

Who said that marriage will always bring happiness? Maybe it's true that marriage will always bring happiness but all of that is just nonsense and lies for Ezlyn. Ezlyn Storm is a woman who lives her married life like a hell of sorrow. Every time Ezlyn had to accept her husband's rude attitude towards her but that didn't stop her from loving him. But unfortunately, Ezlyn could not get happiness from her marriage as she wanted. Until an incident happened to her... Made Ezlyn rebirth when she was 20 years old with a new life. Can Ezlyn fix her marriage with a second chance given to her? Or does it make Ezlyn have to start all over and find out something her husband has been hiding from her? *** Hello, this is my first time writing in English, so I'm sorry if there are many shortcomings. p.s: the cover is not mine, so the credit belongs to the owner.

Blueside · Urban
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6 Chs


The kitchen is Ezlyn's favorite place of all the places in this palace-like mansion. Ezlyn will spend hours in the kitchen cooking because Ezlyn likes to cook.

Ezlyn even has many cooking books. Especially in terms of baking. Ezlyn likes to make cakes, cookies, and cupcakes. She had never said this to anyone before but she wanted to have her cake shop.

It was her dream since childhood.

Then whether Ezlyn realized her dream? No, because she can't make her dream come true.

As people say, dreaming is something that anyone can do but not all dreams can come true. Because the world doesn't always go the way we want it to.

And that is a law of nature.

Just as Ezlyn experienced, she could only keep dreaming... dreaming... and dreaming. So many things she had dreamed of but none of her dreams come true.

Because that's how this cruel world works.

And to treat her sadness over her dreams that never come true, Ezlyn will treat it by making brownies which is her favorite cake.

Just like what she's doing right now. On top of the kitchen bar, there are various kinds of ingredients she needs ranging from flour to eggs. She often makes brownies, even by closing her eyes maybe she is still able to make it.

Ezlyn rolled up the sleeves of the sweater she was wearing. "Alright, let's get started!" said Ezlyn with a smile on her face.

Ezlyn began to open the flour and put the eggs, butter, and other ingredients in the blue bowl. And the most important thing in making brownies is chocolate, you must not forget that.

She stirred the dough using a plastic spoon by slowly pouring the milk into the dough. then took a mold, poured the dough into it, and put it in the oven.

Ezlyn turned her back to the kitchen bar with her eyes looking at the oven, watching the brownies she had put in the oven.

Every human being on this earth must have their pleasure and this is Ezlyn's pleasure, her way of entertaining herself. Since only she can comfort herself because no one else can.

Ezlyn continues to wait...





Ezlyn immediately smiled after calculating in her heart. She quickly put on her gloves, opened the oven, and took her brownies out of the oven. She took it out of the mold and placed it on a white plate.


That's how Ezlyn felt right now. She was satisfied to see her finished brownies and then decorated the brownies as beautifully as possible with whipped cream and cherries.

Beautiful, really very beautiful.

Ezlyn tucked her hair. "This is the prettiest brownie I've ever made," said Ezlyn with a smile that couldn't leave her face.


Ezlyn walked out of the mansion with her feet only wearing flip-flops and her hands holding something. She continued walking until she came to a luxurious house that was quite far from her husband's mansion.

Ezlyn raised her hand to press a button beside those brown doors.

Ding... ding... ding... dong...

"Wait a moment!" said a voice from inside the house.

Not long after that Ezlyn could hear the sound of footsteps from inside the house, Ezlyn took a few steps back to coincide with the door of the house opening slowly. Make Ezlyn saw a beautiful woman with short black hair from behind the door. "Oh, Mrs. Ryker!"

Ezlyn smiled. "Good afternoon Mrs. Hunter," said Ezlyn kindly.

Louna Watsons is the name of the woman who opened the door and also the wife of the owner of this luxurious house. That's why Ezlyn called her 'Mrs. Hunter.'

And Louna is Ezlyn's neighbor maybe more accurately the only neighbor that Ezlyn knows because Marlon's mansion is in a neighborhood that is quite far from the other houses. In short, Marlon's mansion is the only mansion in the neighborhood.

Louna smiled. "Good afternoon Mrs. Ryker. What are you doing here?" asked Louna kindly. "Ah, please come inside."

Ezlyn shook her head. "No need, Mrs. Hunter. I just want to give this to you," said Ezlyn who then opened the cover of the plate that she brought.

"Woah, brownies! How beautiful!" said Louna smiling happily seeing a plate of brownies that Ezlyn brought for her.

Yes, Ezlyn came here to give a piece of the brownies she had made to her neighbor, Louna. Also, this wasn't the first time she had talked to Louna.

Louna tucked her hair. "Did you make it yourself Mrs. Ryker?" asked Louna.

Ezlyn nodded. "Yeah, I made it myself. I hope you like it," replied Ezlyn.

Louna smiled, then reached out her hand to take the plate from Ezlyn's hand. "I'm sure I'll like it Mrs. Ryk--"

"Aahhh!" shouted Ezlyn suddenly.

Louna who heard Ezlyn's scream was immediately surprised. "Are you all right Mrs. Ryker?" asked Louna frantically, then looked at Ezlyn's hand. "Mrs. Ryker, your hand is bleeding!" said Louna, saw Ezlyn's hand was bleeding not much but it looked painful.

Ezlyn immediately grabbed and then covered her hand. "Ah, that's fine. I just hurt a little while making this brownie."

"Are you sure Mrs. Ryker? Your scratch looks quite wide," said Louna worriedly. She saw the scratch on Ezlyn's palms which were quite long and wide.

Ezlyn nodded. "I'm sure Mrs. Hunter. I'm used to getting hurt like this," said Ezlyn casually.

"But still, you have to treat it--"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Hunter. I have to go, see you next time," said Ezlyn, cutting Louna's words and then walking away from there.

Louna still standing in front of her door with her eyes that saw Ezlyn walking away from her house. "She looks empty," muttered Louna.

Yeah, Louna saw the emptiness in Ezlyn's hazel eyes and this was not the first time she saw the emptiness. Previously she had seen Ezlyn standing on the balcony of the mansion with a gaze that looked so empty.

It was as if that gaze was screaming to say...

'Save me.'