.

"At shuyon train station. Has he never clean before?"

"I think so. He must be from the wealthy families."

"I think so too." She took off her gloves and went to him standing and starring. Min-Jun notices her, he look away and continues with his nonsense.

"Are you serious right now? How can someone clean like a baby?"

"Isn't this the way to mop the floor?" He asked innocently.

"Are you kidding me? Give me the mop," she collected it and showed him the proper way it's done and returned the mop back to him. And left him and went to Seo-yeon who have been standing watching the own scene.

"It okay Yeon, you can go home. You've worked more than we can pay."

"Not until I fill my tummy with Tteokbokki from my favorite cook." She said and Miss Gown appears before them with a bowl of Tteokbokki. "Here it's, specially made for my favorite customer." Ms Gwon said.

"It smell nice as always." she compliment and collected the bowl from her. She settles for a table with Ae-cha. She perceives the aroma and gulps some into her mouth. "Wow! Taste good as always unlike some chef before me." she teased.

"You want to die right?" Ae-cha jokingly asked and Seo-yeon. Seo-yeon looks back at Min-Jun who was still struggling.

"Where'd you said you meet him?" Seo-yeon asked.

"Who?" Ae-cha asked and Seo-yeon response using body head language.

"Geon? That knuckle head. We accidentally met each other at the train station while I was stranded. On my way to shuyon, my bus got faulty. We all came down as the driver was trying to fix it but he was taking a lot of time and my train was leaving in an hour time and you know I wouldn't want to miss it. So I saw a taxi coming. Without wasting time, I took it with the last penny on me.

You know, what the craziest thing was that, my ticket was in my bag and I left it in the bus. I didn't think of that before hurriedly boarding in the taxi with my last penny in my jacket.

It was when I got to the station I realized I left my bag containing the tickets and my phone behind."

"OMG, you don't mean it, do you?"

"And that wasn't all. I also lost the only picture I have of my dad whish was also in the bag too."

"OMG! You don't mean it."

"Losing all that didn't bother me because I considered it fate. But how on Earth I'm going to get back home was all over my head. That was when I saw Geon. He approached me like an angel seeking for help. I seize the opportunity but everything got ruin when we got robbed. I only discover him has amnesia and was homeless after some days and I has no other option but to bring him with me."

"OMG! That was so kind of you. So where'd the coming back home money comes from?"

"The thief luckily didn't notices his wristwatch. So we sold."

"OMG! So how…."

"Can you stop saying that and just eat your food before it gets cold?" Ae-cha cut in as the 'OMG' thing was becoming annoying. Seo-yeon smiles, she turns to look at him still working really hard.

"He's cute you know and hard-working too." Ae-cha sneered on her compliment and mumble, "Hard working and cute. I'm quite sure that isn't coming from you otherwise I'll consider it mockery."

"I'm honest right now. I almost fell for his handsome face when I saw him yesterday and I'm lucky I didn't otherwise I would have been head over heels for a cheap broke ass." She said and finished the up the food. "I'm done, let me get going. Are you coming?"

"Nope, there are still a lot to do here."

"Just go with her, Geon will help me out." Miss Gown said. Ae-cha happily takes off her apron and went out with Seo-yeon.

Just as they walked out, two women in their thirty's came in. Miss Gown welcomes them warmly and they responded with smiles, took a table and made order of two bowl of Tteokbokki.

"Who's that handsome young looking guy over there?" Mrs. Shin asked as her eyes meet with Min-Jun who was done cleaning.

"Oh, that must be him. That must be the guy Ae-cha came back with." Mrs. Song concluded.

"Ae-cha is back again?" Ms Shin asked.

"Of course, you haven't heard of it? This time she even came back with a man. I think she has been running away all this while to see this young man and lied she was going to look for her father."

"I don't think that the case. Such handsome looking man can never be interested neither notices someone like Ae-cha when our beautiful daughters are still very much single."

"You are absolutely right. But then, what is he doing here?"

"That true. What kind of a daughter could run away with a man when she is not yet married to him?"

"That's the kind of girl Ae-cha is, always bringing nothing but pains to her mother. If she was my daughter, I could kill her with my two bare hands."

"No wonder her dad left them."She whispered to Mrs. Song unknowingly to them Ms Gown has been listening all this while. She felt bad as she heard about her ex husband who abandon them over a rich lady in Seoul years back. The Tteokbokki was ready. She takes it to them and angrily places the bowls on the table hard which splatter some on the table and leaving stain on their dresses. She ignored them and left angrily.

"What wrong with her attitude?" Ms Shin asked.

"She must have heard what we say." Mrs. Song muttered to Mrs. Shin. "So what if she heard? We were only saying the truth." She angrily said trying to get the stain off her dress but it wasn't coming off. She stares at Ms Gwon angrily and mutter, "Like mother like daughter indeed." She stands up and turned to Mrs. Song, "Let leave here."

"What? What about the meal?"

"Just leave it there." She said, brought out money and rudely places it on the table. "Let go."

Min-Jun too heard what they had said. She looks at Miss Gown and notice her expression has changed to one that isn't comfortable. What happened to her husband, He Wondered.