
Chapter 36 Old Su Yielded

"Well, it's not bad to retire early."

After a while, Old Su took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, and pretended to sigh in a relaxed tone. "I'm old. It's time for young people like you to take control in the future."

Hearing that, Yang Yi knew clearly that he had yielded. Over the years, he had finally yielded.

He smiled, and promised Old Su on the other side of the phone:

"Old Su, don't worry. I will run the Su Group well in the future, and won't fail your trust."

After saying that, he paused and changed the topic. He said hesitantly, "As for Su Zhi..."

Old Su's heart jolted, and his heart sank again. His face was pale, and his heart was in despair.

He knew Yang Yi well.

As for the past, as long as Yang Yi said something, it would be the past, and he would never make trouble for others.

But if someone crossed Yang Yi's bottom line, and was hung up in the heart by Yang Yi, these people wouldn't be able to sleep well afterward!

Although he and Su Zhi had ended their battle, it didn't mean that their past would be written off.

Even if Yang Yi survived, it couldn't cover up the fact that Su Zhi had hired someone to assassinate him.

It was about Yang Yi's own life. Not to mention Old Su, even if Su Yan was alive, Su Zhi could not escape the responsibility of being held accountable.

Old Su could understand that.

After all, no one would leave a person who wanted to kill him at any time.

Even though Old Su knew it clearly, he still couldn't bear to let Yang Yi hurt Su Zhi.

Anyway, he was his only son!

Once Su Zhi died, the Su Group would be doomed. This was something that Old Su could never accept.

"For the sake of Su Yan, I won't make trouble to him. Let him go to the police station and confess his crime."

"I hope he can take this opportunity to reflect on himself. If he comes out and still makes trouble, don't blame me for being rude."

Yang Yi's words were heard by Old Su through the earphone, and then Old Su's face had a trace of blood color.

As for the warning behind Yang Yi's words, Old Su didn't care at all.

The attempted murder was complicated. Yang Yi sent Su Zhi to the police station to turn himself in, giving him a chance.

If he cooperated actively, had a good attitude, and behaved well, he would be in jail for just a few years.

As long as Su Zhi could survive, it didn't matter even if one of his hands was broken, let alone being in prison for a few years?

If it had been someone else, Yang Yi would have already taken action.

If Yang Yi hadn't cared about the past, Su Zhi wouldn't have been in jail for just a few years.

Let Su Zhi get Yang Yi in trouble again? How was that possible!

Didn't the current situation of the Su Group explain anything?

If it happens again, not only the Su Group will have a problem!

If Su Zhi dared to hurt Yang Yi again, Yang Yi wouldn't have to deal with him by himself. Old Su would punish his disappointing son first!

"Okay, I hope you can keep your word."

Old Su replied in a hurry and then hung up the phone. With his back bent, he sighed, "God... It's all fate..."

As a parent, it was not good to see his son in jail.

Seeing that the Su Group, which he had worked hard for most of his life when he was young, had become what it was now, Old Su breathed a sigh of relief.

He accepted Yang Yi's request and saved the Su Group, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, and also saved Su Zhi.

But as a loser and a man who had succeeded for more than half of his life, the pride in Old Su's heart was destroyed...

Overnight, Old Su's temperament changed dramatically.

There were not many black hairs on his originally gray hair, showing a deathly pale color.

His back was also bent down. His figure was thin, and his arrogance was gone.

Old Su completely unloaded all the burden on his body and became an ordinary old man, not as strong as before.

When Su Zhi saw Old Su, he was also shocked. His eyes widened. It took him a long time to recover.

He didn't expect that only one day after the accident of the Su Group, his father had changed greatly, not as heroic as before.

Looking at Old Su, Su Zhi felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what it was.

But when he saw the tired look in Old Su's eyes, he immediately panicked.

Su Zhi knew his father very well.

Although the current situation was desperate, Old Su would never accept his fate and he would fight for a glimmer of hope.

To achieve his goal, he would do anything, regardless of the consequences.

Because he dared to think, to fight, to do, and to be cruel enough.

It was also because of this that Old Su could work hard to establish the Su Group.

Not to mention that the huge loss of the Su Group had fallen into the crisis of public opinion, even if Old Su was facing a life and death crisis, he would not give up hope.

But now, his father's expression undoubtedly struck a heavy blow to Su Zhi's heart.

The Su Group was completely doomed. There was no hope. The Su Group was doomed!

Su Zhi shivered, and asked in a trembling voice, "Dad, what can I do for you?"

Seeing the fear on his son's face, Old Su understood everything. He sighed in his heart and his breath became more and more decadent.

After Old Su told Su Zhi what had happened, Su Zhi fell to the ground in an instant. His hands and feet were cold, and his face was pale and blue.

When Su Zhi learned that all this was planned by Yang Yi and that the Su Group was going to be driven into a dead end, he was even frightened into a cold sweat.

Recalling what had happened before, he had a new understanding of Yang Yi's sophistication and ability.

Thinking that he had hired killers to assassinate Yang Yi, Su Zhi felt a lingering fear.

But when he heard from Old Su that he had to go to the police station and confess the hire of the killer, his face changed again.

Anger made him dizzy. Stubbornly, he roared with a dark face, "No! Why do you want me to go to jail? Isn't he fine?"

As far as Su Zhi knew, Yang Yi was still the inferior one who had married into his family.

Not to mention putting himself in jail, it was not right for Yang Yi to scold him.

The next moment, Su Zhi's head jerked to the side, and the huge force made him lean back.

When he steadied himself, he felt a burning pain on his face, which made Su Zhi even more furious.

When he was about to lose his temper, he met his father's murderous eyes. Su Zhi shrank his head and didn't dare to say anything.

On the other hand, Old Su was very angry with his unfilial son.

His blood and energy were constantly surging, and he straightened his back. The aura on his body also changed sharply. He pointed at Su Zhi's nose and scolded:

"Son of a bitch! Listen to yourself! How did I give birth to such a thing like you? Oh God, please!"