
Chapter 35 Take Over the Su Group

"It's just because Old Su is an old fox, he will definitely agree to the deal."

"Because he knows that no one can save the Su Group now. Only when I acquire the Su Group and officially take control can they have a chance of survival."

After saying that, the corners of Yang Yi's mouth rose slightly, and his eyes flickered as if he was thinking about something.

And no one present was stupid. They immediately understood what Yang Yi meant, and nodded in agreement.

Indeed, in the current situation, the Su Group's situation was extremely bad.

Although he could solve all the problems with a huge amount of money, then the words that the Su Group had no money would be scotched.

But then again, who would be so rich to do that?

Although there were many rich people in the world, the Su Group had to be worth so much money.

Obviously, the Su Group was a complete mess now.

It would ruin others' reputations, let alone its value. It was just a hot potato to keep in hands.

Even if a person had money, he would rather spend billions than spoil his reputation.

Therefore, in order to untie the bell, the person who tied it had to do so. If he wanted to solve the problem without spending a huge amount of money, he couldn't get rid of Yang Yi.

If Yang Yi didn't want the Su Group to survive, it would definitely go bankrupt.

On the contrary, if Yang Yi wanted the Su Group to survive, he had many ways.

In other words, as the founder of the Su Group, Old Su couldn't watch the Su Group that he had worked hard to go bankrupt.

The only way for him to make the Su Group survive this crisis was to try his best to please Yang Yi and meet Yang Yi's requirements.

Not to mention buying shares, even Old Su can massage your feet and shoulders.

And judging from Yang Yi's expression, he undoubted that he had already thought of the follow-up when he planned for shorting Su Group.

Do you think the biggest harvest of his plan is the billions?

No, the real harvest of Yang Yi was still the whole Su Group!

For people like Yang Yi, it wouldn't take him long to get back the billions.

But the shame he had been expelled from the Su Group and the hatred Su Zhi had with him all needed to be settled.

And now, it was an once-in-a-lifetime good opportunity.

He could work together with Su Wang. He could short the Su Group and make money, and at the same time, he could take revenge for Su Xiaoyu who almost died in the Lincoln because of Su Zhi.

Not only that, but he could also take control of the Su Group in one go and get rid of the past thoroughly.

There would not be many chances like this even in the future.


Sure enough, on the early morning of the second day, Old Su called him in person.

Looking at the caller ID, Yang Yi raised his eyebrows at Xia Meili and answered the phone.

"Well, what can I do for you, Old Su?"

Yang Yi said as soon as the phone was connected.

Without giving Old Su a chance to beat around the Bush, he went straight to the point and asked.

When Old Su was about to say something, his throat was blocked, and he couldn't speak.

Knowing Yang Yi's intention, Old Su stopped beating around the Bush and asked directly:

"Is Offshore Company yours? Do you want to buy the shares in the hands of the small shareholders of the Su Group?"


Yang Yi replied briskly as if he was answering an ordinary question.

Then, Yang Yi changed the subject, and said in a somewhat playful tone, "But, Old Su, are you willing to sell it?"

He didn't expect that Yang Yi would admit it so generously. Old Su, who had already made a plan in his mind, was also confused.

Facing Yang Yi's playful tone, Old Su was more cautious and didn't know how to respond.

"... I agreed."

After a long silence, Old Su finally opened his mouth. His words determined the movements of the whole Su Group.

Hearing Old Su's answer, Yang Yi smiled and didn't avoid him. He pretended to be surprised and said to Xia Meili:

"Really? Since I have talked to Old Su, Xia Meili, buy all the shares of the small shareholders of the Su Group in time!"

"Yes, sir!"

Xia Meili nodded and replied. Then she turned around and left the office.

Yang Yi, on the other hand, put his phone on the desk and didn't hang up. Instead, he buried himself in his work.

Hearing the sound of conversation and the faint sound of flipping through documents on the other end of the phone, Old Su's face darkened a little.

He turned to look at the scattered documents on the ground and had no idea what to do.

In the document, there were all kinds of situations that he could not solve.

All the documents were about one word—money.

His assistant also sent him a message, with several shares transfer agreements.

Old Su couldn't wait any longer, and asked Yang Yi to help him:

"Including 15% of Su Zhi's shares, plus the shares purchased in the secondary market, you already have 51% of the shares. It's time to save the Su Group, right?"

The Su Group had suffered a loss for so long, and it was a spent arrow.

Every minute and second was a loss to the only remaining funds and employees of the Su Group. Old Su really couldn't face it calmly.

In his eyes, the Su Group was more important than the old grudges.

But now, only Yang Yi dared to take over the Su Group.

Yang Yi understood his anxiety. He smiled coldly and said:

"Don't worry. I will do it."

"But before we do it, we should settle our accounts."

Old Su was also a smart man. Hearing this, he sighed deeply, and then calmed down:

"Okay, go ahead. I'll try my best to cooperate."

In the end, he still couldn't escape this calamity.

In the final analysis, this was also their retribution. Everything was a result of their own evil, and they could not blame anyone else.

"Don't be nervous, Old Su. I mean no harm."

"I just feel that you are getting old. You should live a peaceful life in the future."

When Yang Yi said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, but then disappeared in an instant.

Although it was a caring tone, it was as cold as his tone.

Old Su seemed to feel the coldness from the other side of the phone.

It was as if he had fallen into a cold pond, making him feel the piercing coldness, and he could not help but shiver.

He knew what Yang Yi meant. Though Yang Yi said that he was getting old and should live a peaceful life in the future.

In fact, Yang Yi prevented him from interfering in the management of the Su Group and deprived him of his duty as the chairman.

But even if he knew it clearly, he had no choice but to accept it. From the beginning, he had no choice.