
A School Boy Fantasy

Are you looking for a thrilling high school story that explores the dangers of fulfilling wild fantasies? Follow the journey of a teenager who discovers mysterious superpowers and uses them to fulfill his desires, but soon realizes the heavy responsibilities that come with such abilities. This captivating read is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you pondering the consequences of taking power into your own hands.

LiL_A · Teen
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10 Chs


Looking around the bus guiltily, my eyes shifted back and forth as a new idea came to my mind. I froze time once again and slowly and cautiously got up from my seat. To my surprise, the seat had become solid like cement, just like the frozen cyclist from earlier. Although, it wasn't surprising considering the cheap plastic covering on the seat felt like granite even without the time stop.

With a mischievous grin, I attempted to nudge the head of the student sitting beside me but found it to be as immovable as a rock. I chuckled to myself before getting on top of the seat and posing in a silly manner with one foot on the student's head and the other on the seat. Looking around at the motionless students, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

"Amazing," I whispered to myself, as I lowered myself down and settled onto the solid seat, which regained a bit of its softness as time started again. A satisfied grin spread across my face as the commotion around me resumed, and I felt as though the potential of this power was growing more and more limitless with every passing moment.

After we arrived at our destination, which was school, I decided to be sneaky and freeze time just as the bus came to a halt. I quickly grabbed my backpack, leaped over my seatmate, and headed to the front of the bus. When I reached the bus door, I resumed time and opened it myself before stepping out and closing it behind me.

I wasn't worried about anyone on the bus noticing my disappearance; I knew everyone would be too preoccupied or half-asleep to notice. So I slung my backpack over my shoulders and ventured into the motionless world, making my way onto the school grounds.

In just one morning, I had already begun to hone my unreal ability, which seemed to have no limits other than my own imagination. I gazed around in wonder at the silence and stillness that surrounded me, a stark contrast to the usual chaos of the early school rush - noisy, bustling, and frenzied.

Entering the midst of a large group of students, I resumed time and suddenly found myself amidst the hustle and bustle of the morning rush. Falling into the rhythm of my usual routine, I blended in with the crowd.

I made my way to the cafeteria, picked up my regular breakfast, and settled into my usual spot, relishing the peace and quiet away from the chaos of high school. The bus was always running late, so I took the opportunity to use my newfound power to stop time while I ate. With few students around, I could scarf down my food at lightning speed without anyone noticing.

In the midst of the extraordinary stillness, I leisurely finished my meal with ample time left before the bell rang. As soon as I resumed time, I stood up and discarded my disposable tray in the bin before heading outdoors. With some spare time on my hands, I strolled over to my usual circle of friends for a brief chat. They were taken aback by my early appearance and couldn't resist making a jest about my tardiness in finishing breakfast. Slowly smirking, I allowed them to rib me in good humor.

Soon after, the school bell rang, and my friends and I parted ways as we headed to our first-period classes. The hallways were crowded, and the sound of shuffling feet and chattering voices was overwhelming. As someone shorter than most, I struggled to see beyond the people in front of me. To make matters worse, I was often stuck behind the bigger guys who seemed to have an aversion to soap, making the air unbearable to breathe.

Making my way out of the crowded hallways, I couldn't help but feel relieved as I finally reached my first class: World History. It was an "odd day," which meant I had double the usual class time for my first, third, and fifth periods.

The class proved to be as tedious as expected, with the usual assignments and textbook readings. I wasn't particularly invested in the lesson and felt a bit drained. Staying up late on the computer had become a regular occurrence for me. Utilizing my newfound ability, I took advantage of the silence and stopped time for a quick nap. The absence of noise helped me drift off to sleep. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I was able to maintain control of my powers even while unconscious.

After the power nap, I found myself more interested in the class and managed to make it through the remaining work with some level of engagement. However, my mind couldn't help but wander to my newfound ability and I would occasionally amuse myself by stopping time and watching the rest of the class move in slow motion.

Once the teacher got up to help a student, I took the opportunity to freeze time. I looked around his desk and noticed a pen holder. Out of curiosity, I touched the pens and to my surprise, they became mobile again. This was a realization that I could control specific things to become mobile in this time-stopped world, similar to what I did with the birds but in reverse.

A quick chuckle escaped my lips as I swiftly stowed all the pens in the desk drawer. After returning to my seat and resuming time, I kept watch until the teacher returned to his desk. He sat down and reached for a pen, only to find none there. The expression of shock on his face was priceless.

Soon, the bell signaled the end of the class, and it was time for my favorite period: Biology. It wasn't because the class was exciting – it was actually quite tedious – but rather because the students in the class were stunning.

Before the throngs of students filled the hallway, I managed to slip out and head to my next class. Making my way up the stairs and down the hall, I settled into my seat at the back of the room while my classmates chattered among themselves. Letting out a sigh, I couldn't help but admire the beautiful girls that surrounded me in my Biology class.

As my classmates gradually filled the classroom, I couldn't help but gaze at the beautiful girls who captured my attention. However, there was one stunning girl, Jennifer, who always arrived fashionably late, just before the bell. Despite not knowing any of them very well, Jennifer was particularly disdainful towards me.