
A School Boy Fantasy

Are you looking for a thrilling high school story that explores the dangers of fulfilling wild fantasies? Follow the journey of a teenager who discovers mysterious superpowers and uses them to fulfill his desires, but soon realizes the heavy responsibilities that come with such abilities. This captivating read is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat and leave you pondering the consequences of taking power into your own hands.

LiL_A · Teen
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10 Chs


In 2001, although it wasn't a space odyssey by any means, it marked a vivid period in my life. Specifically, during the winter season which I have always found enjoyable because of the crisp, refreshing air that feels like a harbinger of change. It's as though grander opportunities are only a gust of wind away.

At 18 years old, I was a typical high school senior, constantly grappling with teenage hormones that seemed to never subside. My school was teeming with attractive girls, and coupled with any images I could find on the internet, my mind concocted a never-ending stream of fantasies.

My mind would invariably wander during school, day after day, as I was surrounded by a bevy of attractive girls my age, seated just a few feet away. Their youthful bodies were curvaceous and filled out in all the right places, and I couldn't help but notice the alluring scent of their distinct perfumes and the meticulous grooming they invested in.

To put it plainly, I was frequently overwhelmed by sexual desire and fantasized constantly about the opposite sex. However, they didn't reciprocate my interest. Unfortunately, I had a reputation as a wild child that persisted from my childhood into my teenage years, making me the polar opposite of the stereotypical tall, dark, and mysterious male fantasy. I was just an average, relatively short, blond guy without any extraordinary academic or athletic achievements. As a result, I relied on my imagination and engaged in frivolous activities like daydreaming and writing stories about my crushes. I knew that the chances of fulfilling any of my desires were nonexistent.

However, one Monday morning, I woke up and realized that I possessed an unusual superpower that had seemingly materialized out of nowhere. It wasn't a remarkable feat, as I had woken up countless times before. This power had no elaborate origin story or a complex plot to explain it; it was simply an inexplicable occurrence that had taken place. That was all there was to it.

It wasn't until that particular morning, as I strolled down the city sidewalk towards the school bus with my backpack hoisted on my shoulders, that I discovered my newfound ability. Since it was only slightly chilly outside, I had decided against wearing a sweater. I resided in a beach-adjacent apartment building in the city, so the salty scent of the ocean was ever-present, regardless of the time of day. The sun hadn't even risen yet, and I couldn't help but question why I had to wake up before the sun just to make it to school. It felt like a form of torture to me.

As I ruminated on the significance of beauty sleep, an inattentive cyclist abruptly appeared out of nowhere and careened towards me. I was startled and panicked, raising my hands to shield myself and brace for the impending collision. However, all of a sudden, everything fell silent.

With trepidation, I cautiously opened my eyes, hoping that I had not been injured to the point of requiring hospitalization. To my astonishment, I appeared to be perfectly unharmed. However, the cyclist appeared to be entirely immobile, as if time had abruptly come to a halt. I surveyed my surroundings with a sense of awe - the world around me had come to a complete standstill. The rustling of the trees had ceased, the cars on the street had come to a halt, and the flickering of the nearby street light had finally stopped. Everything was as motionless as the bicyclist was, with the exception of myself.

In a composed manner, I sidestepped the incoming cyclist and proceeded to walk around, my mouth slightly ajar in wonder as I observed my surroundings with great curiosity. I noticed a few individuals in the distance who appeared to be suspended in motion and the once-swaying tree branches were now fixed in a bent position. However, what struck me the most was the absolute silence - complete and utter stillness. The only sounds that I could hear were my own. Overwhelmed by my bewilderment, I couldn't help but mutter my first words aloud, "Okay... what's going on?"

I touched the frozen bicyclist's arm, feeling its solidness in amazement. It was both stunning and yet made perfect sense to me. "Did I cause this?" I questioned out loud. "And how do I make it stop?"

After taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I turned my attention back to my destination and began walking as if everything was normal, hoping time would resume. And just like that, it did. The sudden return of all sounds startled me, causing me to jump in surprise. I looked back at the cyclist who had sped past me without even noticing. Shaking my head in disbelief, I continued on my way.

As I walked on, I couldn't stop thinking about how I had managed to freeze time. Various wild theories raced through my mind, from being exposed to radioactive materials to being an extraterrestrial, or even a subject of a secret government experiment. Lost in thought, I began to imagine time freezing once again, and just like that, it did.

I was amazed as my eyes widened. When I thought about time resuming again, it did. I experimented several times, toggling time on and off like a light switch. It brought a smile to my face as everything moved in slow motion, like I was hitting 'pause' on a video game repeatedly. Despite my lack of attention in class, I had always been a quick learner.

At my bus stop, the other kids were standing around like zombies, as usual. I wasn't interested in making small talk so early in the morning, and they seemed to feel the same way. However, I couldn't help but feel elated as I stood there with a big grin on my face. I knew that having this incredible new power was going to be amazing.

While riding the bus to school, with the sunrise in sight, I continued to experiment with my newfound power for my own amusement. I quickly became skilled at using it, and it soon became second nature to me, activated with a simple blink. However, I couldn't keep my eyes open all the time, so I had to think about it while blinking in order to make it work.

I entertained myself during the bus ride by playing games with my newfound power. I paused time to read license plates of passing cars, or to observe what people were doing inside their vehicles. It was an endless source of amusement to witness people singing, eating, scolding their children, or using these new devices called cell phones, which were becoming increasingly popular.

As I froze time to look up at the birds flying overhead, I noticed that they were the only things that had frozen. This sudden realization sent me into a panic, and I quickly resumed time for them before anyone could notice what had happened.