
Chapter 37 Yang Ye Capital Joined the Su Group

"The Su Group is in a bad situation. If it goes on like this, it will fall in less than ten days!"

"Not only that. If those house owners make such a fuss, even the officials won't give the Su Group a good result."

"In this situation, let's see who can save the Su Group. Even Jesus can't save the Su Group, right?"

As a result, the whole Internet was talking about the Su Group.

They all agreed that no one would clean up the mess of the Su Group now. They were very willing to talk about this, and some even joked that the Su Group would go bankrupt in a few days.

But no one expects that at this moment, a fund named Yang Ye Capital officially took over the Su Group, and publicly announced that it would invest 10 billion dollars in the Su Group!

As soon as the news was spread, it was known to all over the Internet with the bad reputation of the Su Group.

All the netizens were curious about why someone would take over the stock market of the Su Group, which was such a big mess.

Without any hesitation, he invested 10 billion dollars in it.

People who knew the news also began to pay attention to the boss of Yang Ye Capital for various purposes... Yang Yi.

They wanted to know who this Yang Yi was, and why he had to spend money on the mess of the Su Group.

No matter how rich a person was, he wouldn't lose the money directly. Wasn't it just burning with too much money?

Soon, the information of Yang Ye Capital and his boss Yang Yi was found out and posted on the major software platforms.

Looking at the information on it, everyone could not help but take a deep breath. They could not believe it.

According to several public transactions of Yang Ye Capital, from the beginning, the Yang Ye Capital fund was less than 50 million, and in a short time, it had swept through the financial market of about 10 billion, which was terrifying.

And Yang Yi, the boss of Yang Ye Capital, was the loser son-in-law of the Su Group who had been deprived of all the property.

This piece of data shocked everyone, and netizens forwarded the news to cause a hot discussion.

When everyone saw the news, they all doubted the authenticity of the data.

In this way, it was possible to increase the profit dozens of times in a short time in the financial market.

However, this kind of thing was rare. Only a few masters in the country could do it.

It would be fine if they took action, but the boss of Yang Ye Capital, Yang Yi, had never been exposed to the public before.

As a son-in-law, Yang Yi had always acted in low profile and had never shown off his ability in front of others.

Such a strange person to the public made about ten billion in less than a month with five hundred million dollars. It was amazing.

Many netizens even joked, "Friend, lend me 5 hundred million. I'll pay you back if I make 10 billion next month!"!

However, such comments didn't appear for long before they were dispelled by the official statement of the Dragon Bank.

As soon as the news came out, Dragon Bank immediately responded, confirming the authenticity of the transaction, and exposing Yang Yi's account.

Now, there were still about ten billion dollars in Yang Yi's account. The rumor also disappeared.

The first one to react was the shareholders.

Seeing the about ten billion dollars in Yang Yi's account, many shareholders who had bought the shares of the Su Group felt relieved and stopped panicking.

When other shareholders heard such good news, they all paid attention to the stock of the Su Group.

Seeing the low-price stock of the Su Group that had just been bottom fishing by Yang Yi, many stock market veterans' eyes lit up.

Now, the Su Group, whether it was stock price or investment opportunity, was worth fighting!

Even if there was a problem, the about 10billion in Yang Yi's account was enough to compensate for the shares.

It was a good deal. If they didn't hurry up, they would be stupid.

Now the good news stimulated the stock market of the Su Group, and the stock price of the Su Group began to rise.

Not long after, Yang Yi had earned a profit from the 6 billion that the Su Group had used to plagiarize.

Yang Yi didn't dare to imagine how many surprises the Su Group would bring to him after it went back on track

Even Su Wang couldn't help clapping his hands and praising Yang Yi's series of operations.

First, took over the whole money of Su Group, and then took control of it.

Such extreme pulling was bold. If there was any mistake or change, they would lose all.

But Yang Yi didn't fail. The whole plan was carried out smoothly one after another.

Even the people Yang Yi brought with him were highly praised by Su Wang. He wished he could dig them out and use them for himself.

At the same time, he was also shocked by how Yang Yi trained his men.

Since he was a child, his family had attached great importance to him and invested in his training. He had a lot of overseas masters' guidance on management.

On the contrary, Yang Yi was just a poor boy. He had only learned management and finance from the Su Group when he joined the Su Group in the magic city.

However, if the two of them were to be compared in terms of skills and strength, it would end in a draw or he would even be suppressed by Yang Yi.

It could be seen how terrifying Yang Yi's talent was.

Just for this plan, Yang Yi took over the stock, which made his status soar and gets close to 20 billion.

In just a few days, Yang Yi had changed from a broken son-in-law to counterattack the Su Group and completely ruled it. It was a miracle.

A few days later, Yang Yi stood in front of the detention center of the magic city and looked at it quietly.

Today, he came with Old Su to accompany Su Zhi.

Not long ago, Su Zhi followed Old Su's advice and went to the police station to turn himself in.

Because of the attempted murder and he had a good attitude to apologize. The court also gave him a lenient sentence, and he was only sentenced to five years.

Now that the verdict was issued, Su Zhi was naturally taken to the detention center as a criminal.

Su Zhi was crying, tears streaming down his cheeks and saying his farewells to Old Su.

The handcuffs on his wrists reflected the light in the sun, looking particularly cold.

Seeing his son crying, Old Su's eyes were slightly moist. He stared at Su Zhi's fair face for a long time.

After a while, he reached out his hand, and patted Su Zhi on the shoulder, without saying anything.

After getting along with Old Su for so many years, Yang Yi of course knew how sad he was.

He stepped forward, put his arm around Su Zhi's shoulder, looked at him, and said seriously:

"Bro, I had arranged everything for you. You don't need to worry about food and clothing, and the police won't make things difficult for you."

"Just take it as being grounded for a few years. Don't be too sad. Your father and I will often come to see you. We will pick you up as soon as you come out."

Yang Yi said in a low voice. Seeing Su Zhi's sincere repentance, he didn't say anything unpleasant on the day of separation.

On the contrary, he cared more about Su Zhi than anything else.